(not) Magic Training part.4

After the workout, I returned to my room and fell on the bed. Outside the window one could see the setting sun. I wanted to go to sleep at once, to have more strength for tomorrow, when I remembered about the book lying on my table. I fought my mind for a long moment, then took the book in my hand. Reading was very reluctant to me, because in order for the Translator to work properly, I had to focus my attention on the text, otherwise the text started to wave again, jumping between Latin and Polish.

For the first ten pages I have learned almost nothing new that Edmund did not say before. The only curiosity were the additions next to the main categories of magic on Uncategorized Magic or Exceptions. The spells related this magic are not related to any of the main branches of magic.

Among other things, the Translator and Magical Writings belong to this group as well as spells related to Spatial Magic and Time Magic. In theory, no matter what kind of magic the wizard uses, he can use any uncategorized magic, but in practice in the case of the latter two must have a lot of mana, talent, and years of arduous training, so they are not frequent. Next were detailed descriptions of the main categories, but I was too sleepy to read this, so I put down the book and fell asleep.


The next morning in the morning I immediately went to the training room, because I wanted to have more free time in the afternoon. Edmund was already there and he practiced himself at the shooting range. At a distance of 100 meters from him were set three shooting targets. He stared at it for a moment, then with a quick movement of his hand he took Desert Eagla from his holster and fired three times. All three bullets dug into the center of the discs. I felt like I was being fainted at the sight. At this moment, I decided to do two things. First, I have to learn to shoot like him. Second, never be on the opposite side of his weapon. Edmund noticed me and my reactions, then put on a proud expression.

"Haha, You would like to shoot like that, huh? Seeing that I nod my head, he took a serious attitude.

"If so then you have to practice, practice and exercise again. Maybe it looks amazing, but it took me years to master it to perfection, and besides, the enemy is not a shooting target. It moves, thinks and counterattacks, but we have a certain advantage in this matter, called magic. However, remember one thing. If you do not need to use magic to do the job, do not use it. I almost died myself because of stupid faith that she is unbeatable, so it's better to have something besides her. "He shook his weapon. " Understand?"

"Yes, Master."

"I enjoy it. Since we are already in this topic, from today I will also teach you how to use firearms and white weapons."

" White weapon? Do you mean swords and so on? "

" Not completely. I mean using knives and short blades. They are quiet and useful in assassinations. Besides, it's better to have some security if the opponent has come too close. "

After a short discussion of the modified training plan, the master returned to the story of magic

"Yesterday I discussed with you the magic of the elements and the definitions of magic. Today I will teach you about Soul Magic and Spiritual Magic. "

"Spiritual Magic is easy to understand. It involves the invocation of ghosts and familiars, so its synonym is the magic of summoning. You have to bear in mind that there are several factors that influence what you call and in what quantity.

"The first factor is how strong is the relationship between the magician and the world of spirits from which creatures like your Barghests come. Even a powerful magician without any connection with this world will not summon at least a turtle"

"The second factor is how much mana has a magician, because it depends on how strong the familiar is summoned".

"Another important issue is the character of the magician and familiar. For example, the summoning person is inherently a bad man, he will not contract a familiar who is inherently good."

The last factor is the compatibility of the magician with the element. The water mage will almost certainly summon a familiar or elemental water-related etc. "

Tailchaser wondered about something, but he shook his head. "

" Something happened?"

"Nothing important. And returning the last of the main branches of magic, that is, the Magic of the Soul is divided into light and darkness. Most magicians have a relationship with one of them, but they have too weak affinity to use it. However, it is through these two elements of the soul that there is war between the magicians. The most important thing about the elements of the Soul is their power to distort nature. Hundreds of years ago prevailed not so much the war as hunting on anyone who has even the slightest connection with the dark magic, but because of the Fall about 900 years ago as a result of betrayal, huge part of the powerful magicians of light died.The magicians of the dark gained power and influence to resist us. The war that took place lasted about 10 years. As a result, a large part of the magicians on both sides suffered death, which is why they decided to keep quiet ceasefire. With the exception of a few small skirmishes and degenerates which we Hunters deal with, peace prevails. Now, do you have any questions? "

" A few. First of all, is the magic of the dark really so dangerous that it must be exterminated? "

"99% of the magicians of light would surely say yes."

"And this one percent, about which I have a feeling that the master belongs to him?"

"Hoo, where does this premonition come from???"

"Because I still alive."

Edmund was clearly amazed that I had come to this myself. In total, it was not difficult, just look at my familiars. In addition, when I removed the aura necklace around me and Barghestów was quite dark so after his lecture the conclusion is one.

I am a magician of the dark.

Edmund did not say anything, but soon he began to laugh loudly.

"That's right, I belong to this one percent, like most of the hunters I met."

"Really?" Now I was surprised that the hunters, people intended to eliminate such mages, have a different point of view.

"You see, unlike the rest of the magicians, all the time we have contact with the worst individuals under the sun. It's not that we always only kill mages of darkness. We have no rarely eliminated the magicians of light, who supposedly should be great and good people, giving an example to others, and in fact they were the channels and trash that they repeatedly murdered or raped intoxicated with their power. On the other hand, we hardly ever met with the official, trained magicians of the dark who did such things, but only with outcasts they got rid of from their society. That's why I'm not going to judge people for what magic they use, but for what they use it for. "

"Is not it a problem that the Master took a dark magician as a disciple?"

"No, if no one will know about it." He winked knowingly. "It is enough that you will only use elemental magic, or spiritual magic, but I do not recommend using your current familiars, because as you have noticed, they are strongly related to the element of darkness.

" Next question. Are all mages divided into these two factions? "

" Absolutely not. To be honest, at least 1/5 of the magicians in the world have this conflict in the ass, especially those who think that in magic and in life there is a need for balance, like between day and night. The war took place mainly in Europe and the Middle East, on a small scale in Africa, and practically did not touch Asia, where all disputes between darkness and light resolve in their own way. Many mages are currently living in North America and there is also such a cold war. "

"How many magicians are currently in the world?"

"From 200 to 300 thousand of which a large part does not get into conflict, but I can not be sure of these numbers. Is that all you wanted to know? "

I nodded.

"Well, it's physical training now, then learning to shoot."


Over the following weeks, my day cycle looked similar. I spent most of my time learning from Edmund about magic, then exercises and finally learning about build and using weapons. I already had at least a pale notion of how the magicians' world looks like, and I read all the details and stories in the books. My routine was interrupted by one sentence by Edmund, pronounced in mid-December.

"You will not need your medallion from tomorrow."

(Wait, I must have heard you wrong.)

" Does it mean...?"

"Yes, you start practicing magical training from tomorrow."