First Date

It was mid afternoon and Olivia was excited to start packing her belongings. It was just an hour left before she could go home and nothing was going to dampen her spirits. The nurse knocked

on the door and started to removed the wrapping around Olivia's head.

The nurse placed a small plaster on her temple and spoke cheerily "There! You must be so excited to have your boyfriend take you home." Olivia blushed at her remark and started to stutter "M-m-my boy-boy-friend?" The pleasant nurse gave her a wide grin and slapped her back "That's right sweetie pie! He's waiting just outside there and I gotta say mmmh if I was 20 years younger I would have given you a run for your money!"

Olivia face turned crimson as the nurse got up, gave her an over the top wink and let Eli in. "Ready to go?" he asked equally as embarrassed. Olivia grabbed her bag and walked out of the room. They decided to stop by Loreley's room before they left the hospital. It looked like no one was in the room so she sent Laila a quick text message before leaving.

Outside the sun was shinning and the birds were singing. It looked like a beautiful day, well at least to her. Eli took her hand into his and started to walk into the city. Olivia was confused as to what was going on and thought she might as well get some clarity. "Eli... is my dad not picking me up?" she asked shyly. Eli gave her a charming grin before answering "Nope! I asked him if I could have a do over of my birthday and he... cough... agreed."

Olivia flushed and tried to protest "We can't have a do over!" Eli stopped walking and gave Olivia a serious look "Why not!" he demanded. Olivia bite her bottom lip and peeked out of her lashes "I didn't put in any effort to look nice enough to walk beside you today..." she said ever so quietly.

Eli let his jaw drop for a second and started to laugh hard. He pulled her into a hug "You have no idea how cute you are!" he pulled her out of the embrace, gave her a small head tilt and smiled, there was an unknown twinkle in his eyes that just melted Olivia every time he looked at her like that. "Well let's go!" he shouted before he dragged her off again.

Eli and Olivia spent the afternoon just goofing around, they stopped at an arcade, took a some pictures in a photo both, grabbed some food and ice cream at a near by stand and were now heading to go watch a movie. As they stood in front of the movie display screen trying to figure out what to watch, Olivia took the chance to stare at Eli.

To her at least, Eli seemed more dashing then he usually did. His posture was perfectly straight as me stroked his chin, deep in thought. His slightly tanned skin glowed with the setting sun while his medium fringed hair looked soft to the touch. His lips were partly parted again as he whispered the titles of the movies that were playing and their showing times. His long eyelashes seemed to fluttered elegantly as he teased any person who gazed upon his jade green eyes.

The only thing that seemed to ruin the perfect image of Eli was the giant white plaster on the left side of his cheek. She wondered how much it hurt when Agni slapped him, she was even viscous enough to dig the tips of her nails as she lifted her slap of his face. Leaving a bloody trails that reached his mouth.

Eli turned to face her and was saying something but she was too deep in her thoughts to register his words. Instead she raised her hand and ever so softly grazed the plaster with the tips of her fingers. Eli looked shocked and stopped moving his lips, Olivia's dreamy eyes looked into his and all she could feel was her heart aching. "I'm sorry she did that to you." she muttered almost inaudibly.

Eli caught her fingers as they were leaving his face. He gave her a dead serious face that sent chills down her spine, his down turned eyes had passion behind them as he proclaimed "I would let her do it again if it meant you were safe."

Olivia felt her cheeks blush and she couldn't help but look down. Eli wasn't going to let her break the mood that easily, he grabbed her chin and forced her to look at him again. He had determination in his eyes this time. He gently parted his lips and began to say "Olivia I..."

"ELI!" Porter shouted as he jumped onto Eli's back causing him to move forward one step, dropping both of his hands and letting Olivia go. "Eli what a coincidence to see you here!" Porter said as he snuggled his cheek against Eli's black hair.

Eli placed his hand over top of Porter's face and pushed him off his back. Eli looked downwards to Porter clearly pissed for interrupting them. Porter tried to look innocent as he allowed the sleeves of his oversized hoodie drape over his hands. "Are you not happy to see me?" Porter asked as he brought one covered hand to his lips, tilted his head to one side and batted his puppy dog eyes.

Olivia had to stop herself from petting Porter's head, as he looked too cute at that given moment. 'He's a flirtatious monster, he's a flirtatious monster, he's not a small cute animal!' she repeated to herself to keep her emotions in check. Porter gave a smirk and tip toed his way to Olivia's face.

He wasn't that much taller than her, she figured 5 ft 6 maybe bordering 5 ft 7 but the aura that he always gave off was something of a small child or fluffy animal that would make anyone want to involuntarily touch him. His hoodie was drawn up and little waves of blonde hair seemed to curl outwards, while his dark grey eyes seemed to be begging for a good head rub.

Olivia kept her hands at bay and tried to take a step to the side but Porter seemed to guide her towards the wall. She gave a small "oof" when her back collided into the wall, Porter took the opportunity to slam his hand beside her head, stopping her from escaping. "Olivia congrats on leaving the hospital but going to the movies with Eli doesn't seem like a good enough reward for your discharge." he said coyly.

Olivia felt sweat starting to roll down from her temples. She nervously looked over Porter's shoulder to find Eli but he seemed to be surrounded by some groupies shrieking for eye contact. Olivia felt trapped as Porter started to pout at her "Heh... seems like the princess doesn't want my company. Are you trying to make me jealous by looking at Eli?" He asked her coldly.

Olivia dared to look Porter in the eyes and saw a glint of danger. She panicked and tried to go around Porter but he was faster and slammed his other hand against the wall, in casing her with in his arms. "What's wrong princess? Am I making you aware of my presence? I told you before if I wanted you I could have you with the snap of my fingers..."

Olivia decided to fight back, she stood tall, showing no fear but defiance in her eyes as she challenged Porter "I'm not interested!" Porter gave a small chuckle and placed his hand behind her head, he started to stroked her head with his thumb as he inched his face closer. "That's it... those eyes stir my very soul and make me just want to kiss you..." he whispered.

Olivia froze, her brain tried to work out a strategy for escape as fast as she could but the only thing she could think of was violence! If she could knock the wind out of Porter she could slip by and run for her life but his face was moving closer by the second. As she got her fist ready to punch his gut, Porter disappeared from her sight.

Eli was finally able to escape the groupies and pulled Porter off of Olivia before anything happened. Eli gave Porter a death glare before tossing him into the groupies. Porter's hood slid off his head as he landed in the arms of the girls, causing his wavy shag hair to bounce ever so softly. The girls screamed at the sight, some fainted and some had nose bleeds.

Eli grabbed Olivia's hand a looked down at Porter, "Don't interrupt my date with Olivia again." and dragged Olivia out of the theater. Porter stood up and drew up his hood again. He gave a small chuckle "Challenge accepted."