Backed Into A Corner

Agni placed a fair hand on the older man's chest. She fluttered her eyelashes as she slightly pouted her lips. "Thank you Chief Wilhelm, if it wasn't for your... impeccable leadership and quick decision making I don't know what would have happened to my little Livy." she said in a seductive voice. Chief Wilhelm completely calmed down under the women's gaze.

He grabbed her hand of his chest and held in tenderly. His face became endearing as he looked in to her eyes. "Please Agni call me Max, we have know each other for so long know that you shouldn't have to feel obligated with such formalities." he said gently.

Agni slightly blushed ans turned her head away. "I'm sorry Max." she said in a shy voice. Unknown to them Olivia pressed herself against the wall, she moved stealthily along the wall until she was directly behind officer James. She had kept Loreley's bracelet in the pocket of her black jeggings, she swiftly pulled it out and openly snuggled Officer James's arm. Officer James was completely surprised and was ready to shake her off when he saw the desperation in her eyes.

She slid her hand into his and slipped the bracelet to him. "I'm sorry I was so rude earlier but could you please forgive me?" she said remorsefully. Officer James just nodded his head and grasped onto the object in his hand. Olivia gave him a bright smile but she quickly froze when she heard that overly sweet voice.

"Honestly Livy..." she started to say softly as she started to sniff back tears. "How can you get so cozy with another man and act so happy when your fiance is locked up for creating a disturbance out here for you and... and... sob... your father was killed and you HAVE the balls to be so happy?!" she cried hysterically as she threw herself onto Chief Wilhelm's chest.

Officer James felt movement on his arm and looked down. The girl had suddenly turned a deathly white and was trembling uncontrollably, she squeezed his arm one last time and gave her step-mother a smile. "Yes ma'am." she said with a smile but Officer James saw the utter fear in her eyes. He brushed his hair back with one hand and gave Agni a completely submissive look and shrugged sympathetically "Sorry Mrs. Steel but I seduced her first so please excuse her actions for now."

Detective Bane quickly looked at her partner questionably then quickly looked at Agni and she just caught the momentarily disdained look before she nodded her head in agreement with a tear streaked face. "Well Chief, when you're right you're right." he said monotonously. Detective Bane gave him an other cold glare after he spoke.

She wasn't ready to give up the fight just yet but she noticed the odd behavior Agni was giving. She decided to follow her partner's lead and take a step back. Olivia looked at the two officers one last time, trying to send a message with her eyes, she needed help and hoped they were willing to give it.

Olivia took a few steps forward in front of them and faced the chief and Agni head on. "Mother before we leave I want to make sure that Eli is released and is okay. Once I see he is okay I promise I will leave here quietly and peacefully." she said calmly. Agni started to wipe her tears away and looked up at her face.

She gave Olivia a motherly smile and nodded. "Of course my dear... but I don't think he wants to see you right now." she said pitifully. Olivia tried hard to stop her surprise from showing. She crossed her arms and started to hug herself to stop her body from trembling. "Why wouldn't he want to see me?" she asked under her breathe.

Agni tilted her head to the side as she looked at Olivia. "Because he thinks that you killed your own father sweetie but don't worry mother will always be on your side." she said sweetly but Olivia only felt the cold undertone she tried to hide. "That's fine then." she said a little too forcefully but her voice still came out shaky. "He has been released correct." she asked Chief Wilhelm.

"There are some formalities that need to be finished but he should be released soon." Chief Wilhelm answered Olivia coolly. "How long will it take?" she asked determined to get a definite answer. Chief Wilhelm seemed to be caught off guard and looked at Agni for help. Agni just gave him a pitifully hopeful look, he sighed and looked back at Olivia "At most another hour from now."

Olivia turned back to the other officers "I hope you can make sure that Eli DELMIRA has been released in a timely manner. I don't think he's family will act too kind if they found out he was held here without a valid reason." she said calmly, she turned back to Agni and Chief Wilhelm and gave them a bright smile.

Agni matched her smile and looked at Chief Wilhelm. "I believe my Livy is ready to get things in order for her house arrest so may we get things started?" Agni said cheerfully. Chief Wilhelm nodded, extended his arm outwards and waited for Agni to hook her arm around his. Once she did they walked out of the room with Olivia in tow.

Officer James looked at his partner and gave her a million dollar smile "Roobs wanna go get a cup of coffee with me after we check up on the brat? It'll be my treat." Detective Bane caught the hint and softened her facial features, she slapped his back and gave him a big smile. "Your treat! Of course!" she exclaimed and happily hummed out of the room.

It didn't take long to process Olivia into the criminal database. They took samples of her blood, saliva, fingerprints and picture. She felt humiliated as she had her picture taken but couldn't argue with them as it was a condition to have Eli set free. She next sat on a chair and watched the officer put the monitoring anklet on her. It was a dark grey, bulky box attached to a thick black strap. The strap was locked into place with a special Allan key. "Go see Lupe up at the front desk, she will give you the information about this thing and schedule the follow ups." a mousy male officer said after he finished locking the device on.

