Tests, Tests, and Advise

Olivia was sitting on a comfy green sofa in Dr. Foster's living room as she waited patiently for Eli to speak with his grandmother. She felt bad that there were disturbing her sleep, she looked at the time on her phone 4:05 a.m. Olivia sighed. Eli only gave her two options and she didn't want to go to the ER at this hour.

She sighed deeply and shut her eyes. She dared herself to imagine her life as a mother holding a mini carbon copy of Eli in her arms. She started to smile, white round cheeks like Aaron, beautiful jade eyes like Eli and maybe a dimple or two on each cheek. She unconsciously placed a gentle hand on her abdomen and started to rub it in a slow circular motion.

Her thoughts were immediately interrupted as she heard footsteps approaching the room. She opened her eyes and looked towards the entrance both Eli and his grandmother walked into the room. Dr. Foster had a gentle smile on her face, she sat down beside her and spoke to Olivia calmly. "Hi honey, how are you feeling?"

Olivia smiled in a daze as she looked at the older lady. Her gray hair was pined up in a Victorian bun, while soft grey curls tumbled downwards and delicately framed her face, making her look more like a sweet grandmother than doctor.

"Good." Olivia answered in a small voice. Dr. Foster nodded and place a small medical bag on her lap. She then took out Olivia's wrist and measured her pulse once she was satisfied she then pulled out her digital thermometer and placed it in the center of Olivia's arm pit.

She unzipped her medical bag and pulled out some small tubes. Olivia flinched when she saw the tubes and remembered what happened when she went to go see her father at the office. "Don't worry sweetie, I have the gentlest of hands." she said as she patted Olivia's shoulder.

Olivia still couldn't bring herself to watch Dr. Foster as she prepared to draw blood, the moment she wrapped the rubber band around her arm Olivia looked away. The pain from the needle was small but it did not make a difference pain was pain and Olivia took in a sharp breath. "Don't worry almost done." Dr. Foster said as she hummed.

Soon enough Olivia felt the soft sensation of a cotton ball against her skin and looked over as Dr. Foster as she started to apply a plaster. She then proceeded to retrieve the thermometer and looked at her temperature. She started to grin and she disinfected the tip of it before putting it away on top of a side table. "I will take your blood to our lab above my clinic but before we go hun I want you to do one thing for me." she said as she looked at Olivia with her soft dark eyes, twinkling with delight.

Olivia nodded her head obediently as she waited for Dr. Foster's instructions. "When we reach the clinic I need you to urinate in a cup. Do you think you can do that for me?" she said to Olivia sweetly.

Olivia looked at Eli and then Dr. Foster. She bit her bottom lip as she thought about the possible outcomes that would happen if she was wrong. "What will happen if it's all in my head? What if I am just paranoid and created a phantom pregnancy? I'm mean this is happening too fast and I don't think I should be having any symptoms so early right?" she said sorrowfully as she questioned her own sanity.

Eli cleared his throat and caught her attention. Once she was looking at him, he gave her the most dazzling smile. "That's an easy answer, we just keep trying till you are." Dr. Foster slowly got up from the couch and turned to face Olivia to help her up. The moment Olivia was up from the couch Dr. Foster sent her elbow flying backwards and into Eli's gut.

"Honey, don't dwell on the what ifs and just let me complete my check up alright?" Dr. Foster said with an innocent smile as she walked Olivia towards the door and away from Eli who was gingerly rubbing his stomach.

Dr. Foster's walk in clinic was actually not the far from her two story home. It took a whole 5 minutes to walk and Olivia could feel sweat running down her face as the approach the grey building. Olivia watched Dr. Foster pull out a set of keys and started to unlock the door.

Olivia looked upwards and saw the sign to the clinic light up. Her eyes caught sight of the clinic's logo. She started to giggle to herself as she looked at the cute bunny doctor standing beside a bunny with a plaster on his rump. "Come on in." Dr. Foster yelled from inside.

Eli and Olivia walked into the waiting room of the clinic and looked around. Inside was spacious waiting room that could easily hold a hundred people at any given time. In one corner was a play center for kids and another were two large flat screen TV's while the waiting chairs were arched slightly for back support and padded to cushion anyone's rump.

"Come on, There is a bin with sterilized cups inside the bathroom. Just pick one, make sure the seal isn't broken and give me a good sized sample. I am going upstairs, there should be one of my interns still working his night shift. I will give him your blood and we should have you results soon." Dr. Foster said before she entered into an elevator and went to the second floor.

Olivia gulped as she saw the small room to the side of the reception desk, clearly labelled washroom.. Eli sensed her hesitance and squeezed her hand. "If you want I can go in there with you. I can even hold the cup while you ....umph... why must I keep getting hit in the gut today." Eli complained as he rubbed his stomach again.

Olivia gave him a dirty look before she marched herself into the washroom. "It's because you say the stupidest things at the worst times!" she shouted as she slammed the door. Eli chuckled to himself as he straightened up his posture. "But you make the cutest reactions how can I resist." he said under his breath before he sat himself down on one of the waiting chairs.

Olivia grabbed a cup and twisted off the top. She then looked at the toilet and starred at the white porcelain beast as her mortal enemy. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. "Sweetie pie are you ok in there?" asked a gentle voice. Olivia shook her head and quickly came back to her senses.

