Bonus Chapter - New Beginnings

Loreley couldn't stop herself from grinning like a fool. It was finally the last day of the spring break fashion show for the Royal West Wood College of Art and she was able to lend a hand to the Mrs. Atleet's star pupil.

She gingerly looked over every piece to make sure all pieces are accounted for. There was only an hour left before the show started and the models were all getting their makeup down. "Hel-lo." a mellow sing song voice said beside her ear.

Loreley's hair stood on end as she felt the warm breathe against her ear. She dropped her clipboard onto the cement floor with a clank. Porter laughed as he picked up the clipboard for her. "You don't have to be so jumpy you know."

Loreley narrowed her eyes at Porter and became tight lipped. "I'm not that scary you know." he said with an angelic smile. Loreley looked him over carefully and and realized that his shaggy blond hair was now shorter. The sides of his head were a taper fade and his wavy hairy was now a bundle of sexy curls sitting on the top of his head.

The new style made his dark gray, puppy dog eyes have a natural smoldering look. His slightly, plump pink lips accented his square jaw line and he had a strong, thin nose that sat perfectly on his face. Porter smirked at Loreley revealing a single dimple on the his left cheek. "Do I look that good?" he said in a teasing tone.

Loreley blinked a few times calling herself back to reality, for a second she was captivated but she refused to let the feeling linger. She quickly snatched her clipboard back from Porter. "Of course you do! The staff must have spent quiet a bit of time doing your hair and make up." she said courtly. Porter just sighed and put his hands inside his navy blue robe and rocked on his heels. "I thought you would have had a different reaction when you saw me." he said with a pout.

Loreley shot him a dark look "What reaction were you hoping for? One more like your fan girls throwing themselves at you and screaming in every direction?" she said with a bitter tone. Porter shrugged as he continued rocking on his heels. He looked to one corner as he rocked, "So how are things?" he asked awkwardly as he tried avoiding her gaze.

"Why do you care? Or are you trying to get some info about 'MY' younger sister?" she said flatly as she gave Porter an unimpressed look. Porter quickly flushed as he froze mid rock. Loreley sighed as she guessed right and started to walk away from the spot. Porter tried to peek at her but quickly noticed that she was walking away.

"Loreley?! Hey wait!" he called as he chased after her. Loreley rolled her eyes and turned abruptly. "Look I don't need to tell you a thing about my sister so back off." she hissed while she brought her face close to Porter's. "No! You misunderstand I swear! I was just trying to ask you if you wanted to help Eli throw a surprise birthday party for your sister. It's almost her birthday soon right?!" he said innocently as he tried to stand his ground against her murderous gaze.

Loreley backed off and let a small smile form on her face. Her eyes became more gentle "Why should I help you." she said as she avoided his gaze and played with a lock of her hair. It was quite and Loreley turned to look at Porter. His face was slightly shocked "You ok?" she asked almost inaudibly but Porter soon showed his angelic smile that show cased his dimple.

"So you can act cute sometimes!" he shouted excitedly. Loreley was taken aback by his remark "How rude I'm always cute!" she said angrily before she stopped off towards Mrs. Atleet's star pupil. "Madam! Madam Kira! I have checked over all the pieces carefully. We have an extra of every piece and there are no tears in anything from when we transported them here." Loreley said earnestly.

An amazonian goddess turned to face Loreley. Her black slightly curled hair bounced softly as she pivoted on the spot. She wore a plain white tank top and blue skinny jeans, her bronze skin was virtually flawless except for the the white ink orchid tattoos that covered her shoulder and went down half her left arm.

Her deep set, almond shaped eyes opened wide in surprise as she saw Porter stand right behind Loreley but ignored him and beamed at Loreley. "Angel hun just Kira, how many times do we have to go through this?" she said with a slight english accent. "I'm sorry." Loreley said as she hugged the clipboard and dropped her gaze. Kira's green eyes lit up with delight as she grabbed one of Loreley's puffed out cheeks.

"Goodness child your are just adorable!" She said before she let go. Porter coughed both women looked at at him and waited for him to say something. "Hi, Porter Saggio." Porter said as he stuck out his hand to shake Kira's. Kira raised her eyebrow suspiciously as she took his hand into hers, she easily stood a 6 inches taller then the two and was pleasantly surprised that he didn't show any intimidation.

"You're one of mine?" she questioned and Porter nodded his head in agreement. "I am... I just wanted to ask you about the text on your tattoo. 'To know is to Love, to love is to hurt, to hurt is to live so don't be afraid to love.' would you mind..." he started to say but Kira cut him off. "Child you didn't want to talk to me about my tattoos what do you want!" she said fiercely as she crossed her arms over her chest.

Porter gave her a side smile "You do have a keen eye. I wanted to ask you a favour, can you let Loreley be my handler. My current one is a little too 'hands on' if you know what I mean." Kira tapped her index finger against her tattooed skin and pursed her lips.

Kira looked at Loreley as she tried to protest. "Madam Kira, I don't know what Porter's interpretation of 'too hands on' is but I can assure you that I am still a newbie. I don't think I have the experience yet to be a handler." Kira plump, blush colored lips finally relaxed and she looked at Loreley excitedly.

"Honestly just Kira... and Angel you have to give yourself some more credit!" she said as she brought her hand down on her shoulder. Kira then looked at Porter with a wide grin "Boy she's yours!"