Olivia felt her heart sink with every turn of the Allan key that was made but felt relief when she heard that their was going to be an officer checking up on her. That would mean that Agni needed to keep her alive and well until her house arrest term was over. She looked grateful towards the mousy officer and recognized him. "Thank you Officer Felix for your hard." she said politely before she followed Agni towards the front desk. Leaving Officer Felix completely perplexed.

Once they made it up to the front desk Olivia's eyes started to sparkle brightly "Miss! Miss! Thank you so much for the water! I followed your advice and only drank a little. You were completely right they haven't let me go to the bathroom and I still haven't been allowed to as of yet, so I honestly thank you from the bottom of my heart for looking after me and my baby." she said enthusiastically as she bowed to the woman.

The office lady was surprised for a moment and soon her face became sour, she looked at Olivia coldly and snuffed her comment entirely before she turned her attention to Agni. "Now Mrs. Steel, your daughter will not be able to take off the anklet for the next 3 months, at least without the help of an officer. She will need to stay with in a 30 meter radius around your home if she takes one step out of the boundary a warning alarm will go off, if she doesn't return to the boundary within 60 seconds a siren will go off and the police will be mobilized to the last known location of the anklet." Lupe said briskly, she gave Olivia an obviously disgusted look before she went on.

"The anklet has GPS built in it so we will know where she is at any given moment. An officer will come to your house on a weekly bases for the first month, let's see Officer Davin Davies will be there every Wednesday. After that it will be the 15th of every month after that until your sentence is up. Any questions." she said monotonously. Agni was ready to speak but Olivia quickly interjected.

"What about check ups with the doctor, do I need to have a police escort to go?" Lupe gave her a confused look and then looked at Agni for help. "Sorry dear as I said before this child is very confused. She is a good child at heart I swear! She's talking about going with me to have the doctor check on MY unborn child." she said pitifully, making sure to stress the importance of the word 'my'.

Lupe seemed to understand and nodded her head. She gave Olivia a blasting ice cold glare "YOU don't need to go anywhere! You're lucky you have such an accepting and understanding mother! Honestly Mrs. Steel to have your unborn child near someone so.... questionable is saintly in my books." she said pompously.

"What are you talking about?!? What do you mean I don't need to go anywhere?! What about my father's funeral? Meeting my OB or getting blood work done?" she asked rapidly. Lupe was utterly annoyed now and gave her once last dirty look before answering her. "You don't need to go ANYWHERE." she hissed between her teeth.

Agni thanked Lupe, grabbed Olivia's arm and started to drag her away from the desk. As they were leaving Olivia could hear Lupe say one last thing to her before she was out of earshot. "Disgusting."

The car ride home was silent, Olivia didn't want to ask Agni anything, let alone look at her so she stared out into the night sky. She knew she lost, Agni had the police on her side, she was out of the psychiatric ward and now she was going to be taking care of her for the next 3 months. Once they got home Olivia ran up to her room and barricaded herself in. She wanted to grab her cell but remembered that it was now gone.

She leaned her back against the door and slid downwards until her rump touched the floor. "Dad...Papi Bernie..." she whispered, she pulled her knees up and hugged herself. Soon she could hear Agni laughing hysterically downstairs. She pulled herself out of her own embrace, her thoughts were running wild.

She was now alone in a house with a deranged murder and she had no time to wallow in self pity. She needed to come up with a plan to reveal the truth to the world before her house arrest was up. Suddenly there was a knock on the door and Olivia jumped away from the door. The door handle started to move but Olivia was smart enough to lock it when she entered.

The knocking soon started to turn into pounding and then it died down. Olivia didn't dare to move closer towards the door, afraid that Agni would try to break it down. "Little Livy bear please come out I want to have a nice c-h-a-t with you." Agni sang. Olivia felt a cold sweat break over her whole body as a flashing memory appeared before her eyes. She was now in the old shoe factory looking at the fish tank. Olivia closed her eyes, she shook her head and was now back in her room.

"I'm sorry mother today was a long day and would love to get some rest." she tried to say as calmly and evenly as humanly possible. "I'm so sorry Livy I should have known that you needed rest! Alright you rest and when you wake up in the morning I will expect you downstairs for breakfast, don't worry your sister will be there too! I am going to be picking them up soon." she said sweetly making Olivia physically sick.

"Alright mother goodnight." Olivia shouted at the door and held her breath, waiting for Agni to leave. Once Olivia thought Agni was gone she rushed into the bathroom and threw up. She didn't feel safe to sleep in her own bed for the night, she quickly ran over grabbed her comforter off the bed and then started to scream. She tumbled onto the floor and and scurried back into her dresser.

She started to hyperventilate and knew that she urinated herself. On her bed was a mutilated cat it's intestines were all over her bed and the covers had already soaked up all it's blood. She soon heard blood curdling laughter from down the hall. Olivia quickly grabbed some clean clothes from the dresser and hide in her bathroom. She showered, changed, used a towel to dry up the bath tub and laid inside the tub hoping that sleep would claim her.