The Beginning Of Hinder-Rella

Olivia woke up the next day with an achy body. She barely slept, afraid that Agni would break down the door looking to finish her off. She hauled herself out of the bath tub and stretched out her back and arms. She unlocked the bathroom door and opened just a small crack so she could peek into her room. The mutilated cat was still on her bed and the comforter on the floor but there was no other disturbance in the room.

With a huge sigh of relief she stepped out of the bathroom and walked to her closet. Nothing was inside, she walked over to her dresser and only found pj's and a couple of pairs of underwear and bras. She threw the comforter over the cat's remains and then pulled the blanket off the mattress before she balled everything together.

She opened the door and hauled the blankets out. She dragged the blankets down the stairs and into the foyer. She left the bundle there and walked over to the kitchen, the blood was dry but the sensation of touching a crusted blanket was disturbing so she needed to wash them. Olivia thought it odd that she didn't smell breakfast cooking or run into any of the morning staff but quickly brushed it off as it was Monday and people were still grieving the lose of their loved ones.

After she dried her hands she looked over at the wall where the house phone hung. She walked over to it and placed the phone to her ear and heard nothing, there was no dial tone just silence. She felt defeated, she placed her head against the wall and regretted for being hopeful for just a second. She should have known that Agni would have disconnected the lines and sighed before she hung the phone back on the hanger.

She pealed herself off the wall, left the kitchen and made her way towards the dinning room as she walked in a plate came flying towards her and hit the wall. She flinched to the left to avoid the flying bits of the plate. Olivia gulped and looked up and saw the three women sitting at the dinning room table.

Loreley was sitting to the right of Agni, her face was still swollen but she was preoccupied with the empty plate in front of her. While Laila looked fine but pale and sat to the left of Agni, copying Loreley and looked at her own empty plate. Agni propped her head up with her hand, elbow on the table, hair framing her tiny face while she wore a big smile.

"Good morning my little Livy bear did you sleep well?" Agni asked sweetly. Olivia stood tall and was carefully avoiding the pieces of the broken ceramic on the floor while she started to step forward. She was only able to take a few steps before Agni threw a tea cup at her face. She barely reacted in time and ducked soon she heard the tea cup smash onto the floor behind her.

"Honey what are you doing coming to the table dressed like that?!" Agni exclaimed with innocence. "I'm sorry?" Olivia questioned as she raised her body from the ground. "Did you see anyone else in the house when you made your way down?" she said in a mocking tone. Olivia looked at Agni completely confused. Agni grabbed Loreley's glass and raised it over her head ready to throw it any second.

"No I didn't see anyone here but I am not sure what you're trying to get at moth-ah!" Olivia couldn't finish her sentence as Agni threw the glass cup towards her feet. "YOU WILL CALL ME MADAM!" she shrieked hysterically. Olivia gulped as she watched Agni heavily breathe as she stood up from her chair and clutched the table top.

"Madam." Olivia corrected herself. The word seemed to defuse Agni's rage and she started to smooth out her dress and tossed her hair back before she sat back down into her chair. "You will find your new uniform in the first floor guest room-oh silly me! I mean your new room! Get changed and get breakfast started, once that is done I want you to promptly clean up this mess I don't want to step on any glass shards and injure myself." Agni said sweetly before shoeing her away.

Olivia couldn't avoid the glass as it was now everywhere, she started to gingerly push the shards aside with her foot. "NOW OLIVIA! We need to eat now!" she shouted. Olivia gulped and hoped that if she rushed over the shards with socks on it wouldn't cut too deeply into the soles of her feet. As soon as Olivia stepped out into the hallway she ripped off her socks to inspect the soles of her feet.

She sighed in relief as the cuts we're not too deep she quickly ran to the first-floor guest room that was located behind the kitchen. The guest room hadn't been used for years and she was surprised that it had already been cleaned and there were only one medium sized window. It was only furnished with a small end table, with a tiny lamp on top of it, a twin sized bed and a maid uniform laid over top a four drawer dresser.

As she picked up the black and white colored French maid outfit she heard a small 'ting' hit the floor. She bent over, picked up a black laced collar with a cat bell attached to it. she looked at it quizzically and then just tossed it onto the bed she then turned her attention back to the maid outfit.

