Raditz Part: 2

""How are you alive! I thought you were dead! Why didn't you tell me you were alive! Stop copying me! This is really getting annoying! Saiyan! Vegeta! Frieza! What the hell! Let's just stop talking in three... two... one" Raditz and I said at the same time, before silencing each other as we'd quickly got annoyed at the other talking completely in-sync with us.

We glared at each other for a few seconds before laughing.

"Man, it's been what... twenty-something years, right Raditz? It's good to see you, man!" I said with a grin as I pat him on the back.

"Yes it has Tomant, it's great to see a friendly face so far away from Frieza's control," Raditz said, returning my grin.

"So, what are you here for anyway?" I asked.

"Well, I wanted to get my younger brother Kakarot to join the Frieza Forces with us, and you could join too! It'd be like old times, where you, Lettu and I would go around fighting around back on planet Vegeta... good times" Raditz said happily.

"Okay... uh, there might be a bit of a problem with that," I said awkwardly.

"And what would that be?" Raditz asked.

"Well, for starters, he started a family here, had a kid four years ago... congratulations on being an uncle by the way, and well, so did I... Kukkumer, come out here!" I said, beckoning my son over, "Say hi to your uncle in all but blood!"

"H-hi" Kukkumer said shyly as he walked out of Kame House.

"Well, hello there young man, seems like Tomant here kept to his word of using the name I chose for his firstborn, that's nice," Raditz said with a small smile, "So, what do you do?"

'Huh, that's kind of different from canon... whatever, probably because of the alternate universe shit, like how King Piccolo became Queen Piccolo... shouldn't really dwell on it' I thought to myself.

"Ah, I make these cool robots that blow things up! And I have this!" Kukkumer said as the backpack he was wearing grew four arms, "It's pretty useful for when I have my hands full"

"Well, that's certainly impressive for someone so young, good job young man... now, may I see Kakarot? I would like to ask him to join us personally" Raditz said.

"Ah sure, dude! Come on out!" I shouted out, "Bring Gohan too, he should meet his uncle!"

With that said, Goku and Gohan walked out of Kame House and they began to talk with Raditz, which I didn't really listen to because I was too busy talking with the Z Fighters about random stuff, like brands, news, television shows and whatnot.

After a while, I picked up on Goku saying something about the dragon balls, and if I remember correctly... oh fuck! Nappa and Vegeta are listening in!

"Stop talking Goku!" I shouted in a panic.

"What, why? I was only telling him about the dragon balls that can grant any wish including immortality" Goku said.

In response, I did what any sane individual would, and facepalmed.

"You..." Raditz joined me in the facepalm before he turned off his comms and glared at Goku, "You do know that my superiors just heard that... and that they're probably going to come over here to take them now, right?"

"I- oh crapbaskets..." Goku said sheepishly.

"You know what, I didn't really like those two... total bastards, so... if you'd like help, I can join in... word of warning, they'll be here within the year. Now, I want to get to know my nephews" Raditz said with a grin as he walked over to Gohan and Kukkumer.

"I screwed up, didn't I?" Goku asked.

"Yeah... but hey, at least we'll have a year to train up, right?" I said with a grin, "I mean, they'll obviously be no match for me... but, you guys will find it pretty troublesome"

"Pssh, we'll beat them easily!" Goku said with a grin.

Then, all of a sudden, an old wise voice said something to me, probably through telepathy.

"Hello there Tomant, I am Kami, I taught your friend Goku, and would like to know if you'd like to join him to King Kai's planet to learn from him, but before that, you'd have to travel down Snake way, and just so you know, I heard that he was incredibly powerful and that he actually wanted a couple of apprentices to, well apprentice under him, would you like to do this?" Kami said to me telepathically.

'Uh... sure Kami, when do I go?' I asked Kami.


And with that, I was suddenly teleported to King Yemma, and made my way down Snake Way alongside Goku and Raditz, who Kami had join us because he wasn't pure evil and was on the path of redemption and he felt that this year of training would do him some good.