Special Dimension

"That's amazing!" Ethan couldn't believe what she just said, but Myra wouldn't just lie to him for no reason.

"So we are not going to this dimension?" Ethan seemed a little bit depressed about it, but he could also understand that going rather unprepared to a dangerous place would not be a good idea.

Myra would likely be fine on her own, but as she said, protecting everyone else at the same time was different.

They all decided to just let it go and let others worry about this strange dimension. It's not as if they didn't have enough other things to discuss and do.

Logan was showing Aaron around the village, telling him little titbits of Myra's childhood that made both of them laugh, obviously not while Myra was around.

Yvonne was happily dragging around Rae, spoiling her with sweets and watching her while the girl was running around the village, happily exploring.

Myra on the other hand was teaching Ethan as much magic as she could in the short amount of time. How could she not teach her own brother if she was teaching so many others already?

As his talent was exceptional, even better than Liam's it did not take him long to grasp many of the concepts she was telling him about, even if it would still take him several weeks to be able to do in practice what she told him in theory.

They were all having some relaxing time and enjoyed themselves, but it seemed like the peace would not last.

The next day there was a big commotion in the morning, waking them up from their sweet dreams and turning their relaxed slumber into a hectic process of getting dressed and taking a look at what was going on.

"You cannot just tell us to leave, who do you think you are?!"

"This mage is just trying to bully us because he has some powers. What audacity."

"Shut up, or do you want me to just kill you all?"

Myra and Aaron already frowned when they got closer to the village centre, where a large number of people were already gathered.

"What's going on?" Logan asked the other villagers and they quickly explained the situation to him.

As the strange dimension would soon open near the village, the group of mages following the person arguing with the other villagers wanted them to leave the area until the portal closed again.

"Why would they tell you to leave?" it didn't make much sense to Aaron.

"I think they want to close off the whole area so no one but them will be able to go in and get whatever treasures they can find inside."

Listening to their conversations Myra quickly stepped closer to this mage, who represented some Golden Pillar association of mages, who wanted to keep the special dimension and its treasures to themselves.

"As I already said, if you don't want me to kill you, leave this place!" he shouted once again, threatening the villagers with his aura who quickly retreated in fear.

"Hey, show us your claim!" Myra called out to him. With everyone else cowering due to the pressure of the mage, her voice could easily be heard.

"What are you talking about girl, I need no claims, just do as I say or there will be consequences!"

Myra just shook her head. "This is not your personal property. If you want to acquire it, you have to get official approval from the government and stake a claim. Once done, you receive a document signed by thirteen different officials that gives you the rights to the land."

"As you don't seem to have that, you can't tell anyone to move their houses, especially not people who live in an officially sanctioned village."

"The gleaming mountain range and Firestone are part of the Iven Barony, as such you would have to get approval from the Baron to claim any land and even then in order to move a whole village of people you would need to get the approval of at least a Duke representing the empire."

Myra mercilessly slaughtered the mage with words, who had not much arguments to defend himself.

It was not long ago that Myra acquired several pieces of property and she even had one property with a village close by. It was no surprise that she knew about many of all the little details when acquiring land.

The mage was obviously distraught as he could no longer claim to have any lawful justification to tell the villagers to leave.

Resorting to force was always the easiest thing though and the treasures of the special dimension were too important to his group to risk anyone else getting their hands on them just because he would back down due to a little dispute.

"I don't care about your muddled words about claims. Not only are you just spouting nonsense, but you disrupt our Golden Pillar's progress. I give you one last chance to pack your things and leave within the day, otherwise I will just burn down this ignorant village right alongside its villagers."

As if to give his statement some credence, he cast a large pillar of flame on a tree close by. The tree instantly started to burn, the flames consuming it in moments, only leaving ashes behind.

The faces of the villagers paled. They knew they had the law on their side, but until one of them could reach the Baron to call for aid, this group of people would be long gone and just deny any involvement.

"Fine, as this dimension thing seems to be the cause of our problems, I will help you solve it quickly."

One thing the mage didn't learn before coming here. Angering an already grumpy Myra, whose sleep was rudely interrupted was a very bad idea.

