
"Well, I guess it's time to get to work," I said, as I walked over to the generator and turned it off and used the Multi-Tool to unscrew the bolts and took out a bolt along with what I assume to be a belt.

"That should do it for a decent distraction" I muttered to myself as I got up and walked away, just in the nick of time too. As Andy had just walked out of the barn.

"Fuckin' Danny. Where'd he find this piece of shit!?" Andy asked himself as he went to fix the generator. "Ah! Fucking thing threw a belt! Damn it all to the... son of a... fuck! This'll take forever"

I got bored and walked up to the house where Brenda and Larry were talking.

"We'll, uh... we'll finish talking later," Larry said as he walked away.

"You getting along with Larry?" I asked, "He's a good guy... just saying"

"Haha, he's just a big old sweetheart, ain't he?" Brenda said.

"Yeah, he's a really nice guy, once you get to know him... and don't get on his bad side... too much," I said with a smile on my face, "His daughter's also pretty cool too"

"Oh, really now? Well, I think I should meet her too. If she's as nice as her pa, then she's alright in my books!" Brenda said with a grin.

"So, what do y'all keep in the barn back there... besides cows I mean?" I asked, "Just curious is all"

"Well, someone's gettin' a little nosey, aren't they? Well, it's nothin' interesting. I can promise you that much. Just a few tools and such, takes a lot to run a farm. That's all" Brenda said.

"Yeah, that makes sense... well, it was a pleasure speaking to you my fair lady," I said sarcastically as I did a small bow, "But it seems that I must leave. May we meet again"

"Haha, don't wander too far. Dinner'll be ready before you know it" Brenda said with a laugh.

I then left Brenda to her own devices.

'I know exactly what you're planning you southern bitch' I thought.

I then walked over to Danny who was sitting on a tree stump, rubbing his rifle.

'Weird...' I thought.

"Hello," Danny said, "What is it?"

"I saw a wheelbarrow over there, full of garbage. Some bloody clothes too" I said as I pointed over to the wheelbarrow.

"Things happen on a dairy, just the other day I cut myself pretty darn bad. Blood everywhere" Danny said.

"Well, you seem okay," I said suspiciously.

"I'm tough," Danny said.

"Well, I'm gonna go wait for supper... see you later, then," I said as I walked off.

"It'll be a good one," Danny said as I continued to walk away.

'Yup, definitely cannibals... you can practically smell the human flesh coming off of the assholes' I thought as I walked back to the barn.