Sending the Fox beyond Heaven

"Great Immortals… please lend me this lamp." The fox demon seemed to have guessed that everybody knew what the lamp could do. She began to beg, "I… I promise that I will return it in ten days. I beg you!"

"Whose Primordial Spirit are you trying to fix with this lamp?" Lonemoon frowned.

"I… I…" The fox demon looked up at Lan Hua, hesitated, and then looked around guiltily.

Lonemoon was not in the mood to wait for her to come up with a story. He immediately conjured a spell and shot it toward her.

"No!" The white fox panicked and tried to stop him, but it was too late.

In a moment, the mark of a spell appeared on the snow white fur of the fox. On the mark was written: Xin Han.

The white fox immediately became pale.

"Xin Han?" Who's that? Lonemoon turned around and asked, "Who has heard of this name?"

Everybody was shocked. One by one, they shook their heads.