The Warrior Forum

"Hm, where is it"

Bai Li had traveled past the Buried Sands region and back to the Bareback Sand Valley. He had trouble finding the area marked by the cave and monsters came oftenly to pester in his search. But with his armor, they couldn't necessarily stop him as long as it wasn't another Saint blood Beast. His cowl's ability to even take form of a blade was a great extra and the limit being transformed into a Greatsword. Before, he had searched the virtual site in the house of the outpost about the Nightmare Cobra.

An open forum for all issues and all people was opened for usage by the Union government for people to share information amongst eachother. It was basically an info hub with more purposes than just having info.

He posted a thread about information about the Nightmare Cobra, which came with some results. Most were just spam messages.



"Are you having trouble keeping yourself under those covers at night, and want personal attention of the ladies at your whim? Call the Wind House and feel yourself be released of your stamina by our beautiful hostess.

Please call WH3***** for more information or access our site to see the beautiful wide selection!"



"Do you have troubles keeping yourself up in the middle of rigorous activities by your significant other and need the right amount of energy to support her carnal desires? Say no more with the new and improved Orc Staminup which will give you the ability to continue your intercourse for months on end! Ladies don't you worry as there is no restrictions to gender with this new supplement drink!

Ages 5 and up, health issues like diabetes, and certain allergies will cause detrimental affects on the tester and we are not responsible for any deaths in regards for Orc Staminup

Call OS0***** to buy now, if you order one in the next twenty minutes, we'll also give you another! Just pay shipping and handling."


Besides from the spam on his thread, some were actual helpful.

One came from a rather famous forum warrior that's active daily for 23 hours. Rumors said he actually replied to most forums by the first minute for a whole month without stopping.



"If you look on the thread on monster auctions on post 139, you'll see some information that the Nightmare Cobra is a painful creature to be up againt. Not only does it have a venomous bite, it's scales were coated in poison that halted any sneak attacks and with its agile body, it makes up for its weak attack.

One party of 50 were hired to take on the Cobra in the Sand Dunes and failed miserably, losing more than half of their forces and even letting it escape three days ago. News about the snake is incredibly bountiful but the soul is rather lack luster to its actual host body.

It is called the Nightmare Hood and the materialization only covers the head with its armor. It did not give any effects and the hood itself is only at the level of a Low tier Saint blood Beast. Here is the picture posted by forum users who had witnessed the beast armor itself."


A photo was uploaded along with his post that showed the hood looked incredulously horrendous hood that looks like a hood made with snake skin, scratched and kicked enough to make it look disfigured. By no means that it looked like the scaly demon that Bai Li had acquired from the same monster, with the same exact description by the forum poster.

'Why is mine like this while his isn't? Usually the beast soul of the same animal take on little form and having abnormalities in it meant that it was defective..'

After pondering a bit later, he received more pictures by the form user TooMuchBooks with people wearing the identical snakeskin hoods, which meant that there was a high chance he had the defective one, but that thought was all gone as usually the defective ones were the weaker than the average, maybe they had the defective ones and it had a higher chance of going wrong?

And there was also the part where the Nightmare Cobra he killed might even be the exact same one that escaped the hands of the large party three days ago, no one would voluntarily take on the beast if there was something special about it.



"The Beast was ravaging a supply of a soul crystal vein owned by the Black Comet group, so they hired the 50 or so mercenaries to take on the snake in an attempt to kill it."


Bai Li wasn't so sure about his proposed theory about the snake being special was wrong, but he was skeptic if that was the true case. Before he thought he would end the thread, the other man began posting all pictures that were related to the cobra, as they all looked the same but in different areas that all looked the same, even the fact that the one he killed look exactly identical to the ones that are displayed. The amount of pictures was going beyond as every picture related to the snake was being posted. It was seriously just too much. The ability of the man to just find this much information and, by scale, must have an incredible source, it would be advantageous to have someone to ask for information in the future.



"Thank you for the information, that is unnecessary, thank you."


The posts stop and he deleted the thread as it would bring unnecessary stuff about Bai Li if he actually offended somebody of high power and they could use the thread to hint at his location and intent.

He left the house and to the wilderness with less weight on his mind, he just had a gut feeling almost that the answer would lie around the cabin, the information about this so called realm must be mystified and profound that it might have a hint. There was just too much things tied around the event with the cabin and the Saint blood Beast with the strange flowers. But whatever it was, even if he were to not know of the answers in the cabin, he still had all the time in the world to look for the answer.

After a few hours wandering with his eyes focused, he finally found the same cave.

"Found it!"