"Just one more minute Dr. Foster." she called back and dropped her drawers. After a few more seconds Dr. Foster could hear the toilet flush and the sound of running water. Olivia slowly opened the door and sheepishly handed the cup over to her.

"No need to be shy child, it's just a standard test so come on out and sit in the waiting room I will come and speak to you shortly." Dr. Foster said as she took the cup from Olivia. She turned and took the cup towards a counter behind the receptionist desk and placed it on a tray.

Olivia peeked her head out more trying watch what she was doing. Once she saw the doctor put a white stick inside the cup she took a deep breath and walked mechanically towards Eli. She abruptly sat down beside him and exhaled her breathe.

Eli raised an eyebrow as he watched her closely. Olivia could feel his gaze and looked at him "I'm scared." she whispered. Eli grabbed her hand and brought it up to his lips, he gave her a small kiss and placed her hand over his own heart.

Olivia could feel his heart pounding against her hand and was speechless. Eli softened his gaze as he looked into her eyes "Me too, all joking aside I can't guarantee that I will be the best dad in the world but I am excited to be having a little girl." Olivia looked coldly at Eli as she took her hand back.

"What if we have a little boy?" she asked dangerously and Eli laughed softly as he patted her leg. "Easy because I say so. I see two little girls following me everywhere. Complete daddy's girls, mommy will be exclusively mine." he said teasingly as he kissed her temple while Olivia was dumbstruck.

She raised her finger ready to start her counter when Dr. Foster coughed. Both Eli and Olivia looked up at the older woman. Olivia started to blush while Eli gave her a bright smile. Dr. Foster brought her index finger to her temple and closed her eyes "A few more minutes and the urine test will be complete. My intern was finishing up his last test for the night and is doing me a huge favour by looking at your blood work Olivia but I need to ask..."

Dr. Foster's dark eyes became ominous the moment she opened them and Olivia could feel the temperature in the room drop rapidly. She gulped and tried to mentally prepare herself for whatever was going to come next.

"Eli have I not spoken to you enough times about the practice of safe sex. Condoms, spermicide, not doing it raw or are you going to tell me something stupid like she is on the pill or the condom broke." Dr. Foster said darkly as she started to crack her knuckles.

Olivia felt shameful. She never thought of birth control pills or even speaking to her doctor about her being sexually active. While Eli looked positively delighted with himself. "Of course I remember our talks grandmother but I chose to forgo all your advise and even bribed the pharmacies close to Olivia's house to give her placebos instead of birth control." he said boastfully.

Olivia looked mortified as she quickly lifted her gaze to him while Dr. Foster's rage turned black. Olivia couldn't even utter a word in fear that she would be devoured into the abyss that Dr. Foster had created. "ELI!" she started to roar while Eli just leaned back into his chair and looked proudly at his grandmother.

"Grandmother mind your blood pressure. I still want you around to meet your great grandchild." he said innocently. The words Eli spoke acted like a bucket of water on Dr. Foster, the black beast was slowly receding back into her soul and a touch of pink appeared on her cheeks.

Dr. Foster brought a fist up to her mouth and coughed. She was now completely composed and checked the time. "One minute left... alright back to what I really wanted to talk about with you two. Raising a child is not an easy thing, especially when you are young. There will be a lot of bumps down the road... please remember that we have all gone through it and know what it is like to try and prove that you can raise a child...." Dr. Foster took a small breath and softened her gaze.

"Please, please, please remember that your family is available to help you. Sleep will be a luxury, remembering to take care of yourself will be impossible, tempers will rise do not let this tear you apart. Humble yourself and ask for help." she said as she looked at them both genuinely sincere.

Olivia bit her bottom lip while Eli's face turned to stone and he looked towards the corner of the room, avoiding his grandmother's gaze. Dr. Foster sighed and turned her back to them. "Time to see what we get from the urine sample." she said before she walked toward the counter.

Dr. Foster's words caused Olivia's mind to ask a million questions. She was right, a baby looked wonderful in her imagination but reality was something else. This was a life that she had to protect and not some accessory that she could always have in her arms. The anxiety was definitely getting to her.

Eli sighed and trapped her in his embrace. "We will be fine." he murmured into her hair, Olivia grabbed a handful of fabric from Eli's shirt and clutched it hard. "How are you sure?" she whispered back. Eli kissed the top of her head "I'm not I just want to believe in us and hope for the best."

Dr. Foster came back into the room grinning from ear to ear. "I want to be called Mama Pam once she's born!" she shouted. Eli tightened his embrace around Olivia while she sat there with her mouth wide opened. Once the initial shock was over she felt her eyes well up. "I'm pregnant... I'm having a baby..." she said as her voice started to rise.

"We're having a baby." Eli corrected happily. "Blood work should be done soon, it will only prove that the pregnancy test was not a false positive but you have all the signs of pregnancy so I'm not too concerned. I also had my intern check out a few more things in your blood work to make sure we are on a healthy path. We will need to book you an ultrasound but that can be done downstairs later this morning. We also need to get you some vitamins and oh! Oh! Breakfast is on me! Once my intern is done I can ask him if we wants to join." she ranted happily.