Chatting with Kenny

I was wandering around the farm aimlessly, completely bored and I happened to see Kenny having fun swinging his son, Kenny Jr, or Duck as his parents call him, on the swingset with Clementine watching behind them.

Lee was following a few feet behind me, huh... weird, I don't know why, but this feels somewhat... familiar? Whatever.

"Hey Kenny, what'cha doing?" I asked.

"Oh hey Tom, I'm just playing with my little duckling," Kenny said, referring to Duck in a teasing tone.

"Dad! You know I hate that nickname!" Duck complained as he continued getting pushed on the swingset by his father.

"So... how's it like?" Kenny asked.

"How's what like?" I asked in response.

"You know, knowing that you can't be killed by the walkers," Kenny said.

"Oh, no... I CAN be killed by them, I just can't get infected... if those fuckers sink their teeth into my throat, I'm a goner" I said, correcting Kenny.

"Oh, right... but it's gotta have its benefits other than just not turning, right?" Kenny asked.

"Well, when a walker bites me, I get twice as strong, which is pretty cool... and I don't get any permanent wounds from being bitten which is kind of useful... but, it pales in comparison to Clem's mutation, doesn't it Clem?" I asked Clementine.

"What? No! I mean, your power is really cool too Tom! I... uh... but, yeah... mine's probably cooler... sorry?" Clementine said embarrassedly.

"It's alright... say, where'd your hat go?" I asked.

"Oh, I... lost it, but Lee said he'll help me find it!" Clementine said happily.

"Well, I hope he finds it, and if I see it around the motel when we get back, you'll be the first person I tell, okay kid?" I said.

"Okay!" Clementine said, a grin plastered over her face.

"Hey Kenny" Lee said as he walked over, "We need to talk about this place..."

"Alright, I'm all for it... so, found anything interesting?" Kenny asked, "And Tom, if you found anything interesting too, I'd like to know"

"Alright," I said, "I'll keep you guys updated if I see something amiss..."

"Well, I'm just trying to make sure this place is secure, in case we decide to make this a more long-term solution. And, except for those people in the woods, this place seems pretty safe" Lee said.

"Good to know. Keep your ears open for anything else that might help us" Kenny said.

"...How are you holding up?" Lee asked.

"I hope they feed us, Lee. Soon, on the way over here I was getting dizzy, hands shakin', cold sweats, thought I was gonna pass out" Kenny said.

"Well, they've got food here... that's for sure," Lee said with a warm smile.

"Yeah, but I'm not just talking about one meal, ya know?" Kenny said.

"Well... I guess uh... Lily isn't too thrilled about being here" Lee said.

"I could give two shits about what Lily wants, Duck and Katjaa need food, and I'm not about to sit around at that Motor Inn and watch them go hungry," Kenny said, "You're with me on this, right?

"Yeah, of course. Lily's judgment is clouded, but you've got a pretty clear head about these things" Lee said, "But anyways... did Duck and Katjaa get here okay?"

"Well, it wasn't easy. Duck didn't look so good on the walk over to this place" Kenny said.

"...If everything works out, maybe he and Katjaa can have an easier life here" Lee said.

"I hope you're right. Duck and Clementine deserve a better life than starving to death at some crappy motel" Kenny said.

"Well, I'm gonna go have a look around," Lee said.

"Don't wait too long to scope out that bandit camp. It'd be a good opportunity to find a bit more out about the St. John's and their relationship with those... bandits or whatever" Kenny said.

"Right. I'll see what I can find out" Lee said as he walked away.

"Well, I'm gonna go see if there's anything for me to do around here Kenny... I'll probably go with Lee to scope out the bandit camp... do you want to come along?" I asked.

"Nah, we need to keep our people protected here," Kenny said.

"It'll be fine, we have Lily, Larry, Zabuza, and Riza here... that's definitely more than enough hands to take out any threats, come along... we'll have a great time," I said with a grin.

"Well, if you put it like that... I'll get my rifle and head out with you when you're all heading out" Kenny said.

"Alright, and remember... don't just shoot the bandits, we don't HAVE to take human lives... unless absolutely necessary," I said.

"Yeah, I feel you, man... now, run along, I'll take care of the little ones," Kenny said.

"Alright, bye kids," I said as I walked away, hearing the children say their goodbyes as I left.

My grin grew slightly wider at that, as I began to return to wandering around aimlessly.