I Want To Be A Farmer

A sudden earthquake happens on the entire earth surface. In an instant, entire earth country enters the emergency situation. Even the USA can't escape from this disaster. Massive casualty makes human culture thoroughly destroyed. The total population plummeted, and make all country agree to delimit one male to have many females. All country want to refill their citizen as fast as possible.

But all country effort is just for naught. The casualties are more terrifying than what they imagine. Almost all technologies are waste because it's damaged or no human can operate it. Almost all human never get survival lesson on the wilderness or disaster survival lesson. Every day the disaster survivor die from hunger and diseases. Now, human officially enters a dark age once again.

Because of no pollution, all ecosystem back to original state. Many new and almost extinct organism pop up from nowhere. After many years of struggle, finally human can adapt to the new environment. Until now, people don't know why massive disaster happen to earth.


I'm Sam Keyton, it's my nickname. Sam, if you read from behind, the meaning is Kakak in Indonesian or big brother in English. And Keyton is just wordplay of my first name, Katon. In the ancient language, Katon mean is saw. I'm just a young farmer and want to hunt some beast to add food in the house.

Right, My ancestor is Indonesian from Java Island. My Grandma said, my ancestor is from East Java. Tuban Town, a coastal town. In legend, Tuban is a nest of the bandit. Because the first founder is king of theft. They are similar to Robinhood in England.

Alas, now what I saw is just lush of forest and grassland. I live in a small tribe, the name is Ronggolawe Tribe. As for why the founder uses it as name, it's because Tuban Land is bestowed from King of Majapahit to Ronggolawe as his military merit reward.

"Sam Keyton, why you just silent? is your brain circuit is burned? Let's hunt some boar or goat!" It's Tejo, my childhood friend, and my close friend until now. We are just a duo single male.

I just smile foolishly and run to catch with his walking pace.

We catch a glimpse of wild goat and we case it. Without we realized, we already entered the deep forest. A Tiger jumps from the tree and bites the boat neck. After a little struggle, finally, the goat is dead. We are terrified. It's tiger, you know!!

The problem is not solved, but it's just started. The Tiger stare at us and start the assault. We desperately run but how could we defeat forest king speed?

I make up my mind and tell Tejo to call reinforcement. "Tejo! I will stale it! You go back to the tribe and call reinforcement!!"


"Just go! It's the only chance!"

I stopped my track and unsheath my parang. It's a kind of saber from Indonesian. After the tiger sees my parang, it stops and stares at me with a cold gaze. I manage to pull the agro. It completely ignores Tejo.

I start to run in another direction and the tiger runs to catch me. After running for half an hour, my body already full of scratch and my right arm is broken. I desperately run. Suddenly I feel I do not step on the ground. Right, I'm falling. I'm falling to narrow cave. After that, I lost consciousness.


I don't know how many days already passed when I regain my conscious. I feel my body lie down in the shallow pool of strange sticky liquid. But I'm sure this liquid heals me. I can feel my arm now. I try to sit up, but my body seems doesn't want to hear me.

This place is dark. Even my eyes can't see the ceiling. The only source of light is dim light from the cave entrance. It's away from me, and I don't know how my body was thrown here, not under the entrance.

Slowly my body healed. My eyes become adept to the darkness. And miraculously, I don't feel hungry.

I just hope Tejo will take care of my little sister. So, when I come out of this cave, I can see her smiles again. She is my only family. My parents already dead from beast horde before she can speak.

I already lost in time. I don't know how many days already passed. Now my body already healed. My muscle becomes harder but not overly robust. Actually, I want to climb up and get out of this cave to see my little sister as fast as possible. But after I can see clearly in the darkness, I see the suspicious stone. It seems the stone is cover a room or road inside. Like legendary thief den on Aladin legend.

Surprisingly, the stone is not overly heavy. I push it aside and I see a white room with two white chairs. No other things found inside. Of course, I enter without hesitation.

Suddenly an Old man appears and sits on the chair while seeing me with a gentle smile. He gesturing me to come over. I walk to the chair and sit opposite of the old man.

"Youngster, What do you want? To come here, The road is hard and you must full of determination."

"I don't know. I just fall into this cave after get cased by a tiger." I answer honestly.

"So, you don't know what this place is?" The Oldman ask again. He seems interested in me.

"Right, I just know that this is a room inside the underground cave," I answer honestly.

"Then, because you are the first guest after hundreds of years, I will grant you one wish. Anything!" Suddenly he becomes excited. I feel he is a suspicious person. Like an uncle who likes to kidnap the little girl. Alas, this era doesn't have police.

"I just want to become a good farmer. So, I can take care of my sister." I foolishly and innocently say my wish.

"Puff! Hahaha. Interesting, Interesting! Okay, I will grant your wish!" He lifts his hand and a wooden ring magically appear. He gives it to me.

"Is it really can make me become a good farmer?" I still doubt it. But it's rude to return the gift. So, I wear it on my left ring finger.

Suddenly my eye can't see anything. I close my eyes, when I open again, I arrive at a flat land. I walk straight and scan the entire land. But after 30 steps, I feel an invisible barrier obstruct me.

[Wellcome to spirit land!] A sudden strange voice comes into my mind.

"Who are you?!" I'm afraid of astral being to invade my body.

[I'm this land manager. Master can call me Manager.]

I calm down my mind and overcome my fear. All strange even that happens to me is mystical, why bother with this one?

"Then, can you tell me about this land?"

[This land is spirit land. In simple term is a land with abundant spiritual energy. It's very suitable to plant spiritual plant.]

"What about the spiritual plant?"

[A kind of rare plant that has good efficacy to the spiritual practitioner. It also has the potent effect on normal human.]


"Then how I can identify the spiritual plant?"

[If master willing, I can connect my spiritual appraisal ability to master eyes. It will automatically identify every plant that master sees.]

After all my curiosity satisfied, I wish to come out. With a blink, I already back to the white room. The old man still hangs his amiable smiles. Then he gives me a beautiful stone. It's similar to akik or agate stone and jade from Chinese. Without thinking, I accept it.

When it touches my hand, countless information enters my mind. A visual of body movement sequence, the explanation, and some note about it appear in my mind. Suddenly I feel familiar with the movement.

The second information is about elixir. A method to mix the herb and get optimum effect from it. From the note, the information is just basic of alchemy. To get intermediate grade alchemy, I need to complete grasp of basic alchemy.

"Thank you for visiting this old man. I will help you come out of this cave." With a gentle wave of his hand, I feel the gentle wind blow at me and in a blink, I already came out of the cave.

The forest is the same as before. Just some grass and the new sapling is new to me. Now is night time and I can clearly see in the darkness. Strangely, no beast or that tiger come at me. So, I arrive at my tribe village smoothly. But I feel somewhat different. The wooden wall looks more sturdy than before. Many outposts build behind the wall.

When I arrive at the gate, some guard stare at me and ask me, "Who are you?"

I don't recognize him. Maybe he is a new guard. "My name Katon Wahyu. I'm this tribe member."

"Wahyu? Are you Madam Ria relative?"

"Ria Wahyu?" I asked.


"Right, she is my family."

They escort me to Tribe head house. I puzzled with the guard. Why do they not escort me to my house?

Then I see two little children playing. All of them is female. The guard salutes at them and says "Little miss, can you tell your mom that her relative comes to visit."

"Okay!!" Then they run inside while shouting "Mom, your relative come to visit!!"