"Don't... eat... dinner"

Mark was on the ground, covered in blood. His legs missing.

"Lee... Tom..." Mark said weakly.

"Mark... what the hell happened!?" Lee asked.

"...Brothers..." Mark said.

"What the hell happened to your legs man!?" Lee asked again.

"Don't... eat... dinner" Mark warned weakly.

"Lee, Tom, did one of y'all fall in? Dinner's on the table and everyone's having at it" Brenda shouted out.

"Clementine..." Lee said as he ran out of the room.

"Let's go!" I shouted as I pulled out my pistol and ran down the stairs, shouting out, "Take them out now! Mark's gone! They fucking butchered him!"

I had finally got down the stairs with Lee behind me, we ran into the room to see Clementine about eat "dinner".

"Clementine NO!" Lee shouted.

Everyone looked at Lee confused.

'Looks like they didn't hear me' I thought.

"Lee, Tom, Jesus guys, did y'all find something?" Kenny asked.

"Sit down Lee, Tom, this lady just made the both of you a meal, you don't want to be rude!" Larry shouted.

I had then noticed Lily reaching for her pistol, so I gave her an approving nod.

"Mark is upstairs with his fucking legs cut off! You're eating him!" Lee shouted.

The group reacted with shock and confusion.

"You're scaring the kids, you guys," Kenny said.

Katjaa took Duck's plate of food away.

"Mom! I was eating that!" Duck complained.

"What's going on?" Kenny asked.

"They're picking us off to trade as meat!" Lee said.

"You're out of your skull!" Larry shouted.

"MARK is UPSTAIRS right now with NO LEGS!!!" Lee shouted angrily as he turned to Brenda, "Brenda, tell me he's not being eaten RIGHT NOW!"

Everyone turned to Brenda to see her answer.

"It's true," Brenda said with a sigh.

"Everything coulda turned out okay for you folks," Danny said.

"He woulda died anyway! We gotta think about LIVING!" Andy shouted.

"Settle down, honey... growing up in rural Georgia, you're taught not to waste, it's how I was raised and how I raised my boys. Now, you got monsters roamin' around that do nothing but eat people! And for what? To continue to rot 'til they eat some more!" Brenda said.

"Just... let us go" Lee said.

"Andy is right; we go after folks who were gonna die anyways, one way or another" Brenda said.

"...Like Y'all" Danny said.

"Clementine! Run!" Lee shouted.

"Nobody's going anywhere!" Andy shouted as he pulled out a pistol and Danny got up, holding a rifle in his hands.

"We got lots of use for y'all right here" Danny said creepily as he waved his gun around.

"What the... what... the fucking... what... fuck!" Larry exclaimed in a mixture of shock and confusion.

"Put your guns down! We're walking out of here!" Lily shouted as she got up and aimed her pistol at Andy.

"Everyone! Everything will be okay!" Lee said.

"Lee!... Lee!" Clementine said.

Andy then grabbed Clementine by her hair, effectively taking her hostage.

"I'll kill you!" Lee shouted as he ran to Andy, only to get stopped by the barrel of Danny's rifle being pressed up against his head.

We then heard the sound of something falling down the stairs, causing everyone to look in that direction.

We heard the sound of crawling coming towards us, eventually revealing an alive, but in pain Mark.

"Please... someone..." Mark said as he crawled towards the group, before slipping into unconsciousness.

"Clementi-" Lee said, before getting knocked unconscious by Danny.

"...Now, let's all calm down here a bit... don't want anything bad to happen to the little girl, do y'all? Why don't you two put your guns down and come with us peacefully" Andy suggested to Lily and I, "Maybe we won't have to kill all of Y'all..."

"Fuck you!" I shouted, as I shot Andy in the arm, disarming him.

"Jesus! Fuck! Andy!" Danny shouted as he looked at Andy in shock, before turning back to me angrily, "You son of a-"

Danny was then cut off by Lily shooting him in the back of the head, killing him.

"Danny!" Brenda shouted out, shocked.