The Door

I walked into the barn, to see Lee picking the lock and Kenny watching the door, looking at me shocked.

"Jesus man, ya scared me. I thought you were Andy... anyways, have a look, Lee's almost done with the lock" Kenny said as he pointed over to Lee.

As he pointed, the bell that signified that dinner was ready went off.

"Mom! Dad! Dinner time! It's dinner time!" Duck shouted excitedly.

"Okay honey, let's get dad," Katjaa said.

"Dad! Dad! Come on! Let's eat!" Duck said as he ran over to his father, Kenny.

"Kenny? Come along honey" Katjaa said, "Come on, don't make the children wait"

"I'll make an excuse for the both of you, just get that thing off and tell me about when we get back!" Kenny whispered as he left the barn with his wife and son.

"Here, use this... it'll probably be easier this way," I said as I handed the Multi-Tool over to Lee.

"Thanks," Lee said as he began to unlock the door by using the Multi-Tool that I had given him to unscrew the screws.

"C'mon, hurry... I don't want one of those assholes seeing us" I said, trying to rush Lee into unscrewing the lock.

"Just... give me a... got it!" Lee said as he successfully unscrewed the lock and opened the door.

"Alright what do we have... holy shit!" I exclaimed as I looked into the room, it was full of blood, everywhere and there were blades... everywhere. Looked like it was recently used too, maybe a few days ago at most, and there was a bathtub filled with what I'm just going to assume is blood, "I fucking knew it" I said under my breath.

Lee just looked shocked at what he saw.

"Boys, didn't Y'all hear the bell?" Someone said from behind us, causing us to turn around in shock, "Dinner time"

It was Andy St. John who said that.

"What the hell is that in the back room!?" Lee asked, demanding an explanation.

"Look. We have food here, but Danny and I still gotta do a lot of hunting to keep everyone fed. When we catch something in the woods, we skin it and dress it back there" Andy said as he pointed at the room behind us, "Mama doesn't like us to make a mess in the house. So you see? Nothin' to worry about"

"Alright, well that makes sense Andy, let's go get some dinner now! I'm absolutely starved!" I said in an excited tone as I walked out of the barn with Lee and Andy behind me.