With the heavy sigh she proceeded to remove her pj's and tried on the new uniform. She was impressed with the detailing of the uniform, the one-piece dress had an alternating black and white layered ruffles that went down to her mid thigh. She had black puffy sleeved while an attached white apron laid delicately over the one-piece dress. Behind her dress was a giant white ruffled bow, the two ends of the bows rippled down to her ankles.

She opened the first drawer and found pairs of white knee high socks and a pair of black flat shoes. She gave herself a little twirl and thought that she looked pretty adorable, she wondered if Loreley made the uniform, she smiled to herself and then looked back to her bed. She thought it was best to take the cat collar, so she shoved it into the apron's front pocket.

Before she left her room she decided to give her hair a quick brush and loosely tied it back. She smoothed out her skirt and ran out of the room back into the kitchen and she decided to start cooking breakfast. She went with a simple breakfast she made some blueberry pancakes, sausages, scrambled eggs, oatmeal and cut up some assorted fruits. When she was close to being done she started hearing Agni's screeching from the dining room.

"Coming Madam!" She hollered back. She loaded the food cart and started rolling it into the dining, she then remembered that there was a layer of glass and ceramic pieces laying across the entryway of the room, she parked the food cart and ran back to the foyer to retrieve a broom, a dustpan and the trash bin from the closet.

She quickly swept up everything to the side and made a path for the food car to roll into the dinning room. While she started to place the food onto the table Agni eyed her carefully. "Where is the cat collar?" she asked passive aggressively. Olivia paused for a second and placed the last plate of food onto the table. She quickly dug the collar out of her apron pocket and presented it to Agni. "Are you asking about this?" she asked innocently.

"Ah yes that's it!" Agni exclaimed with delight. Olivia stretched out the collar to look at and then took a peek at Agni. "I don't think it will suit you, so why did you want it?" she asked while batting her long eyelashes. Agni let out a small chuckle before she swept the table clean with one arm. Food, plates and more cups went flying onto the floor.

Laila and Loreley jumped from their chairs and moved to the side of the room to avoid her rampage. Once everything was on the floor Agni turned to face Olivia, her face was twisted with anger and her chest was moving up and down rapidly. She then straightened up her back, gave Olivia a motherly smile and pretended to remove spec of lint off of Olivia's uniform.

When she finished tossing the lint onto the floor her smile became vicious and slapped her across the face. Olivia caught herself with the table she was afraid of hitting it or falling down and hurting her unborn child. She looked up at Angi with a murderous gaze as her cheek was already starting to turn red from the impact.

"Keep looking at me like that and I will a-i-m for the child next." she sang happily as she inspected her hand. Olivia quickly controlled her anger and looked at her neutrally "Ah now that is better... Why must you fight me you stupid child when I hold your weaknesses in the palm of my hand." she said sweetly as she bent over and picked the cat collar off the floor.

She gave it a bit off a dusting and made her way to wrap the lace around her neck. "You should be happy that I am willing to take care off you in your... time of need." Once she finished tying the lace she moved back and inspected her work. She gave her a satisfied nod and went to caress her face.

"Little Livy, my pet, my object, my utter disappointment!" she started to yell and grabbed Olivia's hair by her ponytail and pulled her closer to her own face. "You have been nothing but a giant hindrance in my life! Just like your mother but unlike her I have time to play with you till my heart sings with joy as I watch you descend into a worthless piece of existence. I will destroy you, I will make you beg me to kill you, I will bathe in your blood and raise your child as my own! That is if I can keep my temper in check... one can never know what one will do when the blood rushes to your head right?" Agni said hysterically, her eyes were wide from insanity and Olivia could feel cold sweat starting to roll down her back.

"Do we have an understanding?" she asked an inch away from her face. Olivia quickly nodded her head but it wasn't good enough for Agni, her hand made contact with her face again now Olivia was seeing stars. "You stupid pet! Your master is commanding you to speak so speak!" she spat into her face. "Yes Madam." she said quietly. Angi struck her face again "Louder! I need to hear you!" She yelled. Olivia's vision became blurred but she did what she was told. "YES MADAM!" Agni let out a small satisfied chuckle and let Olivia go.

"That's better!" She said pompously and walked over to a chair, she sat herself down, crossed her legs and combed back her golden locks with her fair hand. "Now clean this up quickly so I can leave, I didn't get breakfast and I need to start funeral arrangements for my husband." She said calmly, then she looked at the twins and gave them a bright smile. "Sorry mommy is going to be leaving you for a little bit, so be good and ... train this little b*tch properly so I don't have to beat her into obedience." she said coolly.