Olivia Time To Spill

Olivia spent a long time contemplating on what she was going to say, she had no idea where to start and decided to just stare at the a her mug of hot chocolate. The whipped topping had already started to dissolve and the the little pieces of candy canes and chocolate shavings were starting to make pockets of swirled color.

Amy gave Robin a concerned look and placed a hand on his lap. Robin gave a huge sigh "If you don't want to talk about it you don't have to... just know that your aunt and I love you and if you ever need us we are here to help."

Olivia looked up from her mug and allowed her tears to roll down her cheeks. "Do you really? Can you keep loving me even after you find out and not... not abandon me like dad?" the sorrow that she showed on her face broke their hearts, they had no idea what to do let alone say. Amy got up and walked over to Olivia and wrapped her arms around her.

"Sweetie no matter what you say we are on your side." she murmured against her temple. "Olivia did you think your little act the other night had me fooled? I knew you wanted to to stay, I knew about the trip your 'family' was planning and honestly your lucky it played out so well. That woman is devious and I'm slowly catching on to her little act. Especially now that I found listening devices in my mini van and house." Robin said bitterly.

Olivia allowed her mug to fall out of her hands as she hugged Amy back, clutching at the loose fabric on her back. "She almost killed me!" she wailed in Amy arms. Robin had moved to clean up the liquid off the floor when his hand froze, his eyes shot straight up to Amy while she shook her head and mouthed the word "No."

Amy kissed Olivia's head and rubbed her back affectionately, patiently waiting for Olivia to calm down. After some time Olivia pulled herself out of Amy's embrace, puffy eyed and red in the face. Robin passed her a warm, wet towel to use before he sat down on the opposite couch.

"Sweetie... I'm going to be very serious with you about this, I will try my hardest to listen to your story without interrupting you but I need to know will you answer ever question I ask, no matter how embarrassing or hard it may be?" Robin said as he clenched his fists together. Olivia nodded in agreement.

"Why do you think she tried to kill you." Olivia bit her bottom lip "I don't know why... I tried telling daddy that I thought she was behind my attempted kidnapping and rape but he wouldn't listen, instead... I was treated like a child throwing a tantrum... so my guess, I was getting close to the truth...." she said breathlessly.

Robin shot up from his seat "What do you mean attempted kidnapping and rape?!" his voice was clearly exasperated and Olivia shrunk back into the couch "Dad never told you what happened? Is he trying to protect her...." Robin paced from the couch to the fireplace visibly trying to control his temper. He stopped in his tracks and looked into her eyes "When did this happen?"

"The day of the debutante... I think she didn't want me to be there. Some men came up and grabbed me, dragged me into an alley and... my clothes... my clothes were torn... I tried to fight them off but they beat me.... if Eli didn't come to my rescue... I... I... uncle Robin I wished at that moment that I was dead." she whimpered as she held back her tears.

Robin slumped down into the couch, the blood drained from his face "What happened after that?" he asked quietly.

Olivia breathed Heavily trying to calm herself down "I wasn't allowed to leave the house after that, it was just work then home. When I wasn't busy I had to help Agni and the twins unpack. Eli, Blair and Autumn would come over once a week to check up on me but that was about it, while dad... dad avoided me. He would leave early, come back home late if he came home at all and often rushed into his room. I stopped existing in his world."

Robin's face turned to stone, "What about Edmond?" Amy asked hesitantly. "He got kicked out. Agni didn't like him at all and he couldn't stand her. So dad told him to leave and if he was needed they would call his phone... that's when it really went down hill." Amy gently grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze. Olivia sighed and let the words tumble out.

"School kept me sane. Agni took my phone away to keep me away from 'indecent' text messages from Eli, took my internet away so I would stop talking to people below my status, lectured my continuously about always wearing protection when I was having none stop sex with a revolving door of men.... her exact words were 'even though you've lost your innocence doesn't mean you have to have your legs opened for the world'."

Olivia gave a small smile "It's kinda funny if you think about since I'm still a virgin but in her mind I was beyond dirty, beyond salvation." she allowed one tear to roll down her face before she continued "She made me believe that it was my fault. That I had this coming to me, that she was proud that I was able to wake up every morning with a smile, no matter how many people whispered about my 'night time' adventurers, that I was not worthy of living" Robin started to clutch the arm rest on the couch, the vein in his head was popping out dangerously.

"At one point I believed her and pushed away everyone, the people who loved me refused to let me go and I thank him for that but the one person I needed the most let me down." she said quietly to afraid of her words but she need to tell them everything.

"What about you being sick... did you... did you try to commit suicide?' Robina asked with fear in his eyes. Olivia shook her head "No, I didn't think about it at that time.... I really was feeling sick and if it wasn't for Samantha who was passing by at the time I would have died on the spot. She was the one who rushed me to the hospital. They called Agni since dad didn't pick up the phone... they told her I'm was poisoned. I was probably exposed for a long period of time... they wanted to know what the cause was but Agni said she didn't know."

"Sweetie do you know how you got poisoned?" Amy's face paled as she asked the question. Olivia looked her in the eyes "I started to starve myself... I couldn't take it anymore. I needed to feel something other then hate and pain from starvation made me feel human. Even if I broke down and tried to eat I couldn't hold any food in my stomach because of the pressure form Agni's 'love lessons'. I didn't want to throw up anymore so Agni gave me a 'special' tea to calm my stomach. All I drank for 3 weeks was Agni's 'special' tea." Olivia's eyes were now wild and she was starting to slip away.

"F*CK!" Robin shouted as he turned over the lamp and table, bringing Olivia back to her senses, she rubbed her head and tried to recall those misty days. "For 3 days they were detoxifying me... I gave up after that I shut myself inside and became a living doll. Nothing else mattered anymore I was done, dad didn't care, Edmond was banned from anything to do with Agni, I became a prisoner in my own house and that woman married my father." the monotony of her voice shook Robin's heart to the core.

"The only reason I started to become 'healthier' was the Delmiras. They gave me the escape I needed. If it wasn't for them I would have been still living like a doll till I wasted away." Olivia was now weary from the conversation and laid her head back onto the head rest of the couch. her eyes focused on the ceiling as she became silent.

Amy grabbed Olivia and smushed her face into her chest. "No more! I don't want to hear anymore! This woman needs to die! Will work together to bring her down right Robin?!" Amy declared but Robin sat pensively. "She's sneaky, she won't be easy to take down. For now lets have a good night's sleep and tomorrow let's go have a date."