The Legend of MrAwesome

Andy [MrAwesome] looked over the gas station where he worked one last time, making sure all the equipment was locked and powered down for the night. Most of the interior lights were off. Above, the sign with the neon company logo was dark except for a small 'Closed' glowing dim-red against the starry midnight-sky.

Satisfied all was in order, he called his personal Taxi driver. It was a four-mile ride to Andytown, Pennsylvania.

Andy had lived in Andytown his whole life. Nestled in the pine-covered hills near the southern border between Pennsylvania and New York state. It was only a few hours drive from New York City, not that Andy had ever been to The City.

As Andy was thinking about how to spread his Tyranny through the Roblox Basketball league NRBA, his Taxi Driver Om [Allusion] had arrived.

Preoccupied, he didn't hear the whine of the electric car until it was too late. The headlights came around the blind curve in the wrong lane, flaring away his vision too quickly for him to react.

"Where is this fagut Andy? He waste me time. I have tech support job to do still and I got NRBA game soon!" said Om, while eating Chicken Biryani.

Andy opened his eyes and the night sky slowly came into focus. He thought his body was in an odd position. He felt pain, a lot of pain. Something was blinking to the side, turning his head caused even more pain.

Yes, Andy got high after sniffing too much gas while working...

The side of his face felt like it was burning, and that set off more burning sensations in the back of his arm and shoulder all the way down to his thigh. His stomach was sore on one side, like the mother of all bruises, and whenever he moved razors in his hip stabbed at him and made grinding noises. There was also something pounding on the back of his skull.

As Andy was looking around for his Taxi Driver, he saw a car crash..

He kept watching the car.

Is that Om?! Why isn't he getting out of the car?

There were small flames coming from under the front of the car. But electric cars aren't flammable... usually?

As Andy was very worried, Om casually walked out of his Taxi.

Om looked at the flames by the car, as he threw some of his Chicken Biryani at the flames.

The flames instantly disappeared as Om frowned...

"My Chicken Biryani was wasted like this! It's all your fault Andy!!! You made me go in circles looking for you in the dark, resulting in this accident."

Andy stared at Om with a blank face as he got out a knife...

"F**k you, i'm going to slap your useless self with this knife for not coming on time... I have a job to do at NRBA, hurry up and take me or else I will exile you from NRBA!" yelled Andy.

Om got scared, sh*tting his pants as he took a step backwards.

"I won't do anything to disobey you sir... please do not exile me from NRBA! I'll take you immediately," said Om as he opened the Taxi door for Andy.

Time went by quickly as Om drived Andy to Andytown, who quickly went inside of his house.

Inside of his house, there were many roaches playing battle royale for food crumbs around the house. This was a very dirty house...

Andy ignored the roaches playing battle royale while he quickly hopped on to his computer as it was a common occurrence.

The first thing Andy did while he got on his computer was open up Discord and flame a bunch of f*ggots like Phil and Uusy.

"You damn peanut head, you're suspended if you do not fix your head," said Andy.

Phil was crying as he replied, "I was born like this! Please don't suspend me, I'll have surgery if I have to... But currently I am too broke, so just wait a few years, okay?"

"Just shut up you retard, or I really am suspending you...

And Uusy, you best not be ducking... Give me your limiteds that you scammed off of the players in the NRBA group that I OWN... OR ELSE YOU ARE EXILED!!!" yelled Andy.

"Yo, chill. I just sold them, I'll give you some next time, okay?" said Uusy

"That's right, you better give me some next time, you pUUSY" said Andy

The NRBA group was active and many roast battles were going on...

As Andy went in CCM 1, the NRBA Arena, to watch the current game...

He saw Colby and OKC playing against YP3 and MIN.

Ky2 stole the ball from the Star Turnover PG on MIN while he passed the ball to Colby.

Colby received the ball as he did a quick 360 shot to stat pad his points as fast as possible...


The ball hit the side of the backboard and went out of bounds.

"The f**k was that? Has NRBA fallen this low for people to be shooting like this," Andy said.



"THATH WATH MY BADH, I'LL MAKE THATH NEXT THIME!" said Colby with his horrible lisp.

"You better make that, I'm trying to get a triple double man..." said Ky2

In the end... the lisp man and OKC won the game...

Colby ended up scoring 84 points and carried his team to victory with his good offense and defense.

Obviously, there were more games that day... But Andy fell asleep after watching Colby miss horribly.