Power and elements part.1

When I came down with familiars in the training room, there was a not-big table at the very center, on which there were five colored balls, 4 in a row and one in the middle in front of them. My Master was waiting next to me.

"Master, what are the orbs ?"

"As I said yesterday, from now on you will learn magic in practice, but first I need to know where we stand."

He took the blue orb in his hand and it began to shine brightly.

"These are special items related to particular elements. Thanks to them, you can check how strong affinity with a given power of nature is. This one here is the Sphere of water. As water is my main element, it shines the brightest of all. Now start with the photo of the medallion. "

By taking off the amulet, I again felt this strange, though pleasant feeling of energy circulating in my body, but this time I was more focused. I noticed Edmund watching me strangely.

"Do I have something on my face?"

" What? N-no, it's nothing. He shook his head. "So we will start from scratch. Concentrate on the power in your body. "

I closed my eyes. I focused on power, wanting to touch it and, surprisingly, after a few minutes I was able to.

"Good." Edmund said. "At the beginning, try to increase its flow slightly.

I looked at him questioningly, but he did not answer, so I was supposed to come by myself. I did not know how to go about it.

(Energy flows ... flows?)

I have!

I pictured my power as a flowing river. Now I imagined that its current accelerated, at the same time I felt that my power circulated faster. I kept this state for a while, after which I calmed her and opened my eyes.

The first thing I saw was Edmund with wide eyes and mouth.

(Haha, jaw fell, huh?)

Of course, I did not say it aloud, I just smiled brightly.

"And how?"

"This is ... quite a decent beginning, just do not try to fall into the self-rapture, because once you have succeeded, it does not mean that you succeed. Did you understand? "He looked at me with a stern expression.

"Yes, Master." I replied, still overjoyed.

Seeing this, Edmund only sighed.

"This today's youth." He muttered under his breath. Then he told me to come to the table. He pointed to the bullets in the middle.

"This crystal is used to measure the amount of magical power. The brighter it shines, the bigger it is. "

I reached out towards the crystal. After touching it, it started to shine, and the glow grew to a certain point, then ceased.

The master nodded.

"As I thought, you are Younger Magician between a Second and Third Stage.

Some time ago, he explained to me the divisions of power for mages, and it was as follows.

Student> Adept> Younger Magician> Magician> Higher Magician> Elder Magician> Archmage.

Each of these titles is divided into three levels, namely: beginner, advanced, top.

The Younger Magician is someone who has enough magical power and control over it to be able to wander freely around the world and at least a minimum of combat experience to defend himself.

"Now let's see what element you have the most affinity for. Start with the Water Sphere. "

Touching the ball, it only shone a bit more like a spark from the hearth.

"Hmm, it is a pity, with the magic of water science would go fastest. Now Earth Sphere.

In this case, the crystal glow was similar to a lit match. In turn, when I touched the Air Sphere, the glow was many times stronger than in the previous two.

"Not bad at all." Edmund said with satisfaction. "Probably it will be your main element."

(Air, what?)

One of the aspects of the wind is lightning, so I did not hit badly.

(Still a fire and we will start training.) I thought excited.

I caught the Fire Sphere and then ...