The Merchant Come

This afternoon, the village is very lively. Huge dead python lying down on the plaza square floor. After Katon put the dead python down, Ria and Tejo immediately mobilize able personnel to process the python. All available man and woman come to help to process the python. The python is too huge, so it needs much manpower to process.

"I surprise my brother-in-law strength is so strong," Tejo said to her wife with a brilliant smile. Now, he doesn't need to worry about meat for 3 days.

Right, this village needs meat, the huge amount of meat. Although bean also gives protein, meat still the best source of protein to help future generation growth.

"Em, but I still worry about him. Look at his wound, he must fight hard. I hope he will not annoy any dangerous thing." Ria sigh at her brother doing. She just wants her brother to be safe.

All the villager very happy when processing the meat. Hunt a beast is very difficult. Even to catch some goat, a villager needs much manpower. Now they can secure meat for 3 days, how could they not feel happy?

As for rearing the goat or boar? Forget it. Wild goat is not docile like the fable. And villager never able to get their cub.

After that, meat distributed fairly to the villager, a huge portion will go to the hunter, including python skin. It will be excellent clothes.


In the morning, two little brats wake me up. They urge me to teach them martial arts. Although I'm still sleepy, I don't have the heart to mad at them. They are too adorable. After breakfast with Tejo and my little sister, I bring two little brats to my farm.

As for the snake meat? It's already divided among the villagers. And I, as the hunter, get a huge portion and I give it to my sister. Her cuisine always very delicious.

Arrive at the farm, I teach them basic stance. Stance is most basic on martial arts. Every martial art needs good stance as a foundation.

"Basic stance is very important. It will give you more power to defend the impact when you engage in battle. I will demonstrate once. You must observe it and try to mimic it." I demonstrate the basic stance.

They do the stance. I correct if they do the wrong stance position. Using a wooden pole, I hit the body with the wrong posture. So, they can correct it properly.

"If you two can do this stance for 1 hour, I will teach you basic movement tomorrow. If not, you need to repeat it tomorrow. Hehe"

They shout loudly at me when they heard it. Hehe, they just little brat.

Then I go to my farm. Using the wood stick with the sharp point, I dug many holes neatly and orderly. The distance between the hole is around 30 cm. I divide my farm into two, the right part is light brown sweet potato, the left part is a red sweet potato.

According to Manager, sweet potato needs minimal 3 months to mature. Then I cut the vine with maximum length is about 5 cm. Then I plant it according to Manager instruction. Have manager as helper make planting progress become smooth and perfect.


After the seed all planted, I pick two little brats and carries them home. Their leg is shaky and they can't walk on their own. On the road, I tease them for their shaking legs. It's very funny!

On the night, I message their leg fo lessen the pain. Tomorrow they need to repeat it until their muscle remembers it. The good martial artist is who train properly and diligent. Actually, I don't want to message them. But my sister grumbles to me from we arrive at home until the night. I force my hand to massage the little brats. When I see their smug face, I have the urge to punch their faces.


In this weak, I don't go out to hunt. I focus to train my niece. Although they have determination, they still little brats. So, they need full of guidance and supervision. As for meat, I still have many. Oh right, I still don't understand why the meat does not rot after a weak? Based on a book that I read long ago, Just 3 days is enough to initiate the rotting process.

In a week, they manage to do their stance properly. So, I add basic movement with their stance. Although they are female, their aptitude is not bad. Or you can say excellent.

Within a month, they manage to master basic stance and basic movement. Now my task is more relaxed. Movement sequence is the combination of basic movement with basic stance. So, they just need to combine it, that's all. They also not complain again about pain to me. It's good...

Two months passed. The first level of basic martial arts already become warming up every morning. Tejo and Ria feel astonished with their children martial art progress. Their movement is full vigor and very smooth. Of course, the most credit is on me. I'm their uncle and their master.

I also add afternoon jog to train their stamina. They need to jog around the village at least one round. I don't want they have good martial art but lack stamina. They need to face danger when they enter the forest, for example, that fucking tiger. And run away from danger need huge stamina.

Now is the day merchant from big city come. They will trade metal tool, daily necessity, and some spice like salt and pepper. We also will sell our harvest to them according to the market price.

I pick some chili and tomato from the forest and hand it to my sister. She wants to make Sambal and Cemeding. Sambal is a mix of chili, tomato, and red onion. As for Cemeding, it's actually just boiled young sweet potato leaf. Although is very simple, the taste is good. My sister wants to serve this dish at the banquet.

To make merchant who come here feel comfortable, we will prepare the place for trading and some small-scale banquet. Basic trading is the same standing and good attitude to another party, right?

On the afternoon, Merchant caravan enters the village. Tejo brings them to village square as the place will be trading place tomorrow. Tejo also call some able man to help the merchant settle.

This merchant has a good relationship with this village. They won't buy our harvest cheaply. They also provide daily necessity with not overly expensive. Because of that, I voluntary help them build their tent.

The night comes. Tejo family and village elders come to the village square to attend the banquet. All dish already served. They eat happily with the merchant.

"Brother Jo, is it a new dish? what is it?" Merchant's head asked Tejo. He is a bearded man with a big belly. Typical rich man. His name is Leonardo. His name is similar to name from Europe Continent. Maybe his ancestor moves to Java before the catastrophe.

"This dish is innovation from my brother in law and my wife."

When he tries the Cemeding, the taste is weird, just boiled leaf. After added with sambal, it's just improved a bit. But when he eat it with rice and Tempe, he can't be helped to praise the dish.


"What delicious about this shitty dish?" A sudden rude voice comes from the merchant side. It's a woman voice.

A beautiful girl with a beautiful body and leg. She has the asset for her pride and rudeness. I just smile at her rude statement. Not all people love sambal and cemeding. I already on verge of death and verge on insanity, why bother about a small girl being rude. I just see it as little brat want some attention from her parents.

Watching me just smile, Tejo doesn't take it at heart.

"Sorry, bro. This is my little daughter. She just spoiled too much at home. She never goes out and never tastes another food outside the town." Merchant head immediately apologies to Tejo.

"Although it's doesn't matter, if you want to apologize, you must apologize to my brother, not me." Tejo answer with a smile. He also points at me.

"Little brother, on behalf of my daughter, please forgive her." He bows at me.

Merchant's head bows his head make his followers clamoring. Even his daughter give unsightly expression.

I nod and smile at him, and continue eating.


"Tejo bro, when my caravan on the way, we are attacked by a bandit group. My three guard has fallen when defending my caravan. You must be careful." Merchant's head gives a warning.

Tejo face turn solemn after heard it. Besides the village need to defend again the beast, they also need to defend again bandit.

"Can Leo bro give more info about the bandit?"

"According to what I heard from villagers on the way, the bandit is fierce and notorious. They will raid the caravan or village and take all valuable things. Including the woman. They have some strong leader too."

This matter seems troublesome enough.


Merchant tent.

"Father! Why you apologize to him? Even bow your head!" Beautiful female asks her father.

"Lisa, he is not a simple villager. Father already meet many people and father sure that he is a powerful combatant. And based on Tejo bro story, his brother-in-law can hunt huge adult python alone without a trap. And his wife just has one brother. You know what I mean right?"


"No but! Even bandit will think twice to attack this village!"

After Leo calm down his nerve, he looks his daughter with gentle eyes. Then he said, "Lisa, Even City Lord want to rope him, or at last have a good relationship with people like him. We are in the wilderness, and strength is absolute. Money is number five or six."

"Father, I understand." She lowers her head.

"You understand is good. I hope you can take his heart with your beauty. If not, just apologize and don't antagonize him, okay?"
