The New Pet

After Agni left the house Loreley started cleaning the room and Laila ran out of the room. Soon she came running back in carrying an ice pack in her hands. She gently place the pack against Olivia's cheek and looked at her with teary eyes. Olivia placed her hand over hers "So this is how your life was like with her?" she said pathetically.

Loreley stopped sweeping and turned her gaze towards the girls direction. "You have NO idea what are lives we were like! " she shouted before she threw the broom onto the floor and stomped out of the room. Laila gave Olivia an apologetic look before she ran after her sister, leaving Olivia alone in the middle of a chaotic mess.

After some time Olivia walked out of the dinning room with a trash bin in tow. Every step she took a small jingling sound could be heard. She made her way towards the foyer, she grabbed the bundle of dirtied blankets and tossed them into the bin. She hesitated for a moment before opening the door.

The sun was shinning brightly, Olivia shielded her eyes and stepped out into a beautiful day. She looked around and wondered where she would take the bag of trash. She tried to remember where she had seen the bags of trash when she left the property and remembered it was on the curb outside of the gates. The only problem was that the curve was a good 5 meters away from the 30 meter mark but the problem was the time spent opening the gate, with a big sigh she started to drag the trash bin towards the boundary.

When she finally made it, she took a deep breath, grabbed the loose ends of the trash bag and tied it into a knot. She pulled the bag out of the bin, she readied herself into a sprinting position, took a deep breath and started to run with the trash bag on her back. She was able to push open the gate before her anklet started to alert her that she was out of bounds, she tossed the bag to the side and ran back to her original spot. 'Beep, beep, beep' the light on the anklet was flashing red before it finally turned off.

She placed her hand on her chest and started breathing heavily. She gave herself a good scare, she honestly thought that the police would be banging on the gates any second now, ready to haul her away. She waited a few minutes, just until her heart rate went back to normal. After she caught her breathe she wiped the sweat off her brow, straightened self up and walked back to the estate.

Olivia spent most of the day cooking and cleaning, the twins had decided to keep their distance from her and she couldn't help but sympathize with them. She screwed up and she needed to apologize to them after they had time to simmered down.

She had just turned off the stove top when she heard Agni yelling happily into the foyer "I'm home!" A few moments later Olivia could hear Agni tapping her pump on the kitchen floor. She looked towards the entry way and seen Agni standing there, arms crossed, head tilted and one overly sweet smile. Olivia could feel a cold sweat start to collect on her back.

She gulped and quickly thought of what she could do to defuse her rage. She turned her whole body towards her, gave her a deep bow and in a vigorous tone she shouted "Welcome back Madam! I apologize for not greeting your greatness at the door I have just finished preparing dinner please forgive me!" Olivia waited a few heart beats before she peeked up from under her eyelashes.

Agni started to pick at the ends of her hair, looking completely bored out of her mind. "Well I guess that's fine... next time I will expect my pet to be waiting for my arrival at the door. If you are not there I will need to 'train' you a little harder next time." she said coolly, then gracefully turned on point and sashayed out.

Olivia gave a sigh of relief, she straightened up her back and grabbed the cat bell to stop the jingling sound. She hated the fact that she had to hear it every time she moved, she wanted to rip the collar off her neck and destroy it but shook the thought out of her head. She let go of the bell and went to grab the food cart to serve dinner.


Olivia finally put her pj's on for the night and rolled into bed, The blanket on the bed was thin as paper and it wasn't much help in heating up her cold body. Agni and the twins quietly and happily enjoyed dinner as she she stood to the side of room and just watched them eat. Her stomach had growled loudly and Agni was kind enough to throw a dinner roll at her feet.

After she cleared the dishes, washed them, then she collected laundry and washed Agni's clothes by hand in cold water. She brought up her hands for a better look as saw how raw they were. She tried blowing her hot breathe on her knuckles but quickly winced. The worst was being told that she couldn't use any of the showers and tubs to clean up for the night.

