Namek Part: 1

We had spent the five days training at around 100X gravity, along with training the Kaio-Ken to higher levels.

Goku had attained a Power Level of [100,000] which was quite impressive in itself, and along with the Kaio-Ken X10 he has, giving him a Power Level of [1,000,000], he could give me a decent fight in my base form.

Raditz had made great progress, gaining a Power Level of [75,000], he could take on most of the Ginyu Force with that, which is pretty good. Then, add-on his Kaio-Ken X5 giving him a Power Level of [375,000]

Whilst, I had attained a Power Level of [2,500,000] alongside the Kaio-Ken X20 I had recently attained, making me the most powerful at [50,000,000]

Yeah, I'm pretty sure I could just breeze through the whole thing pretty easily, but I'll probably hang back, let Goku attain Super Saiyan, and maybe get Frieza as a summon along with his entire Frieza Force.

As I was thinking of my plans of what to do when we got to Namek, well. We finally landed on Namek, and quickly found Kukummer, Gohan and Krillin getting beaten by the Ginyu Force.

"Oh no, you don't!" I shouted angrily as I saw Recoome about to finish off Kukummer, and proceeded to smash Recoome's face in, knocking the giant man out instantly.

"What!?" The blue snake-like man, Burter asked shocked, "Jeice! What's his Power Level!?"

"I- the- the scouter broke! The scouter broke Burter!" the orange-skinned white-haired man, Jeice shouted out, in shock as well.

"Alright then... who's getting their asses kicked first?" I asked as I looked at the two of them.

They gulped.

"You know what... how about both at the same TIME!" I said as I created a two Water Clones that proceeded to beat the living hell out of the two aliens, and proceeded to turn them into my summons.

Then, I did the same for the unconscious Recoome and Guldo.

"Good job Tomant!" Goku said happily as he patted me on the back.

"Yes, you just managed to take out almost the entire Ginyu Force, Frieza's elite in a single fight! That is cause for celebration!" Raditz said happily.

"H-huh? D-dad?" A confused Kukummer asked.

"Yes Kukummer, it's your father... and I'll just tell you this now. You're grounded for the rest of your life for this stunt you've pulled! I mean, sneaking onto the ship! Do you know how worried we were!?" I shouted angrily.

"S-sorry dad... b-but Gohan was going! And I-I thought I could help! Please don't be angry with me" Kukummer said.

"I'm not angry son... just disappointed... now, eat this Senzu Bean, it'll heal you," I said as I fed Kukummer a Senzu Bean, healing his body completely and giving him a slight power boost.

"Tha-thanks dad! I feel so much better! I feel like I could beat those bullies from before without a sweat!" Kukummer said happily, before cowering at my glare.

"Remember son, you're in a lot of trouble. You're mother's going to rip us both a new one..." I said with a slight shudder, Launch may be weak but when it comes to Kukkumer, she could probably make Beerus wet himself.

"Now, let's get these three healed up..." I said as I gave Vegeta, Gohan and Krillin some Senzu Beans each, allowing them to heal completely and giving Vegeta and Gohan some power boosts.

Now, I just have to figure out a way to beat Frieza. Maybe by gaining Super Saiyan? It sounded pretty easy when Cabba, Caulifla and Kale did it in Super. But, that might just be natural talent or something.


"Huh..." Ginyu said.

"What is it Ginyu?" a more feminine looking Frieza asked.

"Ah, Lady Frieza. It seems that I cannot detect the rest of the Ginyu Force... this does not bode well" Ginyu answered.

"Oh, it doesn't matter, they're weaklings anyways. Just be a dear and get me the rest of the Dragon Balls for me, would you?" Frieza asked/commanded.

"Of course Lady Frieza!" Ginyu said as he flew off to find the rest of the Dragon Balls.

"Soon... I shall have my immortality!" Frieza said, a large grin gracing her face.