Her aura quickly surrounded the area, the pressure focused on the mage in front. The little mage was strong enough to bully some helpless villagers, or low level mages and knights but he was in no way any kind of expert and he quickly dropped to the ground like a stone, barely able to breathe.

Myra didn't even bother to hit him, she just kept her aura on him and prevented him to move around a lot, then she took him by his leg and rudely dragged him behind her, … , all the way up the mountain.

Even though the bodies of mages and knights were much tougher than normal people and they could defend themselves with aura, getting dragged up a mountain, pulled like some dead creature behind the person walking up was nevertheless a rather bad experience.

Bumps and stones hit the mage, making him scream in pain. The journey wouldn't kill him, but he would be so bruised that even as a mage he would take several days if not weeks to heal.

The other mages sitting at the top of the mountain could only stare at Myra, as she dragged their companion behind her. He looked really pitiful, but no one dared to intervene, not with the powerful aura of the young woman quickly telling them that even together they were no match for her.

Not just Aaron with Rae on his shoulders and Ethan were following her, even the villagers were trailing behind them, although with a good distance in between to not get into some fight between mages.

Myra could already see the portal that was forming in front of them. It was already stable, but not completely opened yet.

"As you all want to go into this dimension, I will speed up this process for you."

Just when she wanted to take a closer look at the portal, one of the mages pointed at the statue.

"She looks the same!" Murmurs could be heard. "Who is this girl?"

Before they could ask more questions, Myra had already forcefully opened the portal. The special dimension could be seen on the other side, it was like watching a totally different land inside a mirror.

No one stepped inside yet though, as Myra obviously had to tell them more.

"Who are you?" Myra asked the group of mages.

Hoping to curry favour with such a powerful person, one of them quickly introduced themselves.

"We are the elders of the Golden Pillar group. A group of likeminded mages who aim to restore an old artefact known as the golden pillars."

He wanted to explain more about their group, maybe even recruiting this woman for their cause, but to his disappointment, Myra had already returned her focus to something else.

All these mages looked excited. Never would they have believed that a young woman would be able to open the portal early. Maybe the idea to threaten the villagers wasn't bad, they would likely have to compensate their companion in the future for his suffering, but to them it seemed like it was totally worth it.

At least that's what they thought before Myra continued.

'Well' Myra thought to herself the irony not escaping her. 'They wanted a princess.'

"As the Baron is not here to make a judgement, neither are any of the officials of the Duke, or the Duke himself. It is therefore any higher official's responsibility to prevent the loss of life and make a ruling in their stead."

Now the frown on the mages was even bigger. The villagers might not have a good idea about the laws and regulations, but as educated people they had at least a basic understanding of Luminos' laws.

As Myra just said, in order to make a ruling instead of the Duke, who had the final say in anything related to his lands, except for the emperor's direct edict, an official had to be at least at the rank of a Duke themselves if not higher.

"Village elder, write down my words and send a copy each to the Royal Archives and the Duke's household as well as the city governments of the closest towns to add the edict on the proclamations list"

Aaron quickly helped them out by taking a magic crystal to record writings and handed it over to the elder.

The villagers were really confused, but they did not question anything Myra said. Who would argue with that powerful young woman who would even make these mages cower in fear?

"By the rights given to me, on this second day of Airn, I, Myra Elení Aer, Princess of the Royal Family of Luminos hereby call judgement."

"You have come to this peaceful area, not only to acquire treasures, but also caused a disturbance among the population, even threatened to kill these villagers without just cause in order to achieve nothing more than to further your own personal wealth."

"A powerful group of mages, elders of the Golden Pillars even, you held no regard for the laws of our empire, even going as far as ignoring my words and calling them a lie."

"As you chose to wilfully ignore our empire's laws, I hereby banish you from this empire."

"As you threatened our people's lives, due to greed, you shall get what you want. You will be banished to the very special dimension that you would see as a reason to cause harm."

"Do not return to our lands."

Now the mages started to look pale, all of them were afraid of what they just heard. Before they could argue with Myra though, they could already feel an immense power pushing them through the portal.

The villagers could still see the confused looks of the mages on the other side of this gate, before a massive spike of magical power crashed on top of the portal and utterly destroyed it.

Myra sighed once more before she turned around and started to leave.

"Let's go home."