She felt dirty from everything she had done and was only given a small, round wash bin and and tiny towel. Then was sent outside to use the hose to wash up, she was able to steal some dish soap to wash off the grim. It had gotten so late that the cold air made her body shiver.

She curled herself into a fetal position to try and warm her body up. She refused to let herself get sick, she needed to stay healthy for the sack of her baby. She didn't know how her days were going to be like but she wasn't going to live her life like some helpless princess. She had friends, family and a loving fiance out in the real world and she needed to be strong for them, herself and her little waterlily.

She decided it was time for sleep and sat up to turn off the lights when she suddenly saw a familiar face at her bedroom window. Her face lit up and she quickly moved to open the window. She stepped back to allow Eli to squeeze his body through the fitted window. The moment he was on his two feet she jumped into his arms and rubbed her face into his chest.

"You're safe! Thank the heavens you're safe! I didn't think I would see you again!" she shouted into his chest. Eli gently patted her head. "We need to talk." he said quietly. Olivia brought her face up from his chest and stared into his jade green eyes "No! I want to cuddle we can talk later!" She demanded with a pout.

Olivia watched as Eli brought his one hand to his face and covered his eyes. Her heart broke at that moment and she instantly released Eli from her embrace. "So what she said was true you don't want to see me anymore...." said said sorrowfully as she stepped away from him. She was only able to take three steps back before she hit the bed.

She hated that her room was so small and she couldn't give Eli more space. Eli dropped his hand and showed what he was trying to hide. The lust in his eyes was strong, he quickly closed the gap between them, grabbed the back of Olivia's face "You have no idea how much I want you." he growled before he forced his lips onto hers.

Olivia's heart started pounding against her chest she knew when he was like this there was nothing much to do but start unbuttoning her pj top. "You're taking to long!" he said in between his kisses. He picked her up princess style and placed a knew on her bed before gently laying her down in the middle.

Olivia was still working on her buttons when Eli started to move downwards for her pants but he stopped the moment he saw her hands. Instantly the lust left his eyes and he grabbed her hand instead. Olivia winced at his touch and bit back the sound. "What happened."he asked coolly but she could see the anger in his face.

"My hands are raw now that's all.... I want to do what we were doing before please?" she said softly as she took her hand back. "No." he said angrily and removed himself from her and sat on the bed instead. Olivia quickly moved beside him and placed her hand on his knee. "You think I don't know what you'll do the moment I tell you?" she said quietly.

Eli turned his gaze to her but she refused to meet his eyes. "I don't care what you think I will do if I know! I'm still going to do it." he said dangerously. Olivia's body started to shake "You can't!" she shouted as she removed her hand from Eli's knee. She moved back a little bit further onto the bed and brought her knees up to her chest.

She looked at Eli with a pitiful expression and pulled up her right pj pant leg. "You do something to piss her off they will lock me away...." she said in a shaky voice. Eli's eyes were now wide as he looked at the anklet then to Olivia's face, he reached out to touch it but thought better and pulled back his hand. "House arrest?" he said quietly to himself but Olivia answered anyways.

"Ya house arrest. She has the police chief in the palm of her hand. I don't even know if they will do a proper investigation.... Eli I'm her play thing for the next 3 months, what am I supposed to do, please tell me?! As far as I can tell is I have to keep her happy or else she'll kill our baby! She's already hit my face a couple of times, warned me and I have no idea what she told the station but.... but I pretty sure she told them I'm crazy! The only thing stopping her from actually killing me is there will be police officer coming to our house weekly for this month, then monthly but after that, then what?!" she said breathlessly.

"I can only imagine that she will find some sort of sick way to keep me here till she can rip our child from my womb and leave me dying on the operating table!" she couldn't help herself anymore the tears started to roll down her cheeks. Eli clutched his fists and then unclenched them, releasing all his anger in one movement. He moved up to her face and started to wipe the tears away. "I will think of something for now... for now be her pet and stay safe." he said pitifully and placed a kiss on her forehead.