Saiyan Battle

When we got there, we found Yamcha, Chiatzou, Tienshinhan and Piccolo(OS) dead, Krillin on the ground injured and Gohan about to be killed by Nappa.

But, luckily for Gohan, Goku, Raditz and I got there in time for Goku to use Nimbus to get Gohan out of the way.

"Gah! Where'd the little brat go!?" Nappa questioned.

"Where he can't be hurt... now, do you want to join my collection? Actually, wait. Don't answer, because whether you're willing or not. You are going to join" I said with a grin.

"Collection?" Nappa asked confused.

"Ah, yes. You see, I have this ability that allows me to contract with any living or dead being, turning them into my summons, for example... Summon Orochimaru, Itachi and Groot" I said as I summoned Orochimaru, Itachi Uchiha and one of the summons I got over the past eight years, Groot(Guardians of the Galaxy 1).

"Ha! You think you, a weird pale guy, a punk and a living tree could beat me?" Nappa asked incredulously.

"No, I don't think they can. I know they can. Get him" I commanded.

Orochimaru summoned multiple snakes to distract Nappa while Itachi put Vegeta in an illusion to stop him from stepping in and Groot rushed Nappa and managed to stab him in the throat using his tree-like arms.

"I am Groot!" Groot shouted as he continued to stab into Nappa's throat.

"Glurgh!" Nappa started to choke on his own blood before succumbing to his wounds, falling to the ground, dead.

"Good! Good! Now, Goku. As promised, you and Raditz can fight Vegeta while I use Nappa's body to turn into a new summon" I said happily.

"Kukuku... do you think I could try to clone this fine specimen and see if his physiology could manage to upgrade us summons?" Orochimaru asked.

"Yes, that would be a good idea... do you have everything you need for it though?" I asked.

"Ah yes, the cloning equipment you requested was actually recently finished, so we could clone some Saibamen for you, I don't see why you'd want them though... they're not exactly the strongest out there..." Orochimaru said.

"Yes, but you forgot about the Saibaman Prime, as I like to call it. Remember, it has upgraded its hivemind to completely control other Saibamen through the use of said hivemind and now that it's learned the Multi-form technique to clone itself, they could become a good force that could help us bolster our ranks... and maybe through some experiments, we could enhance them, maybe by adding Saiyan DNA to give them more strength, or Namekian to give enhanced regeneration... the possibilities are endless, as long as we have the equipment that is" I said with a large smile on my face.

"Ah yes, so would that make the Saibamen the third group of... Cannon Fodder for Earth? The Droids and Androids along with your... Demons or Demi-Namekians, what are their average power levels again? I seem to have forgotten" Orochimaru asked.

"Ah yes, the droids have around an average of [250], the Androids have an average of around [5000], the Demons have an average of [350] and the new Saibamen armada would have an average of [1000], making a decent army if I'd say so myself" I said, my large smile turning into a grin.

"Of course sir, now. Let us watch this fight between Radtiz, Goku and their enemy Vegeta... it seems like Vegeta's the weakest of the three if we use their base power levels, and with Radtiz' help, Goku could probably win this without too many injuries... but, if they don't remain cautious, the results could be dire..." Orochimaru said.

"I am Groot," Groot said in agreement.

"..." Throughout this, Itachi stayed silent, as he copied their moves with his Sharingan, something I did as well, to better learn Vegeta's fighting style if I'd have to step in.

And so, we watched Goku's and Raditz' fight against Vegeta.

It went well for a while, until Vegeta turned into his Oozaru form, forcing the two brothers to use their Kaio-Ken's to their limits, and a well-timed Spirit Bomb from Raditz for Vegeta to be sent running with his tail between his legs.

Goku and Raditz, after the fight was over, simply collapsed to the floor in exhaustion and were quickly sent off to the hospital, with the injured Krillin not too far behind them.

Now, I just had to convince them to go to Namek, which would be pretty easy, I just had to convince Kami and Popo to help fake Kami's death, by saying that Piccolo(OS) was linked to Kami's life, which he was in the original series. And that him dying had deactivated the dragon balls, and that we'd need to go to Namek to wish them back.

And so, I did just that... off to Namek now, I guess.

I just didn't account for one thing.

My son Kukkumer's curiosity and him secretly getting on the ship with Krillin, Gohan and Bulma.

I had stayed to make sure I got the extra training with Goku and Raditz in the gravity chamber of the second ship.