You Had A Funeral

It was quiet in the kitchen. Nana Tina had stabbed a knife into the cutting board and Papi Bernie refused to stop looking out the window when Eli walked into the room. Olivia looked up from the chair pitifully and gave him a shaky smile. She was happy to see Eli's old self again even though it looked like he need a good night's sleep, he was still breath taking to her.

Eli was alarmed by her smile and rushed to her side "Are you ok?" he asked as he placed the palm of his hand on her cheek. Olivia placed her own hand on top of his and nuzzled against his warmth. "Ya" she calmly said. Eli didn't seem to believe her as he looked at the elder.

Olivia sighed and kissed the inside of is hand. "I told them everything... there is nothing to hide from them. So can you tell me what happened the last several weeks while I was gone?" Eli was taken aback that she told the elders so much. He coughed as he pulled out a chair to sit.

He locked eyes with Olivia and gripped her hand. "Everyone is safe... No one else has been threatened or harmed in any way." he said firmly and Olivia felt a giant wave of relief wash over her. Eli gave her a moment before he continued.

"We all tried looking for you for weeks. Your father put up a reward for any information on you, no matter how insignificant it was but we couldn't find any trace of you. It looked like you got spirited away, that is until exam day. You were there writing your exam and we only realized after we all saw you walk out the door!" he exclaimed but Olivia brought her hand up and started waving the air in front of her "I never went back once." she said.

"....I see... I think it was part of Agni's plan because a week later your charred body was found inside the cottage..." Olivia's jaw dropped, Papi Bernie tore his gaze from the window and Nana Tina stared at the two youth. "I'm sorry Olivia but the cottage is gone..." he whispered sorrowfully. Olivia let silent tears fall as she bit her trembling lip.

Eli sighed and squeezed her hand "Your father couldn't believe it, nobody wanted to believe it but when dental and DNA came back saying it was you....ugh... I caught your father calling your phone just to listen to your voice on the answering machine... hell I did it too... It's been mostly Robin and I running the company but when they held your funeral last week I lost it and took time off to get my shit together."

"You see I refused to believe it was you and caused a scene at the wake. So your dad thought it best to take time to come to terms with your death... I barely ate, barely slept, told people if it was really you I wanted to join you and I drove up to the cottage to just stare at what was left of it." Olivia stood up abruptly staring daggers at Eli "Why would you..." she started to shout but Eli interrupted her.

"You were gone!" he shouted back as he stood up and knocked his chair back. "No phone call, email, text, letter, nothing! That one little ray of hope I thought I had... when we thought we saw you at school was ripped away and I had a carcass thrown in my face! Olivia please tell me how was I supposed to feel?! I'll tell you right now that I'd been living in an abyss! Nothing felt right! Nothing was good enough! I wondered everyday why you left and then to see you're 'body' I wondered if you committed suicide to get away from everyone!" he spat at her before he took a couple of steps back.

Olivia was silent as she watched him back away from her, his face twisted with pain and sadness. He clutched the front of his shirt where his heart would be and slammed his back against the wall. "How did you find me?" Olivia whispered into the room. Eli started to take deep breathes and calmed himself down but never left the wall.

"Edmond... Edmond stopped me from... he told me you were alive and that I should go to the small towns close by. To ask if they had seen you and he promised one day we would meet if I tried hard enough." the look of determination in his eyes never faltered. Olivia hugged herself despite how warm it was in the kitchen.

An alarm went off and Nana Tina jumped right out of skin "Crap! Good thing we set this blasted thing up or else our dinner would have been burnt!" she shouted as she rushed towards the stove. She quickly pulled off the lid from a big pot, stirred the contents with a ladle and added pasta. She then opened the oven and pulled off the tin foil that covered a pan with a chicken in it. "Bernard flip the chicken for me!" she yelled at her husband.

He quickly stepped over and skillfully flipped the chicken onto its breast and watched his wife put it back into the oven. She reset the alarm and shooed her husband out of the way. She looked at Olivia then at Eli, neither one moved from their spot. She sighed and straightened up her back. "Olivia sweetie..." she started and waited till Olivia made eye contact with her.

Nana Tina coughed and dusted off her apron. "Look I will tell you what I think, I am not trying to meddle in your life, I am just talking and if you listen maybe you will think on what you want to do next... I think this Agni person is vile. She is trying her hardest to control everything and has been successfully doing so. You wanted to show your father proof that she is not who he thinks she is right? What better way is there?! Other than to walk up to your father and say 'hi, I'm still alive' and sit back and watch the show!" she said sternly.

Everyone in the room was dumb struck. Olivia bit her lip, she didn't want to admit that Nana Tina was right but that would mean she would have to leave them behind and possible put them in danger. Papi Bernie sighed and looked at Olivia sorrowfully "My little one... I can see what you are thinking and honestly you may be correct. That Agni person may want to come after us and shut us up but Olivia do you think we can defend ourselves?"

Olivia looked at Papi Bernie, he was right all joking aside they were capable people. Both elders kept fit and she didn't know many 71 year olds who kept up with muscle toning and abs. The only thing that would dare hint at their age are their hands and their manner of dressing. "What if she..." Olivia said hesitantly but Nana Tina came up to her and flicked her forehead.

"What if?! What if nothing! We told you we can take care of ourselves and you should just take it as fact! So enough of this crap already! Eli pick up the chair, then help Olivia set the table we are going to eat a delicious dinner soon and after that we will have some dessert!" she started ordering.

Olivia rubbed her forehead and gave her Nana Tina a big smile before she hugged her. "Thank you Nana Tina!" she said happily. "What for?! You just need to listen to me and all will be good. Now hurry up dinner will be served at four, so you have time to decorate that cheesecake you made yesterday."

Olivia instantly blushed as she let go of her Nana Tina and looked at Eli. His eye widened at what Nana Tina said and silently stared at the two women. Nana Tina was confused "What the hell is wrong now?!" she shouted.

Olivia played with some fabric on her sun dress "It's nothing Nana Tina!" she said as she turned a brighter red. Nana Tina looked at Olivia more closely, trying to coax the girl into saying more but Papi Bernie placed his hand on her shoulder. "Clementina, leave her alone already poor girl is mortified." he said calmly.

Olivia placed her hands on her face to hide herself. If they knew her reason for making a cheesecake she would die from embarrassment but then again she was practically dying now.


Olivia sighed as she laid in bed beside Eli. Eli pulled her closer towards him and kissed the top of her head. "We will be together so don't worry." he mumbled as he yawned. Olivia snuggled more onto his chest and couldn't help but feel hot but she knew Eli was too tired to even think about what she was thinking but it didn't stop her body from reacting.

"What if dad doesn't believe it's really me? What if I'm thrown aside as a fraud and my friends and family turn and outcast me?" she said worriedly. Eli lazily stroked her hair "I won't so is that not enough?" he murmured. Olivia lifted herself of his chest and gazed at his face. "I'm being serious Eli." she cried.

Eli sighed "If they do, we can come back here and live next door to the elders. We can be happy, start our own family and just move on." Olivia bit her lip as she laid back down of his chest. "You make it sound so simple." she muttered bitterly.

Eli let a small chuckle "It is..." was all he said before he started to breath deeply. Olivia peeked up at him and seen that he had already fallen asleep. Olivia moved herself up till she could reach his jawline and gave him a small kiss. "Happy birthday." she whispered softly before she nestled herself on his chest and fell asleep for the night.