New Cultivation Technique

He approached the dwellings of the dead otherworlder and saw that it was kept in mint condition when he first arrived. The same flowers in the pots and vases were all in there same positions so nothing was wrong about them. The stream sprawled and pathed by the moss near the unknown crystal vein allowed the environment to be illuminated enough to see most of its details.

He began walking towards the cabin to finally begin reading, with his newly attained money, he had brought rations to last him a few months and a radio, so he could contact Fire Axe with ease to prove that he was still safe. He was planning to camp out here for a long time, maybe longer if he wished to fully learn everything in the cabin.

He opened the door and went inside, the furniture did not move and neither did the accumulated dust over who knows how long ago it was still caked layers on them.

But a singularity in the area around them was entirely different. The area where the supposed ashes of the dead cultivator was gone, and left in the same exact spot of his ash, was a small crystalline sphere.

Did somebody come in here and tampered with the body? No, why would they do that when there was such a treasure trove of unknown plants and books on unknown and bountiful books on herbs.

He kept his distance and made sure that he was at a safe distance to continue observing any strange occurences surrounding the so called orb.

The dark purple transluscent color allowed the orb to reveal an awe-inducing light from the reflection of light from the moss and strange lamps with a burning flame.

After observing it from all angles, he thought little of it and decided to keep it for observation as he read the books on the shelf.

He stood back up and walked towards the red wood shelf that had aged indefinitely, to think that no matter how much years had passed, the shelves could still hold this much books.

He picked the first one on the top right and sat down in the dusty work desk. He cleaned the areas he used of course and sat right there.

The book was also written in the same gibberish he saw when he first read the man's journal, but the same gibberish would unscramble to become fitting for translation to Bai Li. He wanted to know more about the course and wanted to take classes of ancient languages, but enrolling in a military school was quite hard to learn such. And the other way was to join a Scholar's university for the Officer course, in which he had no interests in as the job did not fit his personality whatsoever.

His best choice was to enter the military school and take the course to learn it, old languages usually had their roots so maybe if he did try to attain some knowledge of other old languages, he might have an in depth understanding of this one.

The cover was slowly converting in his mind, the book read,

'The Devil Sect Historical Records'

And on the corner where some dust that was previously blown away read Fan Tong, anybody wouldn't really believe someone with such an odd name, but that would be okay for now.

"From the annals of time, life was hellish and difficult to sustain from the swarm of monsters that came in hordes, ravaging all lands in their charge. But the rise of the True Immortal was born. Raised from a pack of wolves who were gonna raise him and eat him when he reached the peak age of a child, he killed them off on the first day of being born. He bathed in the blood of the beast and grew powerful, becoming the starting foundation of the world."

"He soon grew up with the lifestyle similar of that to the beast, but with years of training in the human tongue from old elders, he managed to revise his torturous methods of power to be much more refined, using the signatures of some origin laws or from beasts. He produced several methods of cultivation and crafted three weapons that protected the human race from catastrophe."

"The first which resides in the RIghteous Sects in the bowels of those justice warriors was the Bulwark of Judgement. It was used to change the tides of an immortal sea monster that brought on floods and large tides on land, using the shield to judge the animosity of the monster and defending the tide straight on. It can only defend the attacks perfectly from evildoers."

"The second was the Mountain Temple. They secluded themselves and were the only devoted worshippers to the immortal though that is cowardly, they received a crown and a jeweled staff when he showed humans the correct path, using the very crown to control laws of nature and even the staff that made hordes of demons fall to their feet. Called the Crown of Virtue and the Staff of Domination."

"And lastly, we had received the sword. His sword was one of a kind, crafted from a strong being of a different dimension, the Abyssal Chasm, from a strong demon that brought on destruction in all of its form in the world. He deemed the blade too strong for a mortal realm language and decided to call it in his native beast tongue, Sikuweh, or the Bringer of Abyss in rough translation."

"But after gifting us such treasures, the man vanished, most likely ascending to a new realm of power. Which resulted in my endless hunger for the realm ascension."

The historical records weren't in all serious as it was Fan Tong who created it from his memory. His emotions and opinions were in most likely all parts of the book and only provided a bias statement on the factions and left for good comedical reads.

The records showed revision of the foundation techniques that the True Immortal bestowed upon the Devil Sect and called for three powerful cultivation methods called Sword Temperance, Refining Soul, and Blood Splitting.

But what Fan Tong used was a revised method of his own that was even more powerful than all of them, being only from the Apothecary branch, it mainly focused on herbs but had its own basis on the foundation for one to learn it. It was definitely more powerful but knowledge surrounding the potential of the cultivation technique was unknown since he didn't share it with anyone and he was the most strongest cultivator using the method.

He pulled the book out of the technique and it was simply named the Devil Technique. The moment he opened the book, even with his innate translator translating them to be legible to Bai Li, the sentence structure was nonexistent and the words would halt at certain points and a new trail of thought would be written. Some slurs would appear and even just some thoughts on his situation in this world. He'll most likely be able to learn from it following the blind trail of thought by the author himself, but not only would he have to try to understand it, it was basically gonna swallow his time to even have the gist of the true power of the technique. He wouldn't be able to read any of the apothecary books just yet. He grew even more afraid of the apothecary books as the author was the same guy that made this book of gibberish and scribbles. Bracing himself to continue to read the profound technique of the so called master of the technique.