One Year Later

It had been a year since I began training under King Kai, he taught Goku, Raditz and I the Kaio-Ken and Spirit Bomb and gave us enough time to train ourselves to further heights.

Goku got a Power Level of [17500] after training on King Kai's planet, almost double the power level he had in the canon, and he learned the Kaio-Ken and Spirit Bomb.

Raditz got a Power Level of [15000] after the training, easily surpassing his canon version and learned up-to Kaio-Ken X2. Which isn't too shabby, as he had basically got a X10 increase alongside a X2 power boost

And I, well I got the greatest boost at [1250000] and with the Kaio-Ken up-to X10, I can probably pretty easily take on Frieza at least for a while before I'd either have to go Super Saiyan or get a Zenkai Boost to actually beat him. Or, I could just use the Spirit Bomb to attack him, probably killing him instantly.

So, now we've begun our journey to return to the world of the living to fight off the Saiyans, even though now that I think about it, Lettu could probably pretty easily take them on... but, fuck that. I want to make sure Vegeta survives and maybe turn the dead Nappa into a summon.

I had told Lettu not to fight them because I have a plan, and hopefully, he goes along with it since it'd get me quite a few new Saibamen and Nappa.

And so, the three of us began a sprint to get back to Earth before Vegeta and Nappa manage to kill everyone there.