Two Years Part: 1

It had been a little over two years since we came to this world, I've loved and lost quite a few people during this time here.

I watched a lot of people die in front of me as I watched on, helpless to stop it.

Lee, Kenny and I came back from getting supplies from the pharmacy, and spoke to Lily about there not being anything left there.

About half an hour later, it happened.

A group of bandits attacked the motel.

We took most of them out, but we lost a couple of people.

Larry was surprisingly the first to die, he got shot down when the bandits raided the motel, Lily was absolutely distraught.

Riza was then shot in the back of the head as she tried to protect the rest of the group.

I was notified by the system that her soul was sent back to the summoning space, while her body for this world would remain here.

Then, Duck got bitten by a walker.

After we got everyone on the van and retreated from the motel, Kenny hit a walker, causing us to stop. And Lily, being the "genius" she is, decided to get to the bottom of who was to blame for the raid.

And in the heat of the moment, she shot and killed Doug.

It was a complete accident, from what I saw. Not the shooting part, but the killing of Doug certainly was an accident, as she was originally aiming for Carley. But, Doug just got in the way, he even used his Stoneskin mutation, but that did almost nothing to stop the point-blank bullet to the head.

Lee decided that she was staying with us, something that I had wholeheartedly supported.

We were once again stopped, but this time it was a train, right in front of us.

Kenny, Lee and I went through the train and eventually, after meeting a guy named Chuck who seemed friendly enough, we had found a way to get it running, so after getting everyone piled onto the train, we set off to Savanah to find Clem's parents and a boat, hopefully, one big enough to fit all of us.

Sadly, Katjaa and Duck... well, they died. Katjaa was told to kill her infected son, but instead, she shot herself in the head. Then, Kenny was forced to kill his still alive son... he was distraught after that.

I went to check in on Lily, to find her out of her binds, she gave me a kiss on the lips and pushed me out of the van while saying sorry, she then drove off to god knows where.

The train ride was SUPPOSED to be uneventful, but... unluckily it wasn't, as we had to come to a halt due to an... obstacle.

And that obstacle was in the form of a fuel tank, dangling right in front of us.

There, we met Omid and Christa a young couple, who helped Lee and I figure out how to get the damn thing down.

Eventually, Lee, Carley, Stanley and I went to the building nearby to see if there was anything that could help us in there.

And, luckily there was.

In the form of a blowtorch.

Lee had climbed back up himself, and with the help of Omid, they got the damn thing down, and we got the train running.

Then it all went to hell.

A horde of walkers, they were descending upon us.

Lee and Omid were still on the bridge, and seeing no other option, they jumped.

Lee landed successfully, but Omid had fucked up his leg something fierce.

They tried to run back onto the train, Lee made it but Omid almost lost his life until Christa jumped down and helped him up, then she got back on the train.

I had then shot the fuel tanker behind us, causing a small explosion and killing quite a few walkers in the horde.

It was pretty uneventful until we got to Savvanah.

We were just walking through the city, when all of a sudden a bell went off.

It sent a horde of walkers to our location.

I noticed Clementine about to get attacked by walkers, Travis fended them off with a bat, while Ben ran away like a coward.

Lee quickly went to their rescue by shooting the walkers, but it was too late for Travis as he got bit on the shoulder by a walker.

He knew that he wasn't going to make it, so he told us to get out of there while he held them off, Chuck decided to stay with him and help fend off the walkers.

We started to run away from the walkers, while Chuck and Travis held them off.

We later found out that they didn't make it.

We had managed to get into the house, but unfortunately, there wasn't even a scrap of food in the place.

Later, Lee and Kenny went out to find a boat, and after what seems like a while, Kenny and Clementine, who had snuck out came back with a woman named Molly.

She explained what happened and that she was the one who rang the bell, she apologised for her action, stating that she didn't think anyone was there and hoped she hadn't got anyone killed.

After a while, Lee came back with an old man named Vernon who said he was a doctor and wanted to help Omid out with his leg, Tess helped him as much as she could, but we had fuck all medical supplies, so Vernon suggested raiding this community called Crawford for their medical supplies and some food as well.

After a bit of convincing, we had mostly agreed to the notion of raiding Crawford, especially after we heard about what they did to the children, the sick and the elderly.

But, before we left, Clementine managed to find a boat, big enough to fit around five of us. It was just missing a few things, mainly an engine and fuel.

Later, we set off to raid Crawford.

Clementine joined us after asking Lee.

We started to prepare for the raid around night time, Kenny had found a few weapons that could help us out during the raid and went to talk to Lee about something.

We were then joined by a member of Vernon's group, Brie.

She seemed... nice enough.

Then, we set off for Crawford.

We got into Crawford through some sewers, and I went to take out the guard who was watching the area, the thing is, he looked like he was twice the size of an average person. So he must've been strong.

What I didn't expect was, him actually being a mutated walker. A Brute to be more specific, they basically have super strength, enough to kill a normal man in a single blow.

It tried to crush my arm with its fist, but I dodged the large fist, and stabbed it in the eye, killing it almost instantly with the knife getting jammed into its head.

The group looked at me, shocked that I just killed a mutated walker within ten seconds.

But, they were more shocked at the fact that there was a walker inside Crawford's walls. Looks like the place was overrun.

I just gave them a cocky grin and asked Vernon where they'd keep the supplies we'd need.

He told us that they'd most like be in the infirmary of the school.

We then noticed a horde of walkers nearby, diverging on our location, so we chose to get inside and as far away from them as possible.

Now knowing where the supplies were, we ran into the school, killing any walkers that got in our way.

The group was a bit scared, thinking the walkers saw them so Lee tried to reassure them by saying that they didn't see us.

Everyone was still a bit panicked, but it was better than before.

Brie then led us to a classroom that had a room with the word "Armoury" on it that was locked, and after Kenny figured out that this was their command centre, Brie found a map of the school layout and made a plan, Kenny said that he'd go to the maintenance shed for the fuel with Brie, while Ben would stay in the classroom to try and get the armoury open, Vernon and Christa would go find medicine while Molly, Orochimaru and I will find the battery in the auto shop, the rest of the group would stay in the classroom, leaving Lee, Clementine, Zabuza, Carley, Liz, Tess and Stan to help Ben with getting the armoury open.

Molly, Orochimaru and I went to the auto shop to get the engine for the boat.