Bandit Camp Part: 1

I had waited around for about five to ten minutes, getting border by the second. Until I noticed Lee walking up to Andy and Danny.

'Looks like they're going to go out' I thought as I walked up behind Lee.

"Hey, can I come along? Kenny said he'd come too" I said to Lee.

"Well, alright... just have to talk with Andy and Danny first, to see when we're heading out," Lee said.

"Alright, just tell me when we go, I'll get Kenny and we'll head off, alright?" I said with a grin.

"Okay then," Lee said as he walked over to Andy and Danny, while I just leaned against a wall and listened to their conversation.

"Fellas," Lee said.

"How ya feelin', Lee? Look, I'm really sorry you and your friends almost got killed out there. We should have told you how dangerous it was" Andy said in a regretful tone.

"No shit" Lee said angrily.

"You saw what they did to your buddy. Nobody's safe here until we start to fight back" Danny said.

"But how?" Lee asked.

"The two of us should go out and do some recon, then we'll all mount up for some revenge" Danny suggested.

"Hell, yeah" Andy agreed.

"Who the fuck are these people in the woods?" Lee asked.

"We don't know. We think some of 'em used to work at the... uh, Big Box up the way" Andy said.

"Save Lots" Danny corrected.

"Yeah. Anyway, they're nutty as all hell and get mad when they're hungry" Andy said.

"So, are ya ready to head out there and find their camp?" Danny asked.

"Yeah. It'll be a good opportunity to find out a bit more about what we're up against. Let's do it, oh, and Tom and Kenny are coming along for some extra backup" Lee said.

"Well, alright then, I'll stay here and hold down the fort," Andy said.

"Remember: We're just doing reconnaissance for now. No use getting ourselves killed" Danny said.

"Alright, I'll get Tom and we'll go," Lee said as he walked over toward me.

"So, they agree?" I asked, acting as if I didn't hear their entire conversation.

"Yeah, get Kenny and let's go," Lee said.

"Alright," I said as I walked over to where Kenny was.

"Hey Tom, is it time?" Kenny asked.

"Yeah, get your gun, we're going... hunting," I said with a predatory grin, "Lee and Dan are waiting for us"

"Alright then, Kat take care of Duck and Clem, we're gonna go hunting with Lee and Dan, won't be too long. Love ya" Kenny said as he kissed Katjaa's forehead, grabbed his rifle and walked over to Lee and Danny with me in tow.

Clementine noticed us and ran towards Lee.

"Are you going now?" Clementine asked.

"Yeah. I'll be back soon Clementine" Lee reassured Clementine.

"...Please be lucky" Clementine said in a small voice.

"I will," Lee said, smiling.

The three of us followed Danny to the bandit camp, not knowing what to expect.