Lurking in the Shadows

In the dark Olivia quietly sat on the far corner of her bed, back against the headboard, knees brought up to her chest, her arms wrapped around herself while her face rested in between her legs. Her hair was braided to one side and she wore a two piece mint green pj set, decorated with white and purple stars. She hoped that wearing her favorite pj's would bring her some sort of comfort but she was wrong.

With a great sigh Olivia grabbed the phone that was laying before her feet. She knew that everything that happened today wasn't just some bad dream or practical joke but real. Too real! Her brain kept replaying the emotionless face that Eli gave her after he picked up the book. His eyes were so beautiful but the coldness radiating from them was horrible. With a shudder she quickly sent her friends Blair and Autumn a quick text. She wanted to meet them after work and explain her actions.

After sending her texts Olivia threw her phone across her queen sized bed. She didn't want to look at it anymore, she didn't want to think about what those girls were going to do with the picture they took of her today and most importantly she didn't want to turn into a stalker!

Instead she dove under her covers and closed her eyes. Her head sunk into the over sized pillow, the aroma of lavender and jasmine slowly lulled her to sleep as she whispered to herself "Mom....I miss you". Olivia allowed one, just one single tear to escape and roll done her face into the pillow before surrendering herself to sleep.

Avery hadn't heard a peep from his daughter's room all night and caused him some concern. It was only 9:00 p.m. and usually at this time she would be gaming with her friends online, laughing, cursing and munching on some snacks.

He thought she was acting weird at the dinner table, she was already showered and dressed for bed. Even though she acted cheerful her smile never reached her eyes, something was definitely wrong. He went up to her door and slowly knocked on the door while he called out her name.

After the third try he opened her door. "Olivia sweetie are you awake?" Avery looked around the room and saw a small mound in the bed. He tip toed into her room, pulled her plushy galaxy comforter towards her shoulders and gave her a kiss on the top her head. "Good night my little Livy." he whispered, as he straighten his back he spotted her phone at the edge of her bed. He took the phone and placed it on her bed side table. "Yes" he thought something was not right.

He left her room as quietly as he could, took a quick look back at the sleeping mound and closed the door. As he walked towards his study he called out towards the shadows "Edmond". An intimidating man, dressed in a black v-neck shirt and dark denim pants stepped forward his eyes were sharp while his smile was killer. He pulled the lollipop he was sucking on out of his mouth and lifted his other hand to push back his salt and pepper pompadour hair back. His copper eyes lit up with mischief as he asked "Sir you called".

Avery kept walking, unfazed by the fact that the man appeared from the very shadows of his study. Avery sat down at his desk, raised both arms and brought the tips of his fingers together causing them to create a steeple before his face. "Something happened today to Olivia and I need to know what." With a sly smile Edmond walked around the desk towards Avery only stopping right beside his boss's ear "Well aren't we a nosy busy body today. Can't you just ask the little sweetie pie what happened to her?" he purred.

Avery clearly annoyed pulled open his desks drawer and pulled out a banana split flavored lollipop and waved it nonchalantly in the air. "Well I have nothing better to do tonight I can get a report ready for such a pretty thing." he said as he gently moved his knuckles down Avery's face before moving effortlessly to the hand holding his reward.

Edmond's smile grew even bigger as he unwrapped the little treasure before melting into the shadows giggling to himself. "Well little Livy can't hide anything from me anyways. I will have something ready for you soon."