Right Hand Man Robin

It was finally the 21st, Robin and Olivia were saying their goodbyes before they left the terminal at the airport. Agni thought it was going to be more adventurous if they took first class on 'A' airlines then the private plane and was happy for her decision which meant Olivia could use the private plane instead to get to the Isles.

"Little Livy bear you need to listen to your uncle and be a good girl for him alright?" she said as she kissed her in the forehead goodbye. Olivia gave her biggest smile and giggled "I will mother."

"Robin please keep your promises and keep her safe." Avery said as he gave him a hug goodbye "I've always kept her safe..." Robin responded. Olivia threw herself onto the twins warping an arm round them, as she brought them closer she took the opportunity to open her heart a little bit "I'm so sorry... I promise to be a better sister, so please be careful and... thank you." she whispered as she let them go.

The twins' eyes widened and Loreley took a quick peek at their mother, she was busy talking to Robin so she gave Laila a quick nod. Laila grabbed her hand and placed a note inside it before she stepped beside her sister. Agni was now looking in their direction "We will see you soon" Laila said with a smile "Be careful and don't do anything stupid." Loreley said bluntly.

Olivia nodded "See you then." she responded nonchalantly and walked slowly towards Robin. Avery asked Agni a question and she turned to face him, Olivia took the chance to stuff the note into her jacket pocket before Agni took notice.

As Robin and Olivia waved their final goodbyes to the family, Robin grabbed Olivia's hand and walked her out of the terminal happily. Once they made it to the mini van he let go and like a gentleman, opened the door for Olivia. Once she was inside, he ran to his side, jumped in and turned on the car. "Ready to go sweet heart." he said happily. Olivia nodded and off they went.

It was a rather quiet car ride as they left the airport and the only thing occupying the space between them was the radio playing holiday music. Robin kept checking his rear view mirror and narrowly got onto an exited that was heading somewhere else. "Uncle Robin?" Olivia asked nervously as she clutched on to her seat.

"Hold on sweetie. Looks like we are being followed... hold on sweetie I swear I will keep you safe." he said as he weaved in between cars. Olivia nodded and decided to keep her thoughts to herself while Robin drove like a mad man on the highway.

After many turns, exist and entrances Robin finally pulled up to a car wash. "Aww honey I'm so sorry! Did my driving make you car sick? We'll make a quick pit stop and I will clean up the car." Robin said loudly as he placed a shushing finger over her lips.

Olivia thought it be safe to play along and gently placed a hand over his. "Thank you uncle Robin... blegh... I think I might... gag... I'm so sorry..." she said as she acted like she just threw up. Robin parked the car, helped Olivia out and sat her on the snowy curb next to the vehicle.

He then proceeded to put money in the vacuum and started cleaning out his car. Olivia patiently waited as Robin scoured the mini van and pulled out a small listening device from one of the small crevices beside the vehicle door. He brought the device over to the vacuums head and allowed the machine to suck it up.

Robin finished looking over the vehicle and couldn't find anything else. Satisfied he walked over to Olivia and helped her of the snowy curb. "Honey we should get you coat cleaned too!" and pulled off her coat, grabbed her phone and note out of the pocket before throwing her coat into the trash.

He didn't think he was going to find a note in her pocket but handed it back to her without looking at it. He then crushed her phone under his foot and threw that in the trash. Olivia was confused but knew that her uncle Robin was her dad's right hand man for a reason and allowed him to do what he wanted.

Once she sat back in the car, he torn off her boots and tossed them into the trash, "Sweetie your such a messy! You know what I'm gonna taking you shopping and get you some new clothes how does that sound?" he said innocently "Wonderful!" Olivia said happily. "Ok to the mall we go!" and jumped back into the vehicle and drove off towards an underground parking garage.

Robin parked the mini van and went opened one of the sliding doors. He folded one of the passenger seats and pulled it upwards to reveal a hidden compartment. He had already prepared a brand new set of clothes, winter gear and new phone for her. "Sweetie try these on, I think they will look great on you!" he said happily as he placed the folded seat back into position and closed the sliding door gently. "Anything for you uncle Robin!"

Robin leaned his back onto the mini van watching the entrance of the parking garage when he heard a light tap against the window. Olivia handed her old clothes and accessories to Robin "What do you think?" she asked happily "I knew it would look great on you" he said as he walked her old thing to another trash bin, he dumped her belongings and called out to her "Oh honey leave those old things here the clerk they will take care of them. Why don't we stop by the food court and grab a bite to eat?" and walked away.

Robin started up the vehicle again and drove Olivia back to the estate. "Honey were home!" Robin shouted as Olivia rolled her eyes. Amy came running to the foyer, pale faced and out of breath. "Darling! How was the trip?" Amy said as she helped her husband pull of his coat "Fine, how was your day?" he asked affectionately. "Darling the new cleaners you hired did a fantastic job at cleaning up the house, look it's sparkling like new!" she happily announced but her face was anything but happy.

Robin raised an eyebrow "Oh really?" he questioned. Amy nodded her head and pointed towards the corner of the floor nearest to them "See have you every seen such a lovey, shinny floor!" Robin's face paled as he seen the small mound of listening devices in the corner of the foyer. "Your right honey what an amazing job."

"Honey... I know you don't like me bringing work home but I really want to try this new prototype out, before I pass a report along to Avery." he said darkly, Amy and Olivia picked up his que and played along "Aww dad makes you work over the holidays uncle Robin?" Olivia asked sadly "No sweetie your uncle Robin like to play with the new toys the company comes up with and uses the excuse of 'writing a report' to bring them home and try it out." Amy answered wearily.

Robin walked over to the pile of listening devices and stood menacingly over them "So darling which one is it this time." Amy asked with a sigh. Robing raised one boot and hovered over the pile "Security!" he happily shouted as he brought his foot down and started smashing the devices over and over and over again.

Robin was pissed, super pissed! He smashed the dives into tiny bits and thought it still wasn't good enough and scoped up every last piece, tossed it into a bag and threw into the garage "They don't look like one of our models but I rather be safe then sorry." He said as he wiped the sweat off his brow " Now Olivia your Aunt and I would like to have a few words with you. Would you like to drink some hot chocolate while we sit by the fireplace?"