Sick Princess

Olivia spent the weekend working and locking herself up in her room. She was feeling ridiculously tired and was barely able to text her friends but she didn't want to bother anyone as the had their own plans. So when Monday rolled around she was feeling more drained and fuzzy.

Olivia was very unproductive today at work and was scolded for her many mistakes. She hadn't been this clumsy since her younger years trying to prove her independence but this was bad. She had put hand soap in the toilet bowls causing soap suds to form when flushed, waxed the mirrors, over mopped the halls and causing people to fall.

Olivia groaned as she got on the train. This was the worst thing that happened at work and hoped that a report wouldn't be filed against her. As the train moved along Olivia's vision was getting worse. Everything started to hazy over and she could feel her cheeks starting to flush.

She managed to get off the train with great difficulty. Her breathing started to get heavier and her hazy vision was starting to blur completely only letting her see blobs of color. She managed to successfully collide into numerous people and apologize for her extreme clumsiness. She couldn't take it anymore and felt her way to the wall of the terminal and placed her back against it as she rubbed her eyes.

Once Olivia was able to rub the haze away, she got up of the wall and took a look around to see where she was. When her eyes landed on the exiting stair case, she took swaying steps towards them. Her one hand made it to the hand railing and she looked downwards. She gauged the steps and took one sigh, she could do it, she was going to do it! She was going to make it down the weird stair cases... wait stair cases?

Olivia placed her free hand onto her forehead, trying to steady herself. For some reason there were two set of stairs before her and they weren't going straight down. Olivia grabbed the hand rail with both hands, she side stepped along the railing, feeling each solid step under her feet and awkwardly made it down. She felt relieved when she made it to the bottom and started to walk towards the Academy.

Olivia's vision stabilized but for some reason everything was starting to get hot, too hot! Olivia decided to take her blazer off and neatly folded it onto her arm. As she was making it closer to the gate she felt her white blouse starting to cling to her body and was finding it even harder to breathe. She loosened her tie as she kept walking, determined to make it into the school compound.

Her hair was now soaked with sweat and clinging to the side of her face when she took her final step into the compound. Olivia felt exhausted but shouted "I made it!" before she finally blacked out.


Olivia was having a beautiful dream. She dreamt that Eli was holding her close whispering sweet nothings while they sat on a grassy hill. There was a gentle breeze blowing, sending the wonderful smell of earth, sandalwood and jasmine towards her as Eli called her name. Olivia looked into his eyes as he brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. His face was moving closer to her and she closed her eyes as he kissed her so sweetly.... huh?

All of a sudden she felt Eli starting to coax her to lay on her back as his kisses started to become more urgent. She felt his hands find the buttons of her shirt and started to undue them. Olivia heart couldn't take it, she panicked and opened her eyes. She was no longer outside on some grassy hill and it wasn't Eli that was directly on top of her either.

Olivia came face to face with Porter, his blonde, wavy shag hair and puppy dog eyes were unmistakable. He flashed her a smile revealing a dimple perfectly placed on the left side of his cheek and his dark grey eyes danced playfully as he said "Good morning sleepy head!". Olivia panicked his face was so close to hers and worse she caught him in the middle of undoing the buttons of her blouse.

In a matter of seconds Olivia's fist collided into Porter's face, sending him flying towards the floor. Olivia clutched her unbuttoned shirt, sat up and glared at the fair skinned boy on the floor. She felt furious and spat out the words "What the f*ck do you think you were doing!"

Porter wiped the blood that was coming from his mouth with the back of his blazer's sleeve. He picked himself off the ground and his playful aura suddenly took a nose dive. Porter narrowed his eyes, gave her an unsettling smirk as her moved closer towards her. He placed one hand on the bed that Olivia was sitting in and other cupped under her chin.

He lifted her eyes to meet his cold demon-like eyes, as she clutched her shirt shut "Don't think so highly of yourself princess. If I wanted you I could have you in palm of my hands in seconds..." Olivia held her defiant gaze "...joking!" Porter laughed as he let her go. His playful aura was back and his eyes danced with mischief once again.

"I gotta say princess you pack some punch there. I think my fans might end up crying." he said as he stretched his arms in the air before placing both of his hands behind his head. "As for what the f*ck I was doing, well you said you were hot and tried to rip off your own shirt. I panicked and told you I would help you unbutton it instead and then you know the rest is history."

Olivia didn't release her glare at Porter she was still trying to decide if he was telling her the truth. "Where am I then." He looked at her again and flashed her a playful smile as he stretched his arms outwards and proclaimed "Well it's obvious princess! Look around it's the school infirmary! Oh and before you ask, you fainted after you got onto the school ground and let me tell you it wasn't easy bringing you here."

Olivia flushed red. "Well don't get too worked up princess it sounds like your friends are on their way here..." suddenly the door to infirmary shot open, Blair and Autumn stumbled in and caught sight of the two. "Well if it isn't the future Mrs. Yanjing and Mrs. Atleet! Are you here to take care of the princess for me?" Autumn blushed a deep red and placed her hands onto her cheeks while Blair looked mortified. "Who the f*ck is the future Mrs. Atleet?!"

Porter gave a small chuckle as he gathered his things and started to make his way into the corridor. "Well princess it was a pleasure but next time please stay home if you have a cold we don't want you passing that nasty virus around to others with a single kiss..." after blowing Olivia a kiss he walked out of sight.


As Porter walked around the corner of the hall he stopped in place and spoke while looking straight ahead "You know you should probably grab some cold medication, especially after your little 'performance' earlier." He turned and flashed his charming smile, showing off his only dimple and puppy eyes. "We don't want the princess to worry about her prince now, do we Eli."
