Plan B

"Eli! Eli! Eli please stop you're hurting me...." Olivia cried. Eli slowed down his pace, he let go of Olivia's hand and turned to face her. His chest was rising and falling heavily while his eyes were still clouded with anger.

Olivia took a chance and stepped a little bit closer. "Hey..." she whispered "Are we on a date?" Eli's face paled at her words, he stopped breathing momentarily, not able to take the embarrassment he covered his face with both hands and crouched down to the ground. He let out a small groan.

Olivia didn't know what to do. She stared at the top of Eli's head and took the chance to start petting his hair. "Oh it is soft!" she said with excitement. She could feel Eli's body go stiff under her hand and thought better of herself to stop petting his head like some puppy.

Eli stood up, his face was more determined then it was back at the theater. He took Olivia hand and kissed her fingers "I promise to be more gentle." he told her. Olivia flushed as she nodded her head.

Olivia wasn't sure where she was being lead too but didn't seem to care. Eli hadn't let go of her hand and she was ok with that. It allowed her mind to wonder as he lead the way, she wanted to ask him a billion questions but her heart kept holding her back from asking. It was true, ignorance was bliss but she couldn't ignore her feelings anymore.

"We are here." Eli's voice broke her chain of thoughts, she looked at the building they were standing in front of and couldn't help but feel happy. "Oh it's Little Garden Bath House and Spa!" she exclaimed. Eli gave her a proud face and took her inside. The staff was pleasantly surprised to see Eli walk in through the front doors but even more surprised as he was holding hands with a girl.

"Welcome back Eli-sama." the staff said as they walked by. Eli coldly nodded to their greetings and asked a staff member who was passing by "Where is Samantha?". The male staff member thought for a little bit before he answered "Samantha? Oh she's getting things prepared upstairs Eli-sama."

Eli nodded his thanks and took Olivia upstairs. Olivia couldn't take the silence between them anymore, worse she didn't like the cold Eli that was in front of her "What are we doing here?" she asked cautiously. Eli stopped in front of a beautifully carved, wooden door. The door was engraved with giant blooming roses and leaves but what caught her attention was a sign posted over the door 'Reserved'.

Eli stopped for a second, looked at Olivia, he was showing off the strange twinkle in his eyes again and gave her a devilish grin before answering her question. "Plan B" and with that he opened the door and lead Olivia outside onto the balcony.

Outside was a women who looked like she was in her early 20's standing in the middle of the balcony. Her hair was pulled back into and elegant bun as a large fringe was swept to the side of her diamond shaped face. Her lips were full but small, while her eyes looked cat-like and her body was exceptionally curvaceous. The robe she was wearing highlighted her tiny waist but barely covered her chest.

Olivia couldn't help but feel inferior in front of this women and wondered why she was here. Was she part of Eli's plan B? Was he trying to get back at her for Porter's actions and her delayed reaction? She involuntarily squeezed Eli's hand, the slight pressure widened Eli's eyes, he gave a small chuckle before speaking to the women in front of him. "You may leave now Samantha."

Samantha gave a small bow "Yes Eli-sama" and moved her hips dramatically as she walked by them. She stopped momentarily beside Olivia and brought her well done hand towards her own mouth, she narrowed her eyes at Olivia and gave her a small "Heh" before leaving through the door.

Eli walked Olivia toward a beautifully decorated table where dinner was laid out for them. Eli pulled out a chair and motioned Olivia to sit. Once she was tucked in, he move to the other side and sat himself down. It was awkwardly silent as the ate their dinner, the moon and stars were out and with the beautiful rainbow colored light shinning towards them Olivia couldn't help but feel happy with plan B.

After the dishes, table and chairs were cleared away by the staff, Eli motioned towards a bench for them to sit on. Even though it was summer the nights were still crisp, Eli grabbed a warm blanket that was hiding underneath the bench and wrapped Olivia and himself up. Olivia flushed even harder at the intimacy they were sharing and secretly thanked that it was dark out so Eli wouldn't notice.

Olivia took a quick peek at Eli and noticed he was staring up at the stars. She moved her gaze upwards and noticed a shooting star streak by. Even though it was a little harder to she the stars in the city her heart leapt when she saw the streak of light go across the sky. "Eli-sama?"

Eli flinched when he heard the words come out of her mouth. "Please just Eli." he asked her. He turned his gaze on her and realized she had questions. He gave a small laugh and brought his fingers up to her her cheek. He stroke her face gently as he spoke "You didn't research me did you?" Olivia shook her head no "I wanted to you tell me about yourself." she said.

Eli dropped his head onto her shoulder and sighed "Of course you wouldn't do something sneaky as gather information on someone... you are too noble... unlike me." Olivia pulled Eli off her shoulder and looked into his eyes as she enunciated every single word. "No I'm not. I'm not noble I do research people and try to obtain their weakness but you... you... are special."

Eli couldn't help himself, the urge was to strong, he grabbed Olivia's waist and brought her closer to her side. He looked dead serious as he stared at her mouth then back into her eyes "I will not apologize for this." and planted a kiss on her lips.

At first it was light and sweet but after Olivia started to kiss him back, the kisses started to feel more urgent and passionate. Olivia let out a small moan and Eli's switch was turned on, he brought one of his hands to the back of her head and pulled her body towards him until it he was unable to bring her any closer. "Eli.." Olivia whispered in between their kisses, he slipped his tongue into her mouth and started to taste her fully.

Olivia started to feel breathless and tried to pull away but Eli's hand on her head kept her in place. Olivia started to let her moans come out more frequently as her mind became blank. She was now running on pure emotion and shuddered when Eli moved his lips to her forehead, down to her cheek and finally to the crook of her neck.

Their breathing was erratic, they sat in silence trying to calm their hearts. Eli lifted his head and looked into Olivia's eyes. He gently brushed a lock of hair away from her face "You're so beautiful, inside and out. You're so kind... so brave... so..." he brought is lips again to hers, it wasn't as light as the first but it wasn't as passionate as before but it was still very sweet.

Once Eli pulled away he looked flustered. He struggled to find the right words but gave up with a sigh. "Olivia..."

"Mmmh..." she answered still completely dazed from his kiss.

"I love you."