First Kill

A middle age woman comes out. Her face is beautiful even with the wrinkle in her eyes corner. I feel surprised, sorrow, and happy at the same time. Right, she is my sister, Ria. I estimate her age is around 35 years old. When I come out to hunt, she just 15 years old!! How much time did I spend in the cave?

Right now, my appearance is 20 or so years old young man. I know why she does not recognize me. My body also has changed so much.

Silently, my tears come out without I realize.

"Sir, why are you crying?" Ria asks me with a puzzled expression. Obviously, she does not recognize me, her elder brother.

"Are Tejo not take care of you properly?" I don't answer her. Instead, I ask her about Tejo.

"My husband always treat me very well. Why mister ask it?"

"Your husband?! Tejo is your husband?!" Heh, he seems to take care of my little sister thoroughly. He even takes advantage of her when I'm not around! It seems he needs some refreshment, hehe.

I ignore her and call Tejo loudly. "Jo!!! come out!!"

Ria doesn't know whats going on. At the moment she wants to ask me to calm down, Tejo comes out. His state same as my sister. He becomes old and his hair become white.

"Who shout at... Ughk!!" I punch his stomach before he finishes his speech.

"Are you feel great, heh? I just tell you to take care of my little sister. How could you dare to marry her?!!!" I still punch him on his face. I'm not satisfied enough!

Before I can land another punch, I hear Ria screaming. "Don't hit my husband!!!"

"Father! Father!!" Two little brat rush to help their dad.

Then she dashes to me and hit me with her little hand.

"Stop Ria, uhuk... Sam, It that you?" Tejo ask me after stopping his wife.

"Huh?" Ria stunned.

"Oh, you still remember me, Jo?" Then I turn my head to my little sister and say "Long time no see, My Lovely Sister?"

Okay, I do not blame her about it. I leave her for more than 20 years. It's miracle that Tejo still remembers me. After she recognizes me, she crying loudly. She hugs me while says, "Brother! wuwu Brother! hick."


I tell them about my experience with tiger and what I do in the cave. Of course, I do not tell them about the white room. What I experiencing is truly bizarre, so I decide to hide it from them. The mystic event is very very rare. So, not tell them is the best choice.

Because it's already midnight, I tell them to sleep. I sleep on the floor. After I sleep countless time in the cave, I feel the sleep on the floor is the best.

Then I enter my spirit land and begin training the set of movement. The movement is divided into three level. The first level is focused on muscle foundation. This is the easiest level because all human understands it. The purpose is to make the human muscle more solid. So, even without super intelligent, I can understand the gist.

When I start, I feel the training is easier in the mouth than done. I just do basic stance and my leg muscle already feels very hurt. Of course, I won't submit on the pain. I need to become strong to venture into the forest. I want to collect spiritual herb to fill this space.

My biggest obstacle is my sister. But she already happy, why bother?

I force my body to train and collapse in minutes. Magically, after some rest, I can continue the training. I repeat again and again until I can perform full sequence.

When I ask Manager why the training is so hurt, Manager tells me that my age is not suitable anymore to train martial art. If not because the elemental liquid in the underground cave, My body constitution is helpless. That liquid actually remolds my body, so I can train again.

When I wake up, my body is full of sweat. I go to the well and clean up my body. For some reason, my sweat is full of light brown substance and smelly. I hear from hearsay that this smelly sweat is impurities from my body. Drug, elixir, poison, and unhealthy food is the most top contributor to this impurities.

Then I eat breakfast with my little sister. I don't feel awkward with my sister appearance. She still my little sister, I will recognize her even if her face is destroyed. Her cooking is still the best. With Tejo as Tribe head, she can use many luxurious ingredients.

"Ria, what's your daughter's name?" I asked.

"The oldest is Diana Wahyu. The second is Anita Wahyu."

Then I ask them. "You two, what's your dream?"

"I want to be a powerful warrior like father!" Anita answer.

"I'm too. I want to be a warrior!!" Diana doesn't want to lose.

"Haha... I can train you to be a powerful warrior. But the training is very hard and full of pain. Why not become like your mother, good at cooking and house chores?"

"No! I want to be a warrior!" Anita answer with seriousness. But her face is very adorable even with her seriousness.

"I will protect the tribe!" Diana also very adorable with her antic.

"Okay! Uncle will help you train tomorrow. Today uncle wants to search some plant to plant in my farm."


"Brother, why are you want to enter the forest again?" Ria holds my hand firmly. She doesn't want me to enter the forest again after experience her lovely brother lost in the forest for many years.

"Don't worry. I will not enter the deep forest again." I pat her head and reassured her.

"Sam Keyton, be safe!" Tejo said to me.


I enter the forest again. I bring new parang and two knives. The metal weapon is rare because just big tribe have the technology to cast it. To get one knife, I need to prepare 3 goats. As for parang, it's more expensive.

As for hoe or another farm tools? Just dream about it. So, I need to create some source of income to buy customized metal tools. And sweet potato and cassava is the right choice. Now on the tribe just have rice, corn, and bean. With Sweat potato and cassava, they don't need to rely on rice or corn. The rice and corn commodity has an unstable price. So, merchant usually playing the price. They buy on the tribe is a very cheap price, but sell very expensive in the city.

With help of my eyes, I already dug many sweet potatoes. I have two type now, red and light brown. According to Manager database, the light brown sweet potato is sweeter than the red sweet potato. I tie the vine according to the type and put it in my bag. I also collected the sweet potato that already matures inside the ground.

Actually, I also want to collect the cassava. But it's already noon and I need to back home, or my sister will mad at me.

Suddenly a huge snake attempt to sneak attack me. I throw my bag and dodge it. I unsheath my parang and ready to fight. Using the only martial art I train I will kill it.

It a huge Flower Python, or Ulo Sowo Kembang. Ulo Sowo meaning is Python in Ancient Java Language, and Kembang meaning is Flower. Its skin pattern is similar to the yellow flower, that's why it's named Flower Python.

It wants to bite me but I dodge again and again. I'm rolling, jumping, dash, but suddenly the phyton changes the strategy and hit me with its tail. Without preparation, I just can parry with my arm.

"Pu!" I vomit mouthful blood. It's hurt a lot. My body pushed four steps backward from the impact.

I don't want to make my sister crying, I burn my brain for solutions. I feigning be weak and wait for the python to lower its defense. When the python wants to bite me, I slash the mouth. The python hissing in pain. This is a golden chance! I jump and thrust my parang into its eyes and penetrate to the brain.

After the python stop moving, I immediately drag it with my shoulder to the tribe. It's waste if not bring it to the tribe. They need meat to support their children meal and make them strong. As for why I need drag it fast, another beast will notice blood scent on the air and hunt me. Of course, I will not forget my bag.


When the gate guard sees me drag huge phyton, they just root on the spot. They feel fear and surprise at my performance, maybe. I admit that my appearance is slightly bloody and gruesome. So, they fear at me is normal.

The villager slowly gather on the road to watch me. Like the hero bring the glory to the tribe, they cheer to me.

"Mom, I want to be a strong warrior like that uncle!"

"Who is he? He is so strong!"

"Is he already have a wife?!!"


I arrive at tribe square and call my little sister. Before my little sister able to reprimands me, two little brat scream, "Woah! it's huge!"

"Uncle, tell me how uncle kills it!"

I ruffle their hair and says to my little sister, "Help me call villager to help to skin and divide the meat. Also, keep it, I will plant it on my farm tomorrow." I give my bag to her.

I don't care about the crowd. What I need is sleep. I hope spirit land can help me.