
The seven of us walked over to the Travelier Motel, with Doug guiding us and me... well, killing every dead son of a bitch that got in the way.

"Hey! Guys! We're back!" I shouted as we got to the gates of the motel.

"Alright, give me a minute, the fucking things jammed," Lee said in an annoyed tone as he pushed the jammed dumpster that we use as a gate away, "Well, come on in... and introduce us to these three"

"Alright, thanks... these three are Stanley, Tess and Elizabeth. They are the ones that owned the car, and they seem like good people" I said, making the family of three happy.

"Shit? So soon? Fuck, didn't actually expect you to actually find someone there" Kenny said as he walked over to us.

"Yeah, to be honest... I didn't expect anyone to come either. I was beginning to think that the owners were dead or dying, and we'd have just wasted like two days for nothing" I said with a small smile, "But, it looks like our time wasn't wasted, was it now"

"Well, that depends on what they can do," Kenny said.

"Wait, what do you mean by that?" Tess asked, "If we're not useful to the group... are... are you going to kick us out?"

"Shit, sorry... didn't mean for it to sound like that... if we kicked out people who were useless, well... we wouldn't have these kids here, would we?" Kenny said, "I'd like to think that y'all are safer in here than out there... but, it'd be helpful if you had any skills to help around the place so... do you?"

"Well, I was a nurse in training before all of this went down," Tess said.

"I coached little league... but, I'd like to think I'm smarter than others are... I'm pretty sure I could build some things to help out around here, like that alarm over there, and I must say. To the guy who built it, good job" Stanley said as he pointed at the alarm that Doug made.

Doug just smirked smugly at that comment.

"I mean yeah, it could use some improvements in certain areas... but, overall it's pretty good" Stanley added.

Doug then deflated slightly at that comment.

"So, someone else who can help with wounds and another potential engineer," Kenny said.

"Alright then, let's get you three settled in... your daughter here can go play with Clem and Duck, if that's fine with you," Lee said.

"Oh, that'd be nice... Lizzy, do you want to go play with those kids over there?" Tess asked her daughter.

"...Uh... yeah," Elizabeth said shyly, as her mother held her hand and walked with her to Duck and Clementine who were playing soccer.

"Oh yeah, your room can be over there, it's got a bed... which is better than you'd usually get most days," Kenny said.

Stanley then followed us inside and instantly went to inspect his room, mostly to see if it was safe for his family.