The Divine Refining Clock

At Feng Luan Palace, Feng Tian continent.

Wu Hong, clad in blue, was pacing back and forth in the main hall of the palace. Boxes of seeds could be seen piled high on the floor and he turned every so often to question the immortal official at his side.

"Is this the new batch of immortal herb seeds that you found?"

"Yes, your highness. There are a total of 375000 varieties of herbs, ten seeds to each variety. These all first grade seeds, specially cultivated on immortal veins and guaranteed to sprout within two days of planting."

"All right." Wu Hong nodded his head. "Have you inspected them? Are you sure there are no spoiled seeds inside?"

"We've done ten rounds of inspection."

"Inspect again before we set out!" Frowning, he emphasized, "These are to be sent to the Exalted Goddess, every single one must be perfect, understand?"

"Yes, your highness."