Overpowering IQ

"Why did you think I closed the plane passages?" Shen Ying looked at the two.

Lonemoon answered without thinking, "To prevent… intruders?"

The corner of Shen Ying's mouth twitched. "Was your Chinese taught by your Math teacher?" Her eyes were full of disdain at his IQ.

"Uh…" Lonemoon fell silent. He suddenly missed that lazy girl from before.

"Only passing through not with normal methods makes an intrusion. Plane passage is the official passway for plane interactions. Have you seen such blatant intruders?"

"Then… sealing the passage… could it be to prevent Managers from coming?" Lonemoon stopped short, After a second he thought of something. "Shen Jing?" She did that with the purpose of preventing Shen Jing from coming?!

"Duh." Shen Ying frowned. "I don't know about other Manager, but if I go into dormancy, my sister…" Her face changed like she thought of something, "is sure to look for you for vengeance first."