A Magic Shop needs Magic Items

With the rather abrupt end of both the disturbance of the villager's lives, as well as the closing of the special dimension, things returned to a somewhat normal level again.

The villagers were still surprised about Myra's identity and had no idea how a princess would live with one of their families and call them mother and father, but in a way, as they had been living with Myra for years, they were already used to the rather mysterious circumstances and strange situations that always happened around her.

Myra had always been the odd one and today's incident was just reinforcing this idea. As she did what was best for the villagers, no one seemed to complain about how she did it.

The remaining day they spent with Myra's parents and Ethan was as relaxing as they all hoped it would be.

It was like a small vacation where they didn't have to travel around all the time, didn't have to bother about construction projects or about handling various workers and their requests and they also didn't have any tasks to complete that would keep them up late through the night, like completing paperwork.

Before they left the village, Myra put up some defences that they would be able to activate in case of an emergency. It might not be enough to defend the village against a strong enemy, but it would at least give people in the area enough time to send reinforcements.

It was also obvious that Myra's actions would cause many people to ask questions. Why would a princess have adoptive parents in a little village like Firestone?

Without the royal family releasing any kind of information or any statement about this, nothing would really change.

Many people would have questions, many would argue that Myra was not part of the royal family, but in the end they could still not do anything about it on their own.


They finally arrived back in Silverspire around noon at the next day. Aaron was happy that Myra's parents accepted both Rae and him completely and they even helped him out with little tips and tricks how to approach Myra.

While he was really close to her, closer than anyone else, he didn't know Myra and her habits for as long as her parents did. They could tell him more about her dreams and fears than he was able to find out on his own in the few months that they got to know each other.

It also couldn't hurt that Myra was now a lot more comfortable with their relationship. Most of her reluctance was for personal reasons, but the little bit of concern because she never even told her family at least was now resolved.

"Ha, we are back at the city. The countryside was so relaxing, I think we should visit them more often, it felt good to get away from all the hectic places and work for a little bit." Myra was full of energy again and ready to take on new challenges.

"If you like, I'm sure your parents would be happy to see you more often and with the help of our cat friends even the travel there is reasonably fast." Aaron had to admit, that the visit to Myra's parents was really revitalizing them, he would not have an issue going there again at some point.

"Yes, I need to make sure visit my new tree!" Even Rae had enjoyed the little holiday and meeting her grandparents.

Her grandma even planted a life tree for her. Though it was mostly symbolic, with Rae being the one planting it, Myra would not be surprised if it would grow up to become a very special tree. It only started as a little acorn seed and with a little bit of help from Rae's spirit item, it was already a sapling by the time they had to leave.

"We still have the remaining day to relax. Tomorrow while Rae is spending time with the other kids, we can continue our work." Aaron did his best to prevent Myra from taking on work right away.

They still didn't even spend a lot of time in their new home yet just relaxing and he knew that there were still some things that Myra wanted to add to the decoration of the rooms, but didn't yet find the time.

"Mhm, sounds good. I still want to rearrange some things. My wardrobe needs some work too. It's still way too chaotic as I usually carry everything in dimensional pouches. I also want to study a little bit with Rae."

"Her education so far was a little bit ... how should I say … shallow. I don't want her to feel unprepared when she faces some of those jerks with a sti… " Myra looked over at Rae, who was listening to all of their conversation.

She just remembered that it might not be a good idea to use such crude words and phrases in front of their child. "Well you know those people who are all self-righteous and picky about formalities and etiquette."

Aaron just agreed that it might not be a bad idea to prepare her for such situations. Myra was officially known as a princess and with starting their own kingdom, it would not hurt to have a good level of education for their daughter.

She was still young and did not muss a lot, but with children of nobles starting their education early, they did not want Rae to be left behind.

They were all busy for most of the remaining day, but most of the task were all about improving their home or their living situation. It was nice to see how such simple things could change their home so effectively. It felt much homier now and the rooms that were just nice looking before now had the touch of someone actually living here.

After dinner - this time it was prepared by Myra's mother and they could just heat it - Rae soon fell asleep in her room. As usual Brightpaws was occupying most of the bed. It was a surprise that Rae did not already fall off on the other side with how much space on the bed the little kitten conquered throughout a single night.

"Maybe I also try myself on some pieces of jewelry. With constantly worrying about how to keep Rae safe and how to channel enough power through that soul bound item of hers I think I figured out a better way how to improve the power I can use to enchant items as well."

"That would mean what exactly?" Aaron asked her right away. If something was going to explode, he wanted to be ready and prepared early on.

"Not much, only that I can use things beyond apprentice level magic on items now."

