Bonus Chapter - Romeo Dokmai

Romeo Dokmai has always come out on top, no matter what the task he did it with ease... well at least that is what it looked like to everyone else. Romeo was not you're typical 14 year old boy, as everyone in his grade were just starting to realize that girls were something that they could look at, maybe touch and fantasize about. He saw their true value.

It helped that he had 8 older siblings, he carefully watched and noted all their relationships and came to one conclusion. Males were lead around by their lower members while women were something far greater.

Women could easily disguise themselves with makeup, clothes and accessories and one would not be the wiser. They could manipulate any situation with their acting ability and pass off any excuse as if it were the undeniable truth. He watched how they could easily outsmart any guy but used their innocence to mask their true intentions to get what they wanted.

Women were in his mind, intelligent, conniving, manipulative, devilish evil things that he needed to collected. So at a young age he started collecting the best of the best. In his collection he had a fighter, a con-artist, the smartest in both books and streets, an investigator, a marksman and a hacker.

These women helped him rise to the top every year and secured his title as king for his year at the Academy. However there was one thing he could not understand being at the top was nothing, women licking his boots and adoring every movement he made was nothing. He thought that over time he would feel accomplished but instead he felt nothing, being at the top for years was boring.

Everything around him was dull and listless. He even thought that maybe intercourse would be something to pass the time happily but the only thing it caused was grief as his women clung to him more. He refused to sigh as it would create pandemonium among the women and was relieved when it was time for them to part.

The seven women all cried as they clung to his uniform begging him to stay with them even if it was only a second more. He flashed them all an angelic smile and tossed them his sports towel that he used early to dry himself after indoor soccer practice.

He heard their screams as he turned and dropped his smile as he walked emotionless to Little Darling Castle Daycare. When he heard that Baby Ryan was starting to attend preschool in the fall he quickly volunteered to be the one to drop and pick him up from the daycare.

It took some time to convince his women that he needed to pick up his nephew by himself, inorder to not overwhelm the child and cause some sort of trauma. In the end they all agreed that no one was to follow him or try to make contact with his nephew to try and gain favor over the others.

Romeo smirked to himself as he looked back at his genius. A man needed time to himself especially when he's lost interest with his collection. He wasn't stupid enough to let them go, he still needed every single one of them to get the perks of being king but made sure to pick up pointers for when they were no longer around.

He looked up at the sky and soaked in the spring sun's rays as he approached the daycare. He heard Maria's familiar voice call out to baby Ryan to let him know that he had arrived. The routine was the same, he would run up to him, hug his legs and start talking about his day happily as they walked home.

Romeo didn't bring his head down and just waiting for baby Ryan to collide into his legs. After a few moments he became concerned and dropped his head to his chest. Waited a little bit longer and looked up to search for his nephew.

He scanned the courtyard and caught sit of beautiful locks of gold tied up into a ponytail. His mind raced as he tried to remember where he had seen such a color in his life and it clicked. There were only three people that came to mind. A hag, a yappy dog and a mysterious creature that he could not figure out.

As the person slowly turn around he saw that she was holding onto baby Ryan's hand and was escorting him to the gate as they happily chatted. He felt a tug at his chest and closed his eyes as he crossed his arm in front of him. He tried to figure out what had caused the weird tug when he felt someone staring at him.

He opened his eyes and fell backwards. The woman that was walking with baby Ryan had appeared in front of him and she was too close. She smiled a little too sweetly that it caused him great alarm. The woman giggled and ran around Romeo and easily lifted him up of the ground like a child.

Romeo instantly flushed by the actions of this woman and was furious that she treated him like a child. She dusted off the dirt from his rump and patted his back. "There you go good as new! I'm so sorry I scared you Romeo but you looked deep in thought I didn't want to disturb you." she said happily.

Romeo grunted and turned his face away, his chest was squeezing more now and he felt sweat starting to pool around his temples. He felt stupid for tossing his towel to his collection when he actually needed it the most. "Romeo" she called out and he instantly turned to face her.

He smelt something intoxicating as he saw a flash of color appear before him. "Hold still for a second you're sweating so much, are you ok?" she said worriedly as the fabric gently moved over his face.

"Hmm maybe a fever?" she muttered as she placed the back of her hand on his forehead and checked his temperature. The contact sent a shock through his body and he instantly tensed up. "You're really red maybe I should call your mom to pick you guys up with the car instead." she muttered under her breath.

Romeo pulled himself away and called Ryan over. He called forth his kingly aura "My health is not your concern Laila. I can take care of any matter with ease." Laila giggled and ruffled his shaggy chocolate colored hair. "Of course I would worry! You're Autumn's baby brother! Now give me your hand."

Again Romeo obeyed without hesitation. Laila took out a pen and wrote her number on the back of his hand. "Now if you feel worse let me know right away." she said before she squatted down and waved goodbye to baby Ryan. She got up and smiled at Romeo before she turned back and went back to her duties.

Romeo looked at baby Ryan "Is Laila working her now." baby Ryan touched his lips with his index finger and thought for a bit. "No, see voluntee-ing fo now." he answered as he looked up at his uncle. Romeo nodded and turned to walk baby Ryan home.

He pulled out his phone and sent out a quick text to his collection. 'I found someone new for our harem, a motherly type I think you will all like her.' Romeo phone exploded with massive text messages all rejecting the idea but he could care less. He could convince them to help rope her in whether they liked it or not. He walked with a smirk the rest of the way home as baby Ryan told him all about his day with Laila.