Bonus Chapter - Code Name: Coincidental Encounter

It took a lot of negotiating and quiet a bit of hip movement but Romeo was able to convince his collection to come up with a plan to capture the heart of Laila Steel.

His team unfortunately was starting to become a little useless and were only good to formulate a plan after he provided them some crucial information. He found out from his sweet nephew that the daycare had planned a day trip to Cherry Coeden Park to listen to the founders fairy tale prior to the spring festival.

He thanked the heavens as the class had planned the trip on a Saturday and though he could not volunteer it did not stop him from wanting to make contact. The plan was simple, he was supposed to be there volunteering to clean up the park like a good student trying to collect his community service hours.

Some 'friends' were supposed to get an anonymous tip that he was spotted without his girls at the park. The timing needed to be perfect, his 'friends' were to create a fuss in front of the kids and he was supposed to step in and sacrifice himself in order to pacify their fury thus keep the violence away from the children.

He was then supposed to lead his 'friends' into a secluded area and let them beat him up. They figured that with Laila's personality she would go look for him afterwards and nurse his wounds thus creating an opening for him to capture her heart.

Romeo laughed to himself as he started to pick up liter around the park. Most people started to stare at him because of his insanity. He quickly felt their gazes and slowly lifted his head as he threw his chocolate colored hair back. The drops of sweat that went flying into the air and caught rays of sunlight making his sexy aura intensify.

The women that were watching started to squeal while the men scoffed and tried to imitate his actions. He smirked at their failed attempts to achieve his level of angelic beauty. Suddenly his phone started to buzz in his back pocket.

It was a message from his hacker informing him of the ETA of his 'friends' and target. Romeo sighed in relief, he couldn't take working earnestly a minute longer and started to aimless inspect the trash before putting it into the bag.

He used the cover to watch for the parties to arrive, once he seen his 'friends' he moved a little bit closer towards the path the daycare students would be coming from. His con-artist happily watched him work as she stood by the vending machines performing magic tricks with her lovely assistant Street smarts. The girls all secretly agreed that they couldn't let some hussy walk into their paradise especially if it meant Romeo was going to get hurt for her to enter.

As it was predicted by his investigator everyone was coming in right on time. Con-artist watched from the corners oh er eyes as the 'friends' of Romeo pull him up by the collar and tried to pick a fight. She skillfully made some rings float above her head then spin around street smarts.

The original plan was progressing and they needed to act now to make sure that Romeo saw Laila for the succubus that she was. As Laila stepped forward to try and calm the parties down con-artist let out a flock of white doves from her cape and let them fly between Romeo and Laila.

Street smarts skillfully threw the rings towards Laila's feet and watched her stumble towards the ground. Both girls laughed as they threw a smoke bomb to the ground and vanished from the spectators.

Up in the trees Romeo's collection of girls watched as book smarts plan started to unfold. Laila would be falling sideways because of the momentum of the rings causing her to fall among the birds and land face first into one of Romeo's 'friends' manhood.

Parents and staff would not know how to handle the indecent display and demand that Laila be removed from the daycare. They all held their breath as she was making it closer to the targeted area when Romeo did something extraordinary.

In a matter of seconds he broke free from his captor, spin kicked the targeted boy's feet and made him float in the air from the momentum. This changed the landing destination completely and now Laila was going to make contact with the cobble stone path, Romeo then slid himself into between the stone and Laila and grabbed her into his embrace before she hit the ground.

The birds were finally gone and parents were scrambling to try and pacify some of the screaming kids while others tried to keep their kids from chasing after the birds. Laila quickly got off of Romeo and tried to help him up but Romeo put up his hand to stop her.

He placed his hands flat by his head and did a kick-up to get off the ground. "Un-tle Row-meo! Tat was too tool!" Ryan shouted from the crowd. The other kids started to turn their attention towards Romeo and he awkwardly scratched his chin.

Laila clapped her hands and faced the crowd. "Romeo and his friends are here to put on a performance for all of us today!" she shouted happily. All eyes turned and looked at the boys brightly, each one sparkling in anticipation.

The boys all started to sweat as they felt the pressure from the little ones. Suddenly they all heard music playing over the parks sound system and Romeo smirked at his 'friends' as he pulled his collar upwards. "Try to beat me if you dare." he said as he walked in a haughty manner.

The crowd moved into a semi circle as Romeo walked around. He then smoothly turned his walking into Toprock, windmill and then L-kick. He started smiling brightly as the kids, parents and staff all started cheering.

The group of four boys accepted Romeo's challenge and started to dance B*S's choreography for M*c Dr*p. Though they were a bit stiff they still put on a good show and the crowd was starting to cheer a little louder. Soon enough Laila shouted "Rose, Crystal, Charlie and Ava show them what real dancing is! Make me proud girls, 2N*1."

Four little girls stepped up and tossed their hats towards their parents. The music quickly changed and the girls started tapping their feet to the beat, the raised their heads and transformed into mini versions of 'I *m the B*st' group and flawlessly did the choreography to 2N*1. Parents hurriedly pulled out their phones trying to record the girls performance.

Once they finished the boys looked at one another and dropped to their knees as the bowed repeatedly to the little winners. Everyone was laughing, fawning and happily talking to one another while Romeo completely forgot his prime mission.

"Tsk..." Book smarts said as she bite her nail on her thumb. Strength sighed as she looked at her comrades "We have a challenge ahead of us." while marksman stretched out her arm in front of her and she released the index finger and thumb from her clenched hand and pointed at Laila. "We need to remove her." she said bluntly and she lined up her index finger with her eyesight.

"Patience." Investigator said as she placed her own hand over marksman's pretend gun. "There is still time to make Romeo realize he only needs us." then she looked at hacker and narrowed her eyes "We don;t want to help our enemy any more than we have already done today." Hacker shrugged as she lazily looked up from her tablet. "I like kids, sue me."