Perfect Disguise

"Little Big Sister, Little Big Sister…" Radish was obviously used to being kicked aside. He quickly shot back up rolled back over. Splitting apart the leaves on his head, he offered the dandelion within to Shen Ying, as he did daily. "For… you!"

Shen Ying hesitated uncharacteristically. Her eyes widened at the unexpected offering of a flower. "For… for me?"

"Yes, yes, yes." Radish waved his leaves back and forth, nodding. "My flowers are the most beautiful, and they are only meant for Little Big Sister."

Something flashed across Shen Ying's eyes. She clenched her fists and stared at the dandelion, not reacting for a long while.

"Alright, Radish." Lonemoon stepped forward. "Do you have to give one every day? Shen Ying will not-"

Before he could finish, the woman next to him reached out and took the flower. She held it close to her body and muttered, "Thank… thank you."

The two of them: "…"