"I don't exactly think what you refer to as apprentice level would be seen as apprentice level by others as well. Where does your apprentice level end Myra?"

"Oh, not sure somewhere beyond violet grade magic power I guess." Myra never spent much thought on comparisons between her work and that of others, but she was rather confident, that it would be acceptable to sell those items at their shop.

Now Aaron on the other hand, didn't disagree with her at all that it would be as she said 'passable', quite the opposite.

He was just worried that soon, even people who normally did not have a lot of power and were limited by the currently available weak magic items, would quickly become dangerous just because Myra would equip them with tools to give them insane powers that were not innately theirs at all.

"Myra, please avoid enchanting any offensive spell to any items that we want to sell. I completely trust in the quality of your items but I don't think it is good to spread too much power like that around without being able to check these people in any way."

"We won't know what they will use the items for. They could use them to do harm. Let's try focusing on defensive treasures and some sort of supportive and miscellaneous magic for now, what do you think?"

Myra did not need to think long about Aaron's request. "That makes a lot of sense, we will do that. I start with something like shield spells and healing spells. As for weapons, well, I will not add overly drastic magic enchantments."

"Will they be some sort of one time use items?" Aaron only knew that stronger items, those of a grade that Myra wanted to make, would count as artefacts and were usually only for a single or a few uses before they would crumble to dust.

Myra frowned. "One time use? That sounds horrible! Wouldn't all my effort making the items go to waste if they had limited uses?!"

"So they will recharge themselves in some way?" Aaron still didn't have a very good understanding of what exactly they would be selling.

"Obviously they will do exactly that. That is the very minimum a novice has to know when making an item. Everything else does not deserve the name of a magic item, it's just some trash someone refused to throw away and instead used to scam others by selling it."

If any of those famous artificers would hear Myra's words now, they would be totally devastated. Some of their life's best works were one time use items and they were proud for these pieces.

"Any ideas what you will make already?"

"With the still limited materials we currently have I will start small. I will wait for the materials to arrive from our holdings to make more items and also increase the variety."

Myra quickly gave him a few examples of what she had in mind and showed him some design concept she had already drawn.

"You see, this ones are for the rings and pendant. I want to have some with various healing magic. We need something to heal wounds, maybe something to neutralize poisons or at least seal them to give the wearer time to reach a healer."

"Then we have protective treasures. Something with shield spells, something to protect against mental or spiritual assaults and then we have a line of cheap enchantments to protect against extreme cold, extreme heat, start a little fire even in cold weather where you have no flint and steel and they have a manual trigger to keep out rain. I think I call this last set of enchantments survival magic."

Aaron looked through all kinds of designs, wondering how she could always come up with so many different things in such a short time.

"What's this one? I've never seen such a spell."

Myra blushed and quickly grabbed the spell designs out of his hands. "Just some healing magic, nothing special."

"Healing magic? What's it for?" now that Myra behaved a little bit strange, Aaron got curious.

"It's for womanly issues, I'm not going to sell these items, but I might give them as gifts to friends. Amelia might like one and I already promised to make one for Alyn. It helps with pain and has a few miscellaneous spells included that come in handy sometimes."

"There is even magic for those kinds of troubles? That's rather impressive." Aaron remarked, but didn't ask further about the designs. It made sense that Myra would feel embarrassed to bring up such a topic while they were talking about magic designs.

"Mhm, well we will also have some defensive magic on clothes. I don't make them myself and really don't plan to make any. I get the normal clothes from a shop that I found. The owner makes really nice designs and has lots of variety and styles."

"I asked him to use special materials that are robust and easy to enchant for the pieces I get and then I take those and enchant them further with magic to resell them. People can even order custom clothes from him and then have me enchant it, but that will take time."

Aaron was really impressed how much thought Myra had already put into all of this. While they initially just wanted something to distract her and keep her from being bored, it took on a life of its own. Now it was all of them who had to keep up with Myra instead.

"There are also weapons, but these are all unique pieces and I will only sell them to people who deserve them. All of them include spirits, but my way of summoning them is very different from the way others use."

"They are not going through such torture like Stella did and unlikey those pieces they don't require a magic knight to use. They have enough sustaining enchantments included, to keep the spirit in good health."

Having her name called, Stella quickly appeared on Myra's shoulder and was promptly patted on her head. "Aiiy" the spirit happily shouted before disappearing again as she noticed that her presence wasn't required.

"Aww, enough about magic designs, I go take a bath and get ready for bed." Myra let out a little yawn, before stretching a bit and then headed for the bathroom.

'One of these days I will join you and we take a bath together.' Aaron thought, but as he knew that Myra was already tired, he saved up his ideas for another time.