Body Cleansing Elixir, And Back Home

Inside spirit land, I practice my alchemist skill. The first thing I practice is controlling boiler apparatus. Fire is very important to maintain the right temperature. Like many wuxia novels, fire is part of alchemy. But not entirely depend on it. The right thing is, majority alchemy process need right temperature, be it cold, moderate or hot. Water is another element that the majority needed. So, don't blindly use fire only. The right proportion is the right way!

Actually, Alchemy is just method to mix one or more ingredient to make some medicine liquids. It including mixing, boiling, burning and others. So, to make an elixir, with exact same effect, alchemist need a recipe.

Every I fail to create it, Manager mercilessly tells me [Fail]. Of course, no consolation will be given.

Fortunately, Manager has it and it accelerates my progress. I just need 7 days of practice, and now, the elixir is done. This elixir name is Body Cleansing Elixir. From its name, this elixir has an effect to clean someone body from impurity. According to Manager, no one in this world knows about this elixir. Although it's like boasting, Manager always serious when handle matters. So, I believe it.

This elixir has a transparent black color. No scent leaked even I open the bottle cap. Or It can say that this elixir doesn't have a scent. Then I go to the nearest water source and drink the elixir. As for the beast want to eat me? I don't worry at all. I already release my aura to deter them.

Why I need a source of water? Based on Manager estimate, the impurities that will come out from my body will be greater than before. This elixir is very potent in cleaning someone body.


The taste is like water, with more sticky texture. I drink it in one go. Slowly my throat feels burning followed by my stomach and my body. My body feels more hot and hot. It's like my body is boiled in boiling water. Then crack sound comes from my entire body like my bone crumbling. Suddenly the pain is multiplied several times!

And now, I can't endure anymore. I shout out loud. The entire forest becomes restless after I shout it. Then I feel my conscious losing slowly. Maybe I will die here. Die the second time is more like a curse than a blessing.

But miraculously, my conscious draw in into spirit land. The soreness becomes half and something similar to breeze come to help me defend again the scorching hot from my body. But weirdly, I can't enter my body again. Like something holds my soul. Maybe this Spirit Land isolate my conscious with my body to prevent me become mad from the pain.

After so many days, finally, I regain my conscious. I open my eyes and see my hand full of black sticky and smelly liquid. Then I strip my clothes and jump into the water. To clean the liquid, I need half an hour of hard work. But the water is clear and fresh. Its pity to pollute the water. Fortunately, It's a river, so I don't have to worry to pollute it for a long time.

When I take a bath, No beast come here. Snake, crocodile, lizard, tiger, fish or other. Then, how could I hunt again if they afraid of me? The price of being strong is very high. I hope I can afford it.

After that, I wear new clothes and look at my reflection on the water. I feel that I become more handsome and suave. My body frame also more perfect. Then I slowly feel the surrounding spiritual energy. But after a long trial, I just feel a faint trace of it. It seems I need to complete all three level.

In three days, I train to hide my aura. When human practice martial arts, hide own aura is most have skill. Like I said before, someone can hunt beasts when he or she has a fearful aura. And the purpose of martial arts is not for killing the human, but to defend against the beast.

Then I ask the Manager.

"Manager, how much the day passed?"

[This cleansing process is 7 days.]

"Then how much times passed since I leave the village?"

[2 months and 23 days.]

"Oh shit! I need to harvest my sweet potato!"


"Wow! my body become lighter than before. My strength also improved greatly. Overall I feel like I get a new body."

Within 7 days, he already appears in the village wall. Now is already midnight. But I not immediately enter. I go to several hundred meters from the village gate and begin to dig a hole. I dug a huge hole after witness how big my coconut and mango. Inside spirit land, the two of them already bear fruit two times.

After I plant it, I Unload quarter beast I kill on the road. It's a great haul. I tie it with some vine from the forest and drag it to the gate.

"Welcome back, sir." The gate guards said it respectfully. Maybe this respect comes from every beast I bring every I back home.

"Em." I nod at them.

Then I go to Tejo house and sleep on the terrace. I put All beast corpse in front of Tejo house.


When morning comes, Many loud voices wake me up.

"Woah! look at these beasts! It looks ferocious. How strong Sir Katon now!"

"Right! He even measures sleep like nothing happen. It seems a hunting beast is like playing the game to him."

"I hear he is still single. Maybe he interested in my daughter? She is docile and beautiful."

"Haha! Sam Keyton, you bring many hauls this time! I don't know how to thank you..." It's Tejo voice.


"Haha, uncle back! Uncle must bring us to the forest to hunt!"

Two adorable little brats come and hug me. Their cuteness washes away my fatigue. I ruffle their hair and say "Your mother will kill me if she knows I bring you to the wilderness."

"Uncle must bring us to hunt next time!" Diana pouted. Ah, so adorable. It seems I need to create my own children.

[Master is different from normal human. Your chance to have a child with a normal human female is just 30%.]

"Why?" I ask Manager in my mind. It's rare to Manager speak on his initiative.

[Master will understand when Master tries it.]

Sigh... How could he make me try to do sex with any woman?

Then I focus again on my niece. "I can bring you two to the forest. But, you must get approval from your mother. As your father, just ignore him."

"Yay! Mother surely will give approval. Don't worry uncle!" Diana look optimist for the chance.

"Um um, don't worry!" Anita gives full support to her elder sister.

I just shake my head look at my little niece. Then I tell Tejo to process the corpse like before. Then I go to the dining room to eat my breakfast. My little sister craftmanship is the best!

When I arrive at the dining room, I see my sister prepare the breakfast at the table. Then she looks at me and greets, "Big brother, you back!"

"Um. I'm starving to the death!"

"Okay okay, wait for a minute. Hehe." She looks happy with it. I ruffle her hair and then sit down.


In front of the village head house. Many women come to participate in processing beast corpse. After the last python, the hunting team seldom success bring any beast home. So this beast corpse that Katon bring is the best gift for this village.

"Go make a team and process the beast. Every team process one beast. After one team finish their task, help another team, understand?!" Tejo organizes the fellow villager to work hard.
