Hello? Is Someone There?

It was finally the day of the debutante and Olivia spent her entire shift going over ever detail of her plan. She wanted to consult Eli about what she wanted to do but dinner at his house completely distracted her from having the conversation and they virtually had no time alone together after that.

Once she was done scrubbing the bathroom clean, she made her way to the change room and out the front door to go home. She felt a chill go down her spine as she looked around the empty street, almost everyone was getting ready for the debutante and closing shop early for the festivities. Her eyes moved slowly from left to right trying to find the source of her uneasiness but found nothing out of the ordinary.

She awkwardly laughed as she started to walk towards the bus stop. "My nerves must be playing tricks on me today" she thought as she crossed the street but she couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching her. She need to hear Eli's voice to calm her nerves so she pulled out her phone and dialed.

After a few short rings she felt a wave of relief when she heard him say hello. She gave a huge sigh before answering "Hey... sorry I interrupting anything?" she shyly asked "No, I was just reading a book. Everything ok?" Olivia starting biting her lip contemplating whether she should tell Eli of her paranoia "Olivia?" he gently called out.

"I think someone might be following me..." she whispered. "Where are you." he asked "At Alpine and Melbrooks, walking towards the bus stop." she could here some movement from Eli's side "Don't take the bus I will come pick you up." Olivia tried to protest "It's ok. Really I feel safer just having you on the - Ahhhh!"

"Olivia?... OLIVIA?!" Eli started to shout "Don't touch me! Let me go! Someone HEL....." was all he heard before the line died. Eli paled as he rushed down stairs.

"Shhh princess. We can't have you screaming for help now can we?" a man in shades said as he covered her mouth and sniffed her hair. While a shorter man was stomping on her phone. "Can't have you trying to get to your phone either." he chuckled darkly.

"Hey Carl." the man in the shades shouted "What's up Dan?" the short man replied. "Can we taste her before we sell her off?" said Dan. Carl looked over Olivia with a disgusting look in his eyes "Hmmm you know what Dan that might actually be a good idea." Olivia 's eyes widened at their conversation and began to flail her body, trying to get herself free.

"Oh Dan I think the princess is a fighter." Carl sneered "I think you're right Carl we may need to take her into that alley instead of the van." Dan answered as he nodded across the street. "That's a great idea Dan!" Olivia struggled with all her might to try and delay the trip into the alley but it was all in vain, Dan was stronger and dragged her across the street awkwardly.

Once they made it into the dark alley Dan threw her body against a dumpster, knocking the wind right out of her. She tried to get off the ground but Carl was faster,he sat on top of legs and grabbed her neck with one hand "Oh princess... we are going to take our sweat time tasting you." he said as he licked the side of her face.

Olivia felt a chill run down her whole body as she broke out into a cold sweat. She tried to punch Carl in the gut, as her hand were the only thing free. Carl let go of her neck and caught her wrist instead. "tsk, tsk, tsk, naughty princess. We can't have you doing that." he said as he slapped her face. Olivia became disoriented, the impact was hard and made her see stars.

"Dan she's really feisty. I think I need you to hold her arms down for me." Carl shouted. Dan came running beside him and pulled Olivia down towards the ground and causally flipped her face up like a piece of fish. "Do you think if I shoved my d**k in her mouth she'll know what to do?" Dan laughed. Carl contemplated for a moment before saying "Well no one is around and we took out her body guard, so I say we train her to entertain two men at the same time."

Olivia was afraid. To afraid to scream. She felt tears starting to pool in her eyes and tried to come up with a plan of escape. "Why are you doing this?" she hoarsely asked. Carl looked at her and waved his finger "No princess, no words I want to hear your moans and screams." he snidely said before he started rip her shirt apart "NOOO!" she screamed. Carl was annoyed now and barked at Dan "Cover her mouth she's going to ruin the mood!"

The fabric was tougher looking then what Carl thought so he reached into his back pocket and pulled out a switch blade. He started cutting up Olivia's shirt and moved to cut the center of her bra. "Princess, you were hiding quite a naughty body weren't you?" he darkly chuckled. "Oh this is pretty. I think my master might love this as a souvenir, a memento if you will of our sweat time together." as he tried to pull off Olivia necklace, she found the strength to pull out one arm free from Dan's grasp and elbowed Car in the nose.

"You b*tch!" he roared as he clutched his bleeding nose. "I was going to be gentle with you but now you've gone and done this!" Carl sent a fist flying into Olivia's face. Dan let go of her mouth and hands. He felt bad but he knew once Carl's temper got the better of him it was best to back off.

After several moments of intense beatings from Carl, a very badly bruised, bloody, broken Olivia was curled up on the ground in a fetal position, whimpering in fear. Carl got up and started to whip his bloody knuckles clean on his shirt. "Now that you're behaving, let's take those pants off shall we?" As Carl undid her pants and pulled them off all she could do was silently cry. She was essentially bare all that was left was her underwear.

Carl began to salivate as he stared at a complicit Olivia. Carl grabbed the knife off the ground, bent over and sliced her panties in two before putting the knife back in his pocket. "Now this is too appetizing to let go." He said as he unzipped his own pants. Olivia silently cried as she looked up at the sky, wishing she could die.

Suddenly Dan was sent flying, into Carl, causing both mean to collide against the dumpster. A husky voice starting yelling "You pieces of sh*t!" Olivia tried to get a way from the men but every inch of her body screamed in pain. She dragged herself as far as she could before she was faced with a heavy breathing man wearing a biking jacket and helmet.

Tears started pouring out as she looked at the two men beaten on the floor then to the helmet reflecting her horrifying reflection. "Look out!" she screamed as Carl was getting up with his knife in hand. The biker spin kicked Carl sending him flying against the dumpster again, once he was he was down the biker jumped onto his chest, he grabbed the knife and plunged it into Carl's shoulder, twisting it in place. Carl screamed before he passed out.

The biker got up and walked over to Olivia. He took off his jacket and covered her body. Olivia couldn't help but tremble in fear, she didn't know if the biker was here to finish the job the men were assigned to. He lifted of his helmet and gently placed it onto her head "I'm taking to my house.". Eli gently picked her up and carried her to his motorbike. "I'm going to tie you to me just in case you pass out ok?" Olivia nodded and did her best to stay conscious till they arrived to his estate.

Eli drove his motorbike into the garage and turned it off. "Your safe now. I can get Samantha to get you some clothes and I'll get mom to call the family doctor to give you treatment right away." he said as he untied Olivia's hands but the moment he let go of her hands they dropped against his thighs. "Olivia?" he whispered as the blood rushed to his head "Olivia?" he tried to say a little louder.

Eli turned around and took off the helmet. The strength in her body disappeared and she was barley breathing. "Hey Olivia stay with me! Olivia!" he shouted. Olivia barely opened her eyes to look at Eli, she was trying so hard to hold onto her consciousness and used the last bit of strength she had to smile gently at him before she fully passed out.