
Lee, Andy and I walked into the St. John house.

"Brenda, you are an angel!" We heard Larry say in delight.

"Biscuits! Wow!" Duck said gleefully, "Oh boy!"

Lily walked passed us, looking in my direction, concerned.

I simply gave her a small nod, causing her eyes to widen slightly, as she walked to the table in a quick fashion.

"Excuse the mess. We had to block the back door after a walker got upstairs" Andy said, "But don't worry, that was a while ago and they ain't been back ever since"

We walked into the dining room.

"Everybody, sit down and I'll go get the meal. Ooh, this is truly a delight!" Brenda said happily.

"Ha, I could eat a horse!" Kenny said happily.

"Where's Mark?" Lee asked.

"Now don't you worry about him. I've already brought some food up. He just needs some rest and he'll be right as rain in no time!" Brenda said.

"...Mind if I wash my hands first?" Lee asked.

"Bathroom's right outside in the hall. And be sure to get under your nails, you've been muckin' around in the dirt all day" Brenda said.

'Looks like Lee's on to something... I'll join him, maybe we'll be able to plan out an attack on these assholes' I thought to myself.

"Ah crap, me too. I forgot to wash my hands too, haha. Wait up, Lee!" I said as I ran over to Lee.

"Huh? Okay" Lee said as he walked upstairs with me behind him.

We looked around the upstairs looking for... anything.

Until Lee came across a closet with a cord coming out of it. Leading into the next room.

"What the hell?" Lee muttered.

"Dude, listen... we have to get prepared for the worst" I said to Lee.

"What do you mean?" Lee asked.

"I mean, I'm around 99% sure that these fucks are cannibals..." I said.

"Wait, cannibals? You can't be serious man. Don't pull my leg" Lee said.

"Didn't you see the fucking room in the barn!? They're chopping people up and eating them!" I exclaimed in a whisper.

"Nah man, those were for animals, you know. Protein" Lee said.

"And what about those bear traps? The ones that look VERY similar to the ones we found earlier today? What do you say about those?" I asked Lee.

"I... just shut up man, they're not cannibals, sure they might be hiding something. But nobody's that fucked up! Especially when we have to work together to survive all of this shit!" Lee said.

"Alright... let's make a bet," I said.

"What sort of bet?" Lee asked.

"If they turn out to be cannibals. You have to do me a singular favour, no matter how big. But! Before you say "No", if you win, I'll do YOU a favour, no matter how big! That a good bet?" I asked.

"Sure, fine... and just so you know, I'm only agreeing to this because I'm right," Lee said as we walked into the bedroom that Mark was supposed to be staying in.

"Huh, weird... looks like Mark's not here... but, that doesn't make sense. Didn't Brenda say that he was resting up here... unless, cannibals!" I said, much to the annoyance of Lee.

"Hey, what's that?" Lee asked, wanting to change the subject as he pointed at the bookshelf that had a light coming from underneath it.

"Maybe a secret room where they butcher people up in," I said, "You know. Because they're fucking cannibals!"

"Shut up and help me push this thing," Lee said in an annoyed tone.

"Fine!" I said as I helped Lee push the bookshelf away, revealing a door that was behind it.

Lee opened the door, to reveal...
