Sleep On The Ground As Bed And Sky As Roof

In the afternoon, I bring my two little nieces to his farm. I want them to help me dig one of my sweet potato vines to check the sweet potato is mature enough to harvest. I want to make two little brats to taste the sweet potato.

"Uncle, the root is big! Look! The shape similar to Mama Berta leg!" Anita yells loudly at her sister.

At first, I feel happy to hear Anita say the sweet potato is big. But when she said the shape similar to Aunt Berta leg, I instantly slap her head. Although I don't want to admit it, the sweet potato that Anita dug is similar to an obese man leg.

"Uncle, you baddy!!!"

"Hahaha, who tell you to compare it with Mama Berta Leg! You and Diana go dig all of them. If you can dig all of it cleanly with just bare hand and finish before the sundown, I will give you a gift. Maybe I can make your mother allow you to hunt some beast." I entice them with the best bait.

"Uncle not lie to us, right?" Diana asks cautiously.

"Of course!"

"Yay!!!" They immediately begin to harvest my sweet potato.

I watch them have some fun when working in the field. It makes me remember when I still a teenager. I work hard on the field and my little sister mess with my work and laugh loudly. At that time, as long as my little sister is happy, I don't care about re-double my work. It just works anyway.

These two little brats have the similar face with her mother when she still kids. I can't protect them forever and I don't want the previous event happened again. The most secure protection is own ability. Not the parent or village guard can guard them forever. I also will venture into the deep forest after resting here for several months.

Let ask Manager about this elixir effect to my nieces.

[Master, your worry is too much. You must remember that your body is actually helpless in martial arts. But your two nieces is different. Beside their body is not overage, they already practice 1st level to the max and have good perceptions. So, basically, the danger is nonexistence to them.]

Sigh, How unfortunate I'm...

So, I decide to talk with Ria about herb to enhance two little brat power. But, let's see how many they can harvest.


"I want to enhance my two nieces. I want to bring them to hunt some beast in the forest." I tell Ria about my plan.

"Can they just stay in the village?" Ria asks me with tearful eyes.

"No, the warrior will never grow in the cage. Trust me, your children are the most talented martial artist I know. When I'm surely gone in the future, They can protect the village. You know that my actual age is more than 40 years old, right?"


"Please understand. And I already have a solution for another crop in the dry season. The name is the sweet potato..."

Tejo just silent and nods at my suggestion. He knows that this village actually not overly secure. Tejo gives his permission to me. And Tomorrow he will ask the fellow villager to spare some of the field space to plant sweet potato vine as the seedling.

Then I tell my two little brats to prepare what they need for hunting, especially weapon and bags.

When they hear that I can convince their mother, they begin to celebrate for their first hunting tomorrow. They even can't sleep until midnight. Hahaha...


And in the morning, their eyes become red because of lack of sleep. So, I forced to carry my little niece into the forest while they sleep. I walk slowly to the forest edge. Although it's just forest edge, if you not careful enough, you will die. I want to use my aura to repel all beast. But if I use it, these little brats will surely wake up.

I also appraise all plants that I can see with my eyes. Searching spirit plant is similar to search needle in the farmer house. Almost impossible! That's time in the city, if not for Blue Pomegranate exchange, I surely will find nothing.

When I arrive at the place I fall, I search the cave hole. But the hole seems to vanish without remains. How strange...

But with the bizarre even I see, It's not overly surprising. Then I place two sleeping brats on the ground and I prepare some firewood to create fire. Thankfully this forest doesn't have rhinoceros. So, my campfire will safe.

It's almost evening, so I need to cook some food for my little nieces for their dinner. I pick bull legs from spirit land and soak it in spicy sweet condiment I create when I have spare time. The ingredients are just chili, sugar liquid from sugar cane, salt, paper, and garlic. Then I create deep cuts around the meat. So, when it barbecued, The condiment will soak properly.

When the barbecue is ready, my nieces wake up from the delicious scent.

"Uncle, you cook it?!" Diana looks at me with disbelieve expression.

"Oh my gosh! Uncle can make food!!!" Anita even more exaggerated.

"Fuck you!! If you don't want to eat, I will eat them all!!" I feel irritated by my little nieces. Ah, how embarrassing! I'm 40 years old get teased by two little brats.

"Hahaha, sorry sorry! Uncle is the best chef in the world!!"

"Em, em, the best!"

Then they immediately pick up their portions and... eat it fast! Oh shit, if I do not immediately eat my portion, they will surely eat mine. And we eat like a hungry wolf.

I hope this joyful feeling will last forever. Star, Moon, or Almighty One, please give me the smooth road in my martial arts training. I just want a steady life and protect someone I love. I hope my martial arts is enough to keep them safe.