Greetings with Wicked Intentions

It was finally morning and Olivia felt drained. She really didn't want to work today but she couldn't lock herself in her room either on a Saturday.

She sat up, urging her body to move forward, she gave her bed a quick scan and didn't see her phone. She checked her bed side table and saw it laying there. She grabbed her phone and charger and decided to get ready. She knew that on weekends office workers were rarely see so she grabbed her head phone and portable charger before making her way downstairs.

She was happy that she didn't have to see or talk to her father that morning. It was painful enough just remembering what happened but having to talk about it was worse. She grabbed a quick bit to eat and packed her lunch.

She gave one great sigh and headed towards the door. She knew that today was going to be crap day . 'No!' she yelled at herself internally 'I can't let this be a crappy day.' but she felt the pressure of depression creep up on her. She stood tall and slapped both of her cheeks. She just needed to get through this!


Olivia looked at the clock hoping that by shear will power she could make time start moving backwards. No such luck, it was already 4:00 p.m. and her eight hours were used up. She was able to distract herself with music and cleaning. She even took the mop out for her solo performances but she didn't feel any better. It was time to change and meet up with the girls at the Little Garden Bath House and Spa.

At Autumn's suggestion, they were going to spend an evening getting scrubbed and pampered. It really didn't sound to bad of an activity but her heart could not get into it. With a heavy sigh she packed up her belongings and mad her way to the bus stop.

It didn't take too long to reach her location but she dragged her feet anyways trying to delay the inevitable. Once she reached the bath house her jaw dropped. It was magical! The building itself resembled a luxury ski resort, it had wooden planks and stone blocks as it's exterior. It stood two stories high and decorated with stain glass windows. One massive balcony went across the front of the building allowing people to use the walkway for some fresh air.

Along the bottom of the balcony there seemed to be a hidden bunker completely dominated by roses! Beautiful, beautiful roses! So much foliage cascading down from beneath the balcony with giant blooms of roses resembling the colors of the rising sun, the outer edges were a blush pink and while moving towards the center it would fade in to peach color, then orange and finally a fiery red.

The blossoms scattered everywhere among the greenery in full bloom. It was a feast for the eyes as anyone who just glanced at the building would know that this place housed a garden full of enchantment.

As she made her way into the bath house she was again amazed. Inside one could see that the whole front area was open concept allowing customers to leisurely walk in and make themselves at home. The floors were done in marble with veins of blue, green and silver flowing in various directions.

The walls were covered in mosaic tile art, portraying an everlasting botanical garden from floor to ceiling. While Olivia's eyes followed the art upwards she noticed the ceiling. This was no ordinary ceiling it was a massive skylight ceiling with stain glass windows, allowing the rainbow colored light to shine downwards into the room. While dwarf blue sapphire trees were planted near the corners of the room, branches reaching inwards to the room and displaying their beautiful indigo leaves.

"Welcome to the Little Garden Bath House and Spa. Is this your first time visiting?" a husky voice said from behind. This snapped Olivia back to her senses, she quickly turned around, completely excited, her eyes were shinning, her heart was racing, she couldn't stop herself from fangirling.

"Oh my gosh! Have you ever seen such a beautiful place! I can't even believe that something this magical can even exist! The way that nature, architecture and art blend together to make a harmonies balance! This can leave any living person with a human soul in complete" she could finish her gushing as look at the clerk behind the desk.

She gulped and try to speak again. Olivia felt her mouth go dry as she meet the enchanting jade green eyes gazing upon her. Olivia was stunned, she couldn't move. With a small laugh the clerk decided to show her his devilishly charming smile. "Eli...." was all Olivia could mustard to say.

Eli laughed with delight as he looked at the crimson faced girl. "You're first time here" he asked. Olivia could no longer generate words, try as she might all she could do was flap her lips around like a fish out of water.

When she saw Eli place a fist against his lips and averted his gaze, she felt her whole world crash. Autumn and Blair tried to cover up her awkwardness and started asking Eli various questions about the building. Eli tilted his head and gave them a business like smile. "I can give you guys a tour anytime you want."

Olivia finally came back from space and shook her head no. She grabbed her friends hands, dropped her gaze and pulled them along with her towards the change room.


"I can't freaking believe you Autumn, you freaking traitor! You are no angel! You hear me Autumn Periwinkle Dokmai! AND you Blair Rose Sentis you better tell me why the hell you guys invited me here right now!" Olivia yelled while she pointed an accusing finger at each girl.

She was pissed, super pissed, full name calling pissed! How dare they conspire to do this! The instant Olivia uttered his name her heart started to pound against her chest. Her mind went blank and her mouth was opening and closing like a fish in water. Thank goddess her friends had caught her in time before she could humiliate herself even more.

Autumn was the first to change into her bath robe so she decided she needed to explain. "Blair knew nothing till we got here. In truth she was ready to text you to run away but I stopped her." Olivia looked like deflated "Why?" she asked. "Well" Autumn continued.

"You need to forget your worries so I found a place you can fangirl over and what better place then here were it looks like a fairy tale garden. You also needed another chance to meet Eli, so why not do it were they will make you look your best?" Olivia looked dumbstruck over hearing Autumn's explanation. She quickly changed into a bath robe and asked Autumn "You researched him didn't you?"

Autumn finished tying up her fluffy chocolate colored hair into a bun that rested on the top of her head when she finally answered "Whatever gave you that idea?"

Olivia threw her arms around Blair and exclaimed "Blairie bear, I'm so-o sorry for doubting your loyalty! Please forgive me and save me from this wicked woman!" s

"Why?! I think she's a freaking genius. I wanna see you slap that bastard's face with your radiant beauty!" Blair said with a beaming face.

"F**k. You too huh?" Olivia said as she dropped her act and looked at them blatantly.