Leaving The St. John Dairy

"Danny!" Brenda shouted as she ran to her son's still warm corpse.

"You son of a bitch!" Andy shouted angrily as he rushed at me with a knife in his hand, hoping to stab me.

"Oh, no you don't!" I said as I shot him in the knee, resulting in him falling to the ground in pain, tears in his eyes.

"Danny! Get up!" Brenda cried, as she tried to revive her dead son, "Please! Danny! Don't go! Please! Not like Terry!"

Most of the group just looked at the scene in shock. With the exclusions of Zabuza and surprisingly Lily.

"Let's go," I said angrily.

"What? We can't just leave these sick fucks alive Tom! They made my fucking son eat Mark!" Kenny shouted angrily as he ran up to the incapacitated Andy and kicked him in the gut, "These fucks shouldn't deserve to live!"

"You son of a bitch!" Brenda shouted out as she pulled out a revolver and shot Kenny in the leg.

"Gah! You fucking cunt!" Kenny shouted as he fell to the ground in pain, holding onto his leg.

"Zabuza... disarm her" I said.

"Yes, sir!," Zabuza said with a sadistic grin on his face that went unnoticed under his mask, as he walked up to Brenda and in a single motion, cut her left hand off completely.

"..." Brenda just looked at Zabuza in shock, before looking back at her now stump for a hand, "Gyaaaaaaah!!!!"

Brenda then fell to the floor, clutching her stump of a hand and screaming in pain.

"Let's go already! Come on!" I shouted.

Everyone began to walk outside.

I walked in a different direction, towards the legless Mark.

"Hey, buddy... wake up" I said as I shook Mark slightly to wake him up.

"Huh?... Oh, hey Tom... I had the... weirdest dream... we met these... lovely people... but it turned out... they weren't so... lovely... they cut off... my legs and... fed them to... the others... I was so scared... but then, you... and Lee found me... you... saved... me... thank you... Tom..." Mark said with a weak smile on his face as he slowly departed from the living world.

"Mark... my friend... I am truly sorry... if only I'd known, I would have stopped this from every happening... see you in the next life my friend" I said sadly as I shot Mark's corpse in the head to make sure that he didn't come back. And walked outside the house.

"Everyone, grab as many food and tools as you can, just... don't get the meat, those are probably from humans... and hey, we're going to make this shit last us for however long we can," I said with a small smile adorning my face.

Everyone went searching the entire dairy for food and tools to bring back to the motel.

I just sat down and watched as everyone looted the dairy. I didn't even notice Lily walking over and sitting next to me.

"Hey, how are you holding up?" Lily asked.

"I... I'm okay... it's just... Mark was my friend... and they... they... why did I have to be right? If only I was wrong... this would've gone a hell of a lot better... wouldn't it?" I muttered.

"...Can't say it would've been better if you were wrong... but, hey... you were right... which means... uh... sorry, I'm not really good at this sort of thing" Lily admitted.

"Yeah, me neither... I'm not the best at cheering others up either... heh... it's funny... I know how to lead groups of people with the maximum efficiency... but, I never learned the sacred art of cheering people up... probably a lost art by now, actually..." I said with a small smile.

"So, uh... do you just want to watch the sunset?" Lily asked, "In silence? No awkward small talk..."

"Sure, that... that sounds nice" I said, my smile getting slightly bigger.

Lily and I just watched the sunset for about an hour until we were forced to, and I quote "Stop being lovebirds for god's sake! There's a woman with a fucking hand missing and a guy with his knee shot out in the house right behind you!"... Kenny has such a way with words.

We began to walk back to the motel until we came across something peculiar.

A seemingly abandoned car with one of its doors open.

Lee, Kenny and I slowly walked up to the car, hoping there weren't any more strangers that would eat other... well, strangers.

"Hello?" Lee shouted as he slowly walked up to the car and peeked inside.

"Anything wrong with the car?" I asked.

"Out of gas..." Lee said, annoyed.

"Ah, crap..." I muttered, "We could've used the car to get us back to the motel"

"Oh crap!" Kenny said, as he was looking through the cars rear window, "Baby you gotta see this! There's a shitload of food and supplies back here!"

Everyone else ran up to the car to have a closer look.

"This food could really help us" Katjaa said.

"Not... all of us" Lily muttered.

"Yeah... poor Mark" Larry muttered in remorse, "He was a pretty good guy..."

"Look, we don't know if these people are dead" Doug said.

"If they come back, then we're just monsters who came out of the woods and ruined their lives" Lily said.

"This stuff isn't ours" Clementine spoke up.

"Yeah" I said as I crossed my arms, "We have enough food to last a while, and IF these people don't come back after... let's say a day or two, then we can take it, how about that? I can stay on watch for the next two days... anyone want to watch with me?"

"I'll watch the car for the next couple of days, and if the people do come back, we'll invite them to the group, who knows. They might be pretty good people" Lily said.

"If my baby girl's gonna watch the car, I'm going to as well... anyone else?" Larry asked.

"Fuck it, fine I'll watch too" Doug said.

"Alright then, us for will watch the car in turns, Lily and I will watch at night while Larry and Doug watch during the day. That sound good?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure" Doug said.

"I'd rather be with my daughter, but it's fine..." Larry said.

"Alright, now. We're gonna need to have enough food to last four people around two days, just in case... then we'll get to watching the car" I said.

"Right... here you go!" Kenny said as he handed me a box of food he was carrying from the dairy, "Oh! And here take these... never know when you'd need 'em!"

Kenny then handed me two knives, a cleaver and a sickle.

"Well, thanks guys... now, Y'all go along! Tell Carley and the boys that us four will be back in two days, okay! Two days!" I shouted.

"Alright! I'll see you guys later when we go to pick you four up!" Lee said as he and the group began to walk away.

We then began to watch the car, waiting for the owners to come back. Which surprisingly, didn't take long.

"Huh? Who are you?" A man asked, confused.