Dream - Danger You Have Been Warned

Olivia felt exhausted as she sat at the dinning table with her family eating lunch. Something kept nagging her as things were not adding up. She slowly moved her spoon around in the vegetable soup as she recalled what happened yesterday.

She never paid much attention to it what happened yesterday afternoon and evening as it was a giant whirlwind. The Delmira's held a giant BBQ party in their backyard and invited every family member that would answer their phone. A majority of them were able to drop everything and run to the estate while others found convent excuses to not attend.

Olivia tanked her lucky star as the Delmira's also used the BBQ to finally introduce Edmond to the family and Olivia was happy that she didn't have to stand in the spotlight alone. There was easily a hundred people at the BBQ and Samantha would tease her every chance she had. She refused to let go of the fact that Olivia asked her about pregnancy and couldn't help but wonder if she was pregnant too. Olivia flush every time she recounted their conversation to any family member willing to listen.

The biggest surprise was when Mrs. Delmira presented her gift to Eli and Olivia a new S*nt* F* SUV with a pink and brown car seat already installed in the back. Olivia couldn't stop thanking her as she hugged her tightly "It's more practical then the bike." she said as she snuggled up with Olivia while Aaron smirked at his big brother and reminded him about his promise.

Olivia brought back her thoughts to her lunch and forced herself to eat. She drank the soup and ate half her grilled cheese before she excused herself. She walked upstairs and laid in her bed. She hugged her favorite pillow and racked her brain trying to figure out what she wasn't getting.

Completely frustrated she moved the pillow downwards and covered her abdomen protectively, she wondered what was making her feel uneasy. Drained from overthinking she closed her eyes and felt herself slip into darkness. Soon enough she was asleep and dreaming again.

Olivia opened her eyes. She was sitting on the floor of a ridiculously over lit room, crystal chandeliers were hung everywhere all giving off a golden glow. She looked around and saw statues everywhere, they were all life like and dressed in fancy clothing but something was wrong with these statutes they all looked like people she knew.

She stared at them a little bit longer and all the statues heads turned to face her. Their facial expressions changed to one of unspeakable horror. Olivia started to panic and tried to get off the floor but something was weighing her down.

She looked down and she realized that she was wearing her debutante dress. She needed to get away from the statues and placed her hand on the floor. With all her might she tried to push herself upward, sweat was starting to roll down her face as she struggled suddenly her hands felt warm and wet.

Olivia stopped moving and stared at her hands on the floor. As far as she could tell there was nothing there. She lifted her hands into the air and closely inspected them, still she couldn't see anything unusual. More sweat started to roll down her face as she questioned her own sanity.

Soon enough a high pitched laugh echoed within the room. Olivia covered her ears, the laugh was menacing and she could barely block the sound out. "Why are you laughing?!" she yelled into the room. The laughing stopped and Olivia brought her hands down slowly as she eyed the room.

Suddenly she felt something warm around her legs and she instantly dropped her gaze. The ends of her dress where starting to wave upwards and Olivia tried to stop it from flying up. Red bubbles appeared under the trim of her dress and grew to the size of beach balls before they started popping.

Warm red liquid started splatting into various directions and Olivia could help but silently scream as she tried to block the liquid from her eyes. Finally the bubbles stopped forming and Olivia felt cold and sticky while there was a weird iron smell in the air.

She dared herself to look down and realized that the liquid was blood. She tried to wipe it off her arms but the more she wiped the more it smeared and refused to leave her. She started to breath heavily as anxiety was rising.

She tried to focus on something else, anything else but everything in that room made her skin crawl. Then rows of statues started to sink into the floor Olivia didn't know what to do so she tried to get up one more time. The moment her hands touched the floor they were swallowed up.

She wanted to scream but a squeak barely came out, the floor gave way and she was now in a lake. She struggled to swim but the dress kept her from moving upwards. She desperately held her breath and saw the water in front of her twist and turn red. She looked at her arms and seen that the blood was being washed away.

Her determination was renewed and she fiercely swam upwards. She was finally moving, her heart sang as the she started to get closer towards a light. Her head broke through the water's surface and she gasped for air. She started to tread water as she looked at her surroundings.

She raised her head and saw a full moon, she looked around for the shore line and couldn't see one. Then she heard it, it was faint but she was sure she heard some singing. She started to swim towards the sound and was relieved that the voice was starting to get louder.

She finally able to make out the words of the song as she saw tiny balls of lights flicker in a random pattern. "Dancing toe to toe, while my heart shines with aglow. I smile gently to you my love so true, in my heart I always knew. That you were the one for me and know we dance to be, man and wife forever as one until they day we are gone and done."

Olivia reached the shoreline and tried to haul herself out of the water but she couldn't get out. "Help me please." she pleaded to the singer. The woman abruptly stopped her song and moved gracefully closer towards her until she was directly under the moonlight.

"My child we do not have enough time I must tell you what you need to do." The singer said. Olivia was taken aback from this woman's beauty, her skin was porcelain white, her hair was was slick and black. Her small, thin red lips delicately place under her small buttoned nose. Her eyes were deep set and dark but sparkled as if it held the entire milky way within them.

The singer bent down and extend her hand. Without hesitation Olivia grabbed the singer's hand and felt like she floated upwards and stood in front of the woman. On closer inspection Olivia realized that the woman before her was wearing a royal blue Hikizuri with gold and orange cherry blossoms prints delicately decorating it. She looked positively breath taking.

Olivia gulped and tried to thank the singer but she immediately put her hand up to stop her. "Listen closely to my words, just like your mother you will need to overcome a great test of faith. You have done well so far in bringing forth love for Yedda and Dhara but you will need to work harder for Vaidehi and not fail or death will await you. Once you have achieved this you will be able to live happily with the one one love." The singer said in a dream like voice.

Olivia could not comprehend what this singer was trying to tell her. She grabbed her hand and pleaded with her very soul "Please I don't know what you are talking about! How do you know my mother?! What is this test of faith and did she fail it?! Who is Yedda, Dhara and Vaidehi?! Who are you!" The singer tilted her head and looked at Olivia pitifully.

"We have run out of time child..." the singer yanked her hand free and pushed Olivia back into the lake. "Remember my words, believe in yourself, believe in your love and never loose faith." her voice echoed as Olivia started to sink further and further in to the dark lake.

"Olivia?" someone called out to her as a hand brushed back her hair. Olivia's eyes shot opened and she started to pant heavily. She looked at the person who was calling her and realized it was her father. Olivia sat up and hugged her dad. "Livy you ok?" he asked her as he pulled her away from him so he could look her over.

Olivia nodded her head, Avery sighed and brought her back in for a hug. "I'm so sorry to wake you but I thought it was best you had a snack you need to keep up your nutrition but when I knocked on the door you didn't answer. I'm glad I came in to see if you were ok, you looked like you were having a bad dream." he said softly as he hugged her tighter.

Olivia bit her lower lip. It wasn't the first time she had this nightmare but it was the first time she broke through the water's surface. Olivia let out a shaky sigh before her stomach started to grumble. Avery laughed as he let her go "See I knew my little waterlily would be starting to make a fuss."

Olivia looked at her father bewildered by his words. Avery let out a small cough as her rubbed the back of neck. "Sorry I know you and Eli should be thinking of names for her but I kinda hoped you could let me give a suggestion even if it's only a nickname." he said sheepishly. Olivia gave him a wide smile and scooted off the bed. "I think waterlily is a great nickname. I will talk to Eli and see what we can come up with."