Dinner With The Masamas

Olivia was now completely alone. She waited patiently at her school's drop of and pick up zone as she watched the roads for any sign of the Masama's car. With nothing in sight Olivia decided to start reading some manga on her phone.

A single drop of water landed on her phone screen, dragging her back to reality. She blinked a couple of times and seen another drop land on it. She wiped her phone screen on her blazer and looked upwards, the gray clouds were starting to take over the sky while scattered drops of rain were making their way to the ground.

Olivia looked at the time on her phone and was shocked she had no idea she had been reading for so long! It was already two hours past the appointed time and she needed to call Laila to see if she was ok. As she was dialing her number Laila sent her a text. 'Sorry we are running late my mom just picked us up from school. Let me know if you are still waiting'.

Olivia felt torn. Should she wait or not but remembered that Ms. Masama told her personally it was hard for her to get time off to spend with her family . She quickly texted her back that she was still waiting at the school. Laila replied quickly 'Be there in 15 minutes'.

The clouds started moving faster across the sky and the scattered showers quickly turned into rain. Olivia texted Laila 'I won't move from my spot till you get here.' and shoved her phone deep into her bag. The rain started to get heavier and it started to get darker outside when finally two headlight could be seen.

Ms. Masama screeched to a stop, flung open the driver's door, popped open an umbrella and ran towards Olivia. She touched Olivia's cheek as so looked her up and down "Sweetie! You should have gone home! I am so sorry I am so late! Quick, quick get into the car you're soaking wet!" Olivia listened and was ushered to the front passenger side of the Audi.

Once Olivia was seated Ms. Masama closed the door and rushed to the trunk of the car before making her way back to the driver seat. "Sweet heart take this to dry off. I will turn the heat on so you don't catch a cold!" Ms. Masama passed Olivia a fluffy pink towel with a white paw print pattern. "Thank you" she said as she graciously took the towel.

"Do you still want to go to dinner? I'm sure your parents will be expecting you home soon. I can take you home and apologize to them." Ms. Masama said as she started the car. She looked so worried and the Masama twins were so quiet in the back. Olivia shook her head "No it's ok, my dad left this morning for a business trip and won't be back till Tuesday. Also no one is home right now anyways so I will be lonely by myself, so why don't we just go to dinner.".

Ms. Masama took a quick look at Olivia, clearly worried about her well being and asked "You're dad left for a business trip! Well what about your mom sweetie? She didn't go with him too and left you to watch the house did she?"

Olivia bite her bottom lip before giving a Ms. Masama a bitter-sweet smile "No she didn't go with my dad Ms. Masama..... My mom passed away when I was six years old." Laila gave a small gasp from the back seat, while Loreley only muttered a small "Sorry" before it became awkwardly silent in the car. It was hard to read Ms. Masama's face before she looked at Olivia again with a great big smile "Let's not dwell on the past! Let go have fun instead!" and drove off towards their destination.


Olivia had never been to Middle Ages Hour and thought it to be so exciting! Ms. Masama rented costume's for all of them to wear, mainly because Olivia's uniform was still soaking wet and she didn't want to miss out on an experience, all four women came out looking like princess from the medieval area.

While they made their way towards their seats Ms. Masama explained the concept of the restaurant. It was a place that would take them back in time to when princess, knights, kings and queens were around. They would have the knights ride around with their banners flowing majestically in the wind while others would put on parades and do stunts with their horses. Olivia's round, hazel eyes widened with each of Ms. Masama's words.

Soon the lights dimmed to announce the start of the show. The king announced that a banquet was to be served in celebration of his daughter's hand in marriage. Staff came out with food but no utensils, Olivia was confused as she turned to Laila who was sitting to the left of her. "How do we eat?" Laila gave a small giggle "Why my fair lady we eat with our hands! We are back in time where utensils did not exist."

Olivia was so excited! She couldn't help but enjoy the whole experience especially when she was crowned the top performing knight's queen. On the way back Olivia could not stop fangirling about everything and was pleasantly surprised to learn that it was one of Laila's favorite places. Time flew during the car ride back to Olivia's house.

Olivia was a little disappointed when she saw the gates to her house, as she stepped out of the car, she gave the Masamas a small bow and gave her thanks for the wonderful evening. As she turned around Ms. Masama shouted from the car "Sweetie if you're ever too lonely we can always hang out again. I promise next time I won't let a meeting hold me up." Olivia turned and nodded her head in agreement before making her way back home.

Ms. Masama rolled up the window and looked at her girls "You two did good today, very good it will just be a matter of time now."