Goodbye Everyone

Nana Tina and Papi Bernie convinced Eli and Olivia to stay for two more days. They wanted time to show off Olivia's fiance and arranged a going away party, the whole town was invited. Needless to say both Eli and Olivia were ridiculously busy and found no real time to spend with one another.

On the day of their farewell party Olivia spent the entire morning helping the women in the community center cook and set up for the party while Eli had his K*w*saki N*nja H2 SX SE checked over and packed for the both of them.

It was finally time for people to arrive and Olivia was exhausted. Once she saw people making their way in she caught her second wind. She was now in full out hostess mode and made sure everyone was greeted.

Soon after Eli made his entrance , Olivia couldn't help but tear up. It felt like a lifetime had passed by since she had last seen him but thanks to Nana Tina's cooking and a couple of nights of good sleep he looked renewed. She couldn't help herself as she ran up to him and jumped into his arms.

Just as Eli could not help himself, he brought her face close and kissed her passionately. They were blissfully happy in their own little world. Until they heard the roar of applause and snapped back into reality. They quickly separated from each other and awkwardly waved to the crowd as everyone shouted their blessings and congratulations.

The party was in full swing when night fall came. The center was lively as the town folks were happily eating, dancing and drinking when Eli signaled to Olivia it was time to go. Everyone stopped what they were doing and walked Eli and Olivia. Everyone gave them their farewell hugs and kisses until the reached the end of the line, Nana Tina and Papi Bernie.

Olivia tried to be strong and held her head high but the moment she saw Nana Tina start to cry she couldn't hold it in anymore and started to bawl. "You will always have a home to come back too!" Nana Tina cried as she hugged Olivia tightly. "I'll come back to visit as much as I can!" Olivia cried back.

Papi Bernie couldn't wait for his hug any longer and joined the two women and silently let a few tear slid down his face. Once they all became composed Papai Bernie looked at Eli and placed a strong hand on his shoulder. "You have to protect her no matter what." he said sternly as he applied a little pressure to Eli's shoulder.

Eli did not flinch under his gaze or strength. Instead he matched his kingly stare "I swear." he proclaimed and Papi Bernie eased up and pulled Eli in for a hug.

Eli and Olivia were ready to go. Olivia was about to put the giant backpack on when Papi Bernie called out to her "Wait! Olivia before you go Clementina and I wrote your father a letter. Can you please make sure he reads it... we want to offer him some advise." he said as he looked conflicted with himself. Nana Tina rolled her eyes as she took the letter out of Papi Bernie's hand and passed it to Olivia. "We want to make sure he knows that you are special and loved by us. So please pass it along." Nana Tina said cordially.

Olivia gingerly took the letter and placed it carefully inside the backpack. She looked at both elders and gave them a shaky smile, she hugged them one last time and kissed their cheeks. Whispering to each of them "I love you so much." before she placed the helmet on her head and jumped onto the back of the bike.

They both waved one last time before Eli revved up his bike and off they went back home to Rune City. The townsfolk all started to sniff and cry as they watched the lights from the bike disappear from sight. "Ok everyone that is enough sniveling! We are here to celebrate! How are you all going to act when the two of them are actually married! My goodness they will be back again so in you all go! Go on, go on and lets party!" Nana Tina shouted as she kicked some people back inside.

"Big talk Clementina! You still have snot running down your face!" someone shouted. Nana Tina looked into the crowd "Who the f*ck shouted that! I dare you to come out and face me! I swear I will beat your a** black and blue for saying that!" she yelled as she shock her fist int he air. Everyone started to ran back into the building trying to avoid Clementina's fury.

Papi Bernie laughed and placed a gentle hand on his wife's shoulder. "Clementina your are my one and only." she said softly. Clementina turned to face her husband and sighed "I will do my best to get everyone inside but you do know what you have to do, right?" Papi Bernie pulled out his phone, swiped the lock screen and looked at his wallpaper.

He used the picture they took during their picnic, he smiled lovingly at his phone before he touched the contacts icon, scrolled down and found the name he was looking for. He looked at Clementina "The moment everyone is inside I will call Edmond."


Eli was driving his bike too fast and Olivia couldn't help but grip his abdomen so she wouldn't fall off. "Eli! What is the hurry!" she shouted into the wind but it was useless he couldn't hear her. Olivia sighed and tightened her grip. After some time Eli finally slowed down the bike and turned into a side path.

Once he turned his bike off, he tapped Olivia hands to let her know she could let go and get off the bike. Olivia looked around and noticed that they were close to the lake. She pulled out her new phone that Papi Bernie gave her as his farewell gift and looked at the time. Her eyes almost fell out from shock.

"How fast were you going?!" she shouted at Eli as she pulled up her helmet's face shield. Eli pulled off his helmet and shrugged in response. Olivia shoved her phone into her pocket and pulled off her own helmet. "We're in the flower field by the lake. Springbanks Valley is an hour and a half away from here and we got here in 40 minutes!" she shouted but Eli gave her automated noise in agreement as he walked up to her and pulled off the backpack.

Olivia was dumbfounded as she watched him go through the back pack and pull out a giant roll. He carefully unwrapped it and started to pitch a tent. She sat next the the bike as she watched him get things ready for the night. Once he was done he pulled of a couple of squares and shook them open to reveal fluffy blankets and a comforter. He placed the comforter on the floor of the tent and the fluffy blanket to the side of the comforter.

He walked over to Olivia and extended his hand. Olivia looked up and stared at his jade green eyes that seemed to be glowing alongside of the crescent moon. She hesitated to long for Eli and he bent over and scooped her up into a princess hold. "Are you that tired from today?" she asked in confusion.

Eli smirked as his eyes sparkled with a hint of danger. "Who says I'm tired." Olivia bit her lip as he placed her down onto the comforter. He was on his knees as he stared down at her and slowly unzipped his jacket and tossed it to the side. "So you drove fast because..." she started to say, her hear rate raced as she watched Eli pull off his shirt. "Because?" he said with a chuckle as he reached out to start undressing her.

Olivia gulped as she watched his hands expertly moved over her skin till he reached the top of her breast and teased the point. He then gently put his mouth over the hard peak and mumbled "Because?" Olivia gasped as his tongue glided playfully. He lifted his head from her breast and looked at her with so much hunger.

"Tell me why." he said before he started to gentle place kisses down her body. He stopped right above the lips of her lower region "Tell me and I will give you what you want." he said seductively before he started his feast. Olivia arched her back in pleasure. She grabbed fists full of fabric trying hard not to to push Eli away.

She gasped and moaned as she started to move her hips. Eli stopped eating and sat up. He wiped his mouth on the back of his hand and laughed darkly "Well Olivia what was the reason you came up with?" Olivia looked at Eli with glazed eyes, her breathing was erratic "Me." she huffed out and Eli unbuttoned his pants.

"What about you?" the fire in his eyes were starting to glow stronger as he waited to here her explain more. Olivia took another gulp and licked her lips. "You want me." she answered slowly. Eli unzipped his pants and pulled them down along with his boxers, exposing his manhood to her.

He spread her legs and let his manhood hover over her wet entrance. He looked at her with a smirk "Tell me it's not just me." he commanded with deep voice Olivia bit her lip trying to stop herself from uttering what she wanted to say.

Eli started to poke the entrance teasingly "Saw you want me too." he said with an uneven voice. Olivia couldn't take it anymore her body was screaming for the need and she looked up at Eli with wet eyes "F*ck me!" she pleaded.

Eli lost control and shoved his manhood hard into her. She yelled out in pleasure. Eli lost all sense of control and let passion guide him. "Eli! Eli please if you go this hard I'm going to... ah!" she cried out and Eli felt something wet splash against his lower region. "That's one." he laughed as he moved her onto her stomach and started to go at again.

"Two" he laughed again and went to clean her up. "Can't have you that wet for number three." he said as he tossed his shirt to the side. Eli laid down and moved Olivia on top "If you want your reward you need to work for it." he said darkly. Olivia was tired now but she knew that Eli had not released yet. She looked at Eli, her hair was a mess and she was covered in sweat "It's not a safe day." she mumbled.

A switch was flipped and Eli's eyes were now blazing with lust, he lifted Olivia up and shoved his manhood in. Olivia let out a cry as he forced her hips to move back and forth with his hands. She placed her hands on his chest trying to match the rhythm of his hands. She heavily breathed out "Eli!" and Eli grunted as the released together.

Olivia lost her balance but Eli caught her in time and laid her gently beside him. He grabbed the blanket and laid it over them. Olivia started to black out as Eli placed a loving kiss on her lips. "Goodnight." he whispered and everything went black.