Namek Part: 2

I waited around for Vegeta, Krillin and Gohan to wake up, while Goku, Raditz and Kukummer left to find Bulma.

It took a few minutes, but the three finally became conscious.

"Good morning," I said with a smirk gracing my face.

"H-huh? What? What happened? The last thing I remember was... the Ginyu Force!" Vegeta shouted as he suddenly sat up-right and began looking around in a panic.

Krillin and Gohan quickly copied his actions.

"Hey, hey... easy now, it's okay. We took care of them" I said, trying to calm the three down.

"We?" Vegeta asked, confused.

"Well, I took care of them. Goku and Raditz showed up afterwards" I said.

"Those two are here too? Good, they'll be good cannon fodder against Empress Frieza" Vegeta said.

"They'll be more than cannon fodder- wait, Empress?" I asked, confused.

"What? Did you think that Lady Frieza was a male? HA! She's the strongest being out in the galaxy... other than Beerus of course, but that doesn't matter. Those two will just be cannon fodder when compared to her, only the Legendary Super Saiyan could beat her, and I'm right here" Vegeta said arrogantly.

"Right... Super Saiyan... you... sure, totally... yeah... I can totally see that -pfft- happening..." I said before I started to crack up, laughing.

"Why are you laughing you bastard!? Tell me!" Vegeta demanded angrily.

"It- it's just that... that you think you're a Super Saiyan... it's hilarious! And adorable! Pfft ha ha ha ha ha! Krillin, Gohan! Look at him! He thinks he's people! That's absolutely precious!" I shouted hysterically, as I collapsed to the floor laughing.

Vegeta started to go red with anger as he clenched his fists and ground his teeth together.

"...Don't you mock me you plebian!" Vegeta shouted as he rushed towards me, aiming a punch at my face.

It didn't work, as I easily caught his punch and threw him away like yesterdays garbage.

"Now... what did we learn?" I asked as I looked at Vegeta who was on collapsed on the ground, groaning in pain.

"Uuuugh..." Vegeta groaned pitifully.

"Good. Now, here's a senzu bean" I said as I tossed a senzu bean into his mouth.

And like magic, Vegeta was right as rain, and practically snarling at me.

"Oh, look at that power level... [100,000]? What were you at when we last saw each other? [18,000]? Man, our biology is bullshit... hmm, I have enough senzu beans... how do you feel about some extra power. Come on, no pain no gain!" I said with a sadistic grin.

I quickly gave Vegeta a crash-course and raised his Power Level to [250,000], so while he's not strong enough to beat Raditz at his best. He'll be able to breeze through the rest of the competition.

"Hmm... you know, I haven't used this ability as much as I would like... [Fuse] Recoome, Burter, Guldo and Jeice... then, [Mutation] on the resulting creature, whenever it's done"

[That shall take 148 hours or, just two hours less than five earth days to complete the fusion and then another day to do the mutation, making it 172 hours] The system told me.

"Alright, go ahead and do it. I won't need them at this moment anyways" I said.

[Commencing fusion]

"Good... now, get up my prince," I said courteously as I pulled Vegeta up from the ground he was firmly planted into, "We have an empress to dethrone!"