Dinner With The Delmiras

Eli was mortified as he had no idea what to say to Olivia as they made there way towards the dinning area. His family had promised to behave themselves but no one bothered to keep their promise. Worse when he was running around trying to look for her, more relatives decided to 'invite' themselves to dinner.

"You have a rather large family don't you?" Olivia asked Eli a little nervously while Eli became blank faced as they both walked into the dinning room and were greeted by a large amount of people. Ms. Delmira gracefully approached the two and extended her hand towards Olivia "Please allow me to introduce you to our family members here tonight." Olivia looked at Eli stone face and back to Ms. Delmira sparkling eyes, she was glad to know Eli's little quirk and it made her more feel more at ease as she took Ms. Delmira's hand.

It was a whirl wind of introductions, she met Eli's first uncle Bahram and his wife Earleen, and their sons, 21 year old Page and 19 year old Hadley. Next was Bahram's twin brother Caspian, his wife Fallon and their daughter and two sons, 14 year old Ida, 16 year old Kai and 17 year old Quinn. She was then introduced to Eli's Aunt Lucie and her husband William along with their two sons, 11 year old Owen and 8 year old Werner.

Ms. Delmira patted Olivia on the shoulder knowing it was a lot to take in but she wasn't done yet she still needed to introduce her to the three most important people. She turned Olivia around and had her face an elderly couple standing to one side. They looked so warm and inviting as they patiently waited for their turn,Olivia felt rejuvenated once she saw the elderly couple.

"Olivia this is my father-in-law and mother-in-law, Baldrick and his wife Aaliyah." the old woman gave Olivia a big hug and kiss while the old man shook her hand. "Why are you introducing Eli's bride to us instead of him?" Baldrick asked sternly. Ms. Delmira's eyes twinkled as she answered the old man "Eli is being consoled by his father at the moment for his lack of ...'valor'. Besides why would I pass up the opportunity to show off my daughter-in-law?"

Olivia could feel her whole body flush as they all talked about her. Did they really think that she was going to the new addition of the Delmira family or did they have fun teasing Eli? She was too scared to ask them and more afraid to ask Eli. She took a quick peek towards the entrance of the dinning room and saw Eli leaning his forehead against the door frame as a taller version of himself was patting his head.

She couldn't help but giggle as she could tell right away they were father and son, not just because of their looks but by the same void expression that they were wearing. She secretly thanked Ms. Delmira for the valuable piece of information. If she had not known about Eli's quirk she would always look back on this day, feeling miserable and unwanted but instead she felt warm.

"Alright everyone dinner will be served in a moment! Please make your way to your seats... Damien honey leave Eli alone already and come greet your daughter-in-law!" Ms. Delmira shouted. Eli's father gave him an apologetic smile and walked over to them before they all sat down for dinner.

Olivia couldn't help but smile. It had been a while since she sat at a lively dinner table, even when she went to Autumn's house everyone had their plans or things to do so it was always a small setting but this! This was beyond what she had expected for today.

People were passing dishes around and happily chatting about anything, politics, gardening weather, extra curricular activities, sports teams and things about work. She was especially happy that Aaron decided to sit next to her and gestured to have her feed him. As she was giving him pieces of fish Samantha called everyone's attention "Aww Aaron is being especially cute tonight isn't he? You never let me feed you!"

Aaron looked coldly at his big sister "You take to long to put the food in my mouth." Samantha exaggerated the hurt she felt from Aaron's words as she placed both her hands over her heart and sent her head flying backwards. "So cold! But then again... you look more her child then a love rival." she said with a smirk as she twirled her fork in the air.

"Eh! So she's not fully Eli's yet and here I thought they were already engaged!" shouted Hadley as he slammed his cup against the table "Well if nothing is set in stone I guess I still have a chance don't I?" Page teased as he looked at Olivia "Especially if Auntie Gloria has given her seal of approval she must be an outstanding lady."

"Must be" Quinn voiced in "If she can get bookworm Eli to actually pay attention rather then half a**ed while he is glued to a book I would dare bet she's extraordinary" Olivia blushed at all their speculation, she knew she wasn't anything special and she wasn't even sure what she wanted to do with life so to have them have such high expectations of her was a little unsettling.

Grandfather Baldrick seemed more intrigued by the conversation "Well young miss please tell us about your self" he asked gently. As Olivia looked over at everyone she couldn't help but feel like she was in a vast ocean as a range of blue and green eyes stared at her.

She felt a cold sweat break out on her back and tried to steady her nerves before she opened her mouth. Suddenly she felt Eli's hand on her thigh, she gave him a shocked look as he nodded to her, she brought her hand down and held his for support.

"My name is Olivia Steel, I'm 17 years old and attend Lewood Academy. My father is Avery Steel, CEO of Steel Enterprises which specialize in the advancement of technological software, security and AI advancements. I have no interest in my father's work and am currently not being breed to take over. I love architecture, space, fairy tales and flowers but I have not chosen my career path as of yet. Other then father, I have an uncle Robin and his wife Amy is expecting triplets this fall so I will have cousins soon. Oh there Edmond he's like an older adopted uncle and estranged grandparents." she said as clearly and loudly as she could.

Olivia looked around nervously and was starting to question what she had said may have been wrong when suddenly the whole family started laughing. "Sweetie..." Aunt Lucie said as she held her sides "This isn't a marriage interview we just wanted to know more about you!" Olivia blushed and let go of Eli's hand.

"Did you hear that Quinn?" Kai said as he poked his arm "She goes to Lewood, maybe you should transfer out of Ka Torto Academy so you can up your chances." he suggested to his brother in between his laughter. "Well I can see why Eli likes you so much you're just adorable!" laughed Hadley "I know right! I kidnapped her earlier just to spend some quality time with her myself!" shouted Samantha.

The Delmira's spent the night laughing and eating till Eli had to take Olivia home. Everyone gathered in the foyer to say their goodbyes. There were lots of hugs and hand shakes from everyone and a few kisses on her cheek from the boys. When she had to say good bye to Aaron she felt a little sad as she didn't get a chance to cuddle him. Aaron looked up at Olivia and puffed out his cheeks in annoyance. She bent down and stretched out her arms to signal for a hug.

Instead Aaron took advantage of her defenseless self and wrapped his arms around her neck and planted a kiss on her lips. When he finished, Olivia was in a state of shock and frozen in place, Aaron looked up at Eli and smirked "Keep her close or I will steal her from you big brother." while everyone in the room cheered at his declaration.

Eli scooped Olivia up and planted a big kiss on her lips before carrying her out the front door, princess style. He looked back and proudly declared "She's mine back off already!" before carrying her over to the car waiting for their departure.

"Well that was a good show! Now who wants some coffee?" Ms Delmira asked